Standard Actions Flashcards
What action must you take to Aid an ally with a task?
You must “prepare to aid” them in your turn with a single action, then use Aid as your reaction when they take the action you are aiding with.
What is the DC to Aid an ally with a task?
20, unless the task is particularly easy or hard.
What bonus do you give an ally when you Aid them with a task?
+1, unless you rolled a critical success, in which case +2/3/4 based on your proficiency in the action.
Under what circumstances are you unable to crawl while prone?
If your Speed is reduced to 10’ or less.
How far do you move when you Crawl?
5’, no matter your Speed.
After Delaying, what restrictions apply to the character until they return to the initiative order?
They cannot take Reactions.
How many actions does it take to fall prone?
What skill and DC are used to try to escape from being grabbed or restrained?
Unarmed attack, athletics, or acrobatics, whichever is best; vs Athletics DC, Thivery DC, spell DC or other escape DC.
What is the benefit of rolling a critical success on an Escape check?
You can move 5’ after escaping.
How many actions does it take to look for a hidden creature?
1, using the Seek action.
How many actions does it take to stand up from prone?
How can a flying creature move away from an opponent without facing an Attack of Opportunity?
Unless it has a special ability allowing it to do so, it can’t. Step can only be used with land speed.
How is it possible to gain the benefits of standard cover in an open area?
By dropping Prone and taking the Take Cover action.
What is the disadvantage of looking away in order to avoid a medusa’s petrifying gaze?
You have to spend one of your three action on Avert Gaze. There is no other penalty.
If you are falling and fall past an edge, what is the required save and DC to catch the edge?
Reflex save, against the climb DC of the edge or surface.
How many actions does it take to tell your allies about the location of a hidden enemy?
One. Although speaking is normally a free action, this is the Point Out action.
What is the roll modifier and DC to move through an enemy’s space?
Acrobatics vs Reflex DC (Tumble Through action)
How far does a character move on a successful Climb check?
5’ per 20’ of their land speed, with an extra 5’ if they rolled a critical success.
If a character fails a Climb check, how do you establish if they fall or not?
They fall only if they rolled a critical failure.
What is the roll modifier and DC to grab an opponent?
Athletics vs Fortitude DC.
What is the DC of an Athletics check to leap a 20’ gap?
- It is equal to the number of feet jumped.
What is the roll modifier and DC to shove an opponent away from you?
Athletics vs Fortitude DC.
What is the roll modifier and DC to disarm an opponent?
Athletics vs Reflex DC.
What is the roll modifier and DC to attempt to mislead an opponent with a feint?
Deception vs Perception DC.
What is the roll modifier and DC to attempt to distract a creature so that you can sneak away?
Deception vs Perception DC(s).
What is the roll modifier and DC to attempt to demoralize an opponent in combat?
Intimidation vs Will DC.