Water and Major Minerals Flashcards
Where is water?
Intracellular (66%)
Extracellular (33%)
Total Body Water
(TBW) =
Functions of water in the body
solutes dissolve in solvent to form solution
Water regulates body fluids by controlling fluid shifts in and out of cells. This is called what process?
Provide an example
“Everywhere _____ goes, _______ flows”
salt, water
What are some common electrolytes?
SOdium (Na+)
Potassium (K+)
Chloride (Cl-)
Electrolytes are _____ that dissolve in _____
______&_____ attract water
As cells move electrolytes in & out, water follow enabled by ______ _______
salts, water
anions, cations
osmotic pressure
Osmotic pressure moves water across membranes in presence of ________ _______
concentration gradient
- O2 drawn to _____ cation
H + drawn to _________ anion
Cells need to maintain their fluid balance
What happens when a red blood cell is placed into a solution containing fewer sodium ions than are present inside the cell?
Water flows into the cell, which swells and may burst
What happens when a red blood cell is placed into a solution containing more sodium ions than are present inside the cell?
water flows out of the cell, which shrivels
what organ is a major regulator of body water content and ion concentration
Some minerals/waste collect into crystal causing ______ _____
kidney stones
Kidneys also remove ______ products
Regulation of Water Loss (increase or decrease the amount of water excreted in urine)
When solute in blood is high _______ secreted form the ______ ________ tells kidneys to _______ _______ (Decrease the amount lost in urine)
pituitary gland
reabsorb water
When solute in blood is low, _________ decreases so less water is _________(increase loss in urine)
Therefore ADH is secreted in response to __________
Hypohydration is ________
Hyperhydration is __________
excessive fluid intake
Hyponatrmeia is ________
the sodium level in the blood is below normal
Hypernatremia is ______
excess sodium level in the blood
Hydration Level Indicator: Thirst
This sensation will not stimulate drinking behaviour until some degree of ________ has already occurred.
acute water toxicity
Not as common as dehydration but more dangerous!
Water intake exceeds fluid losses
Associated with __________