War With Spain (1585-88) Flashcards
When was the Treaty of Joinville signed and what did it mean for Elizabeth?
1584, meant Elizabeth couldn’t avoid direct intervention in the Netherlands
What did Dutch Protestant Representatives offer in June 1585?
Offered Elizabeth to be sovreign of Netherlands
Why did Elizabeth refuse to be the sovreign of Netherlands?
This would be deposing Philip II
When was Treaty of Nonsuch signed and what did it do?
August 1585, effectively put Spain and England at war
What happened instead after Philip assumed England wouldn’t intervene in Netherlands?
7400 troops and Robert Dudley went to work with the Dutch rebels’ government
Why did Elizabeth send Drake to Spanish New World in October 1585?
To disrupt Philip’s flow of resources
How did Philip retaliate to Drake stopping Philips flow of rescources in New World?
Got angry and told pope he would invade England at the end of the year
What was Elizabeth still hoping to do during the war with Spain?
Negotiate with Spain
Why couldn’t Roberty Dudley initially start a large campaign?
Wasn’t given enough money or supplies
What title did Dudley accept in January 1586 and why did it anger Elizabeth?
Accepted to be Governor General of Netherlands on behalf of Elizabeth. Angered Elizabeth as it implied Philip was being deposed as king of Netherlands
How did English make progress in Netherlands in Summer of 1586?
Slowed Duke of Parma advances, some forts outside Zutphen taken by English but
How did Dutch people find it hard to trust Dudley?
After a fort was lost in January, Dudley defected it to Spanish with Sir William Stanley. Dutch didn’t trust him as he appointed Stanley
When did Dudley go back to Netherlands?
June 1587
How was Dudley’s second attempt in Netherlands better?
Still not enough money or supplies but caused Duke of Parma enough problems to prevent him from taking any deep-water ports
Why was it important that Dudley stopped Parma taking deep-water ports?
Important in Spain’s failure of the Armada
When did Dudley return to England for good?
End of 1587
What are reasons why the English campaign in Netherlands wasn’t successful?
. Elizabeth never fully committed to rebels as she still hoped to negotiate with Spain
. Dudley wanted to make Netherlands independent, but Elizabeth wanted Netherlands to be governed how it was in 1548.
. English and Dutch relations poor now due to Elizabeth’s lack of commitment
When did Spain start preparing for the Armada?
Sicne January 1586
What happened in March 1587?
Ezliabeth ordered Drake to attack the Spanish navy
What happened on the 19th April 1587?
Drake destroyed 30 ships over three days in Cadiz Harbour, Spain’s most important Atlantic port
What did Drake try to do after attacking Cadiz harbour and was it successful?
Tried to capture Spanish ships carrying treasure from Spain’s New World colonies. Only 1 was captured but Armada was delayed by a year as Spain ahad to defend from Drake, giving England more time to prepare