Settlement Of Religion Flashcards
How long did Catholicism dominate Western Europe?
Until 1517
What were important marks for Catholicism?
Confessions were vital, and religious festivals such as Plough Sunday in January marked the agricultural year. Religion guided morals, behaviour and understanding of the world.
Why did the Reformation begin?
As roman Catholic Church was becoming corrupt, so protestants abandoned Catholocisim and established own churches without the pope
When was the English Reformation and what was it?
1532, Henry VIII created the Church Of England
How did the English Reformation tear Europe apart?
Century-long beliefs were being challenged
How is the hierarchy of Catholicism seen?
Pope is Head of Church then cardinals
How did Catholics have the Bible and run mass, and policy on marriage?
Bible should be in Latin, Church can forgive sins, priests should wear special clothing and priests cannot marry
How was Protestantism different to Catholicism?
No pope or need for cardinals. Bible can be in own language, only God can forgive sins, priests can wear whatever and can marry
What religion was Elizabeth?
Why did Elizabeth fear the fighting between Protestants and Catholics would spread to England?
MQS was a Catholic replacement for her
When did religion need changing in England and how could it be changed?
In 1558 through an Act of Parliament
Who would and wouldn’t agree with an Act of Parliament on changing religion?
House of Commons would agree but Lords had many Catholic bishops
What did some priests refuse to work in?
Protestant churches
Which counties were especially Catholic?
Remote counties such as Lancashire
How did Protestant ideas often come into England?
Through London and South-East England as they had close links with Netherlands and German states, which were increasingly protestant
Who were Puritans?
Protestants who were endangered by Mary I came back with extreme beliefs
How would Puritan churches ideally be?
Basic, without altars or special clothing found in some Protestant churches that Elizabeth liked
When was the religious settlement created?
Why was the religious settlement created?
To try to prevent a civil war of religion.
What changes in the religious settlement did puritans mostly have a problem with?
Act of Uniformity and Act of Supremacy
How did Elizabeth and Puritans not agree in the religious settlement?
Elizabeth wanted a Catholic ‘feel’ in churches but the puritans didn’t really accept this as they wanted their own form of church
Why was Elizabeth against puritan ideas?
They would endanger the throne
What did the Act of Supremacy state?
Made Elizabeth supreme governor of the Church of England. Clergy and religious officials had to swear the oath of allegiance. Ecclesiastical High Commission had to maintain discipline within churches and enforce the religious settlement
What did the Act of Uniformity state?
Changed the appearance of churches and the form of services. Book of common prayer used by all churches on how to run services. Anyone who refused was punished. Priests had to where special clothing. Everyone had to attend Church on holy days or you were fined 1 shilling per absence.
What made fines a big deal depending on your place in society?
Labourers’ Act of 1563
Who issued the Royal Injunctions and what for?
William Cecil to outline a range of issues and reinforce the other acts of the religious settlement, including how to worship God.
What was stated in the Royal Injunctions?
Pilgrimages to ‘fake miracles’ were banned (angered Catholics)
Allowed images in Church (Puritans disagreed as worshipping false idols but makinf Catholics happy)
How did Elizabeth expect Catholic faith to die out in England?
As clergy died out
How many priests accepted the oath of allegiance to the Act of Supremacy?
How many bishops agreed to the oath of allegiance and what happened to the rest?
1, rest had to step down
What did the stepping down of bishops allow Elizabeth to do?
Put 27 protestants in place
Did most ordinary people accept the settlement?
What was mostly liked about the religious settlement?
Book of common prayer as it was vague enough to be interpreted differently
Where were changes to services slow?
In places like Lancashire
Why didn’t Elizabeth want to enforce settlement too strongly?
Would cause problems
What is evidence that the religious settlement was very controversial in London?
There was destruction of church ornaments and saint statues
What was central in village life?
Parish churches
What did Church courts deal with? (CofE)
Minorly dealt with mral issues including marriage and sexual offences. Dealt with wills, proving the, valid before inheritance
What was dealt with by ordinary court?
Offences such as robbery
What did the Church of England do in society?
Ran church courts, enforced religious settlement, legitimised monarch power and gave guidance to communities.
What were visitations?
When bishops checked if people had taken the oath of supremacy and were following the settlement.
What happened in visitations that Elizabeth didn’t want?
Destruction of decorations and statues
When was first visitation and how many clergy dismissed?
1559, 400 clergy dismissed
How often did visitations happen after first one?
Once every 3 years
How did church use visitations to monitor other professions for the government to know?
Didn’t just make clergy present licenses but teachers, lawyers etc.