e (also known as rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage, junk, litter, and ort) is
unwanted or useless materials. In biology, waste is any of the many unwanted
substances or toxins that are expelled from living organisms, metabolic waste;
such as urea and sweat
“substances or objects which are disposed of or are intended to be disposed of or are required to be disposed of by the provisions of the law”
Basel Convention Definition of Wastes
“any operation which may lead to resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses (Annex IVB of the Basel convention)”
U.N.S.D means
United Nations Statistics Division
Produced by the United Nations Statistics Division (U.N.S.D.): ______________are materials that are not prime products (that is products produced for the market) for which the generator has no further use in terms of his/her own purposes of production, transformation or consumption, and of which he/she wants to dispose.
____________ may be generated during the extraction of raw materials, the processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, and other human activities. Residuals recycled or reused at the place of generation are excluded.”
Wastes may be generated during the __________________________, the processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, and other human activities.
extraction of raw materials
Clinical Laboratories and other health care institution are ________________. It is a common knowledge that certain categories of waste from these institutions are potentially hazardous of all wastes generated by the community.
wastes generators
This type of waste does not pose
special handling problem or hazard
to human health or to the
It comes mostly from the administrative and housekeeping functions of the hospital and may also include the waste generated during the waste generated during maintenance of the hospital premises.
This type of waste is suspected to contain
pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi) in sufficient concentration or quantity to cause disease in susceptible host. T
includes tissues, organs,
body parts, human fetus, blood and other
body fluids.
Pathologic waste
A huge amount of laboratory
wastes are considered as pathologic due to
the nature of laboratory work and specimen
requirements of various laboratory tests.
Pathologic waste
a medical term that to devices with sharp. Sharps refers points and edges that can
puncture the skin.
This category of waste included needles, scalpels, syringes ,saws, broken glass, infusion sets, knives, nails and any other item that can cut or puncture wounds.
Genotoxic waste includes certain cytostatic drugs, vomit, urine or feces from patient treated with cytostatic drugs, chemical and radioactive materials
Genotoxic Waste
This type of waste is highly
hazardous and may have at
least mutagenic, teratogenic
or carcinogenic properties
Genotoxic Waste
This class of waste consists of discarded solid, liquids and gaseous chemicals from diagnostic processes, cleaning, housekeeping and disinfecting procedures.
Chemical Waste
Chemical waste is considered
hazardous and may have at
least mutagenic, teratogenic or
carcinogenic properties
Chemical Waste
Storage of inert gases used in health care in pressurized cylinders catridges aerosols cans belong to this category
_________________ at source should always be the responsibility of procedures; thus patients should be made aware of their roles on handling waste of the health hazards associated with contamination of infectious materials
______________ should be made available to the health care personnel who collect and handle health care
Personnel protective equipment
Personnel and patients should be made fully aware of the need to exercise extreme caution when handling substances which are to be discarded as waste
• Waste Handling
Its implementation requires the direct
involvement of the hospital’s maintenance ,
housekeeping, motor pool and cooperation
of all health care personnel.
waste collection
Non infectious Dry waste color ________
Non infectious Wet waste color _____
Infectious and Pathologic Waste color ________
Chemical waste with Heavy
Metals color _____________
yellow with black band
Radioactive Waste
Sharps and Pressurized
Containers color _________
All health care waste should be collected and
stored in waste storage area until transported
to a designated off site ___________
treatment facility.