Statuses Flashcards
What is the effect of the Blinded status?
All normal terrain is difficult; you can’t see; you automatically critically fail perception checks requiring sight; you get -4 status to all Perception checks if vision is your only precise sense; you are immune to visual effects; you are no longer dazzled.
What is the effect of the Broken condition?
A Broken item no longer provides any bonuses (but still provides penalties), except for broken armor, which adds a status penalty of -1, -2, or -3 based on weight.
What is the effect of the Clumsy X condition?
You take -X status to Dexterity-based checks and DCs.
What is the effect of the Confused condition?
You are flat-footed, do not consider anyone your ally, can’t delay, ready, or use reactions; and use all actions to Strike or cast offensive spells on random targets, or facilitate attacks on random targets. If you have no viable targets, you automatically hit (not critically) yourself; if it’s not possible to do so, your actions are wasted.
What is the effect of the Controlled condition?
Someone else makes all decisions about your actions.
What is the effect of the Dazzled condition?
If vision is your only precise sense, all creatures and objects are concealed to you.
What is the effect of the Deafened condition?
You automatically critically fail perception checks requiring hearing; you take -2 status to Perception for initiative and any checks incidentally involving sound; you must make a Flat 5 check whenever you make an Auditory action or lose it; you are immune to Auditory effects.
What is the effect of the Doomed X condition?
The dying value at which you die is reduced by X.
What is the effect of the Drained X condition?
You take -X to all Con-based checks (but not DCs), and lose maximum hit points equal to your level times X. Drained decreased by 1 at each long rest.
What is the effect of the Encumbered condition?
Clumsy 1 and -10’ to all Speeds, but Speed cannot be reduced below 5’.
What is the effect of the Enfeebled X condition?
You take -X status to all Strength-based checks and DCs.
What is the effect of the Fascinated condition?
You take -2 status to Perception and skill checks; you can’t use Concentrate action sthat aren’t related to what you’re fascinated by.
What ends the Confused condition?
Each time you take damage from an attack or spell, make a Flat 11 check to end the confusion.
What ends the Doomed X condition?
Your doomed value decreases by 1 each time you full rest.
What ends the Fascinated condition?
If a creature makes hostile action against you or your allies.
What is the effect of being Flat-footed?
-2 circumstance to AC.
What is the effect of the Fleeing condition?
You must spend all actions trying to escape the thing you are Fleeing from or facilitating your escape. You can’t delay or ready.
What is the effect of the Frightened X condition?
You take -X status to all checks and DCs. At the end of each turn, this value decreases by 1.
What is the effect of being Grabbed?
You are flat-footed (-2 AC), immobilized (can’t use Move actions and anything external moving you must check against the grabbing creature’s Fortitude DC), and must Flat 5 if you attempt any Manipulate action or lose it.
What is the effect of being Immobilized?
You can’t use any Move action. If something is holding you in place and something external would move you, it must make an appropriate check against either the immobilizing effect’s DC or the relevant defense of the creature holding you.
What is the effect of being Paralyzed?
You are flat-footed (-2 AC) and can only Recall Knowledge or take mental actions, not including Seeking.
What is the effect of Persistent Damage X or dX?
You take X damage at the end of each turn; if X is a dice expression, the dice are rolled anew each time. Then, Flat 15 to end the persistent damage.
What is the effect of the Petrified condition?
You become an object with double your normal Bulk, AC 9, Hardness 8, and your previous current HP. You can be destroyed, but not Broken.
What is the effect of being Prone?
You are flat-footed (-2 AC), take -2 circumstance to attacks. The only Move actions you can take are Crawling and Standing. You can Take Cover even if you don’t have an object to hide behind.
What happens if a creature is knocked prone while flying?
It falls.
What happens if a creature is knocked prone while swimming?
A creature cannot be knocked prone while swimming.
What is the effect of the Quickened condition?
You gain 1 additional action at the start of your turn each round. The effect that Quickened you may limit what you can use this action for.
What happens if a creature is Quickened by multiple sources?
They gain only 1 additional action, but can use it for any of the purposes allowed by the multiple effects Quickening them.
What is the effect of the Restrained condition?
You are flat-footed (-2 circumstance AC), immobilized (can’t Move and anything moving you must check against a DC determined by what is restraining you) and you can’t use any Attack or Manipulate actions other than Escape and Force Open.
What is the effect of the Sickened X condition?
-X status to all checks and DCs, and cannot willingly ingest anything.
How can a PC end the effect of the Sickened X condition?
By spending an action to retch, they make attempt a Fort save against the DC of the sickening effect. On a success it is reduced by 1, on a critical by 2.
What is the effect of the Slowed X condition?
The number of actions you get on your turn is reduced by X.
What is the effect of the Stunned X condition?
You cannot act. Each action you would get instead reduced Stunned by 1.
How do the Slowed and Stunned conditions interact?
Stunned overrides slowed; if you are slowed when stunned ends, actions lost to being stunned also count towards those lost due to being slowed.
What is the effect of the Stupefied X condition?
-X status on all mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) checks and DCs. Any time you attempt to cast a spell, you must Flat 5+X or lose the spell.
What is the effect of being Unconscious?
You take -4 status to AC, Perception, and Reflex; are Blinded and Flat-footed, fall prone and drop anything you are holding; and can’t act.
How can you recover from being Unconscious while on at least 1 hit point?
An ally can Interact to shake you awake; if you take any damage that does not reduce you to 0HP; you are healed; or you make a Perception check at the start of your turn against the DC to hear loud noise nearby.
What is the effect of the Wounded X condition?
If you gain the Dying condition, you increase the starting Dying value by X.
How can you recover from the Wounded X condition?
Be healed for any amount with Treat Wounds; or rest for 10 minutes once on full Hit Points.
What happens if a character who is suffering Persistent Damage takes the Delay action?
The damage is applied immediately, not at the point when they act.
What happens if a character who is suffering Persistent Damage takes more Persistent Damage?
If it is of a different type, the conditions stack. If it is of the same type, only the higher damage value is used.
How many actions does it take, by default, for a character to try to recover from Persistent Damage or help an ally do so?
2 standard actions, assuming that there isn’t an obvious alternative action that makes sense (eg, running into a pool of water to put out fire)