Challenges To The Religious Settlement Flashcards
Why did Puritans challenge Elizabeth’s authority?
They disagreed with the new religious settlement and disobeyed parts of it
What was the crucific controversy?
Crucifixes showed Jesus dying on the cross and Puritans believed this was worshipping false idols. In the settlement, Elizabeth said each church must display a crucifix to not anger Catholics
When did Elizabeth remove the need for crucifixes?
After Puritan bishops threatened to resign as there wasn’t enough protestant clergymen to replace them
Where did Elizabeth insist on keeping a crucifix?
In the royal chapel
What was the vestement controversy?
Elizabeth wanted priests to wear colours, but some puritan clergy decided to wear plain vestements as they didn’t want to stand out, despited stated to do so in the Royal Injunctions
Why did Catholics believe coloured vestements were needed?
As it separated humans from God
What did Matthew Parker (archbishop of Canterbury) do in 1566?
Issued further rules to priests in ‘book of advertisements’
Why was there an exhibition in London and how many priests didn’t attend?
To show priests what to wear and 37 priests didn’t attend, losing their posts.
Which religious settlement controversy was less opposed?
Vestement controversy
What was the pope doing against protestants at the start of Elizabeth’s reign?
Beginning a counter-reformation and trying to start a war againsr protestants.
Why was it bad that the pope was taking action against protestants?
The pope held all the power in Catholicism
When did the pope issue instructions not to attend Church of England services?
Why was Elizabeth fairly light on rule breaking of religious settlement?
Didn’t want to mess with the pope
What was the consequence for repeat offences to the religious settlement?
Imprisonment and loss of jobs
How much of the nobility were Catholic and why was this a problem?
1/3, held power in House of common and Lords and in large numbers
Where were nobility mostly situated and give examples?
In the North such as Northumberland and Westmorland
Who had reduced power after Elizabeth came to power?
Northern earls such as Northumberland and Westmorland
Who were Elizabeths’s favourites?
Robert Dudley and William Cecil
What is evidence that Elizabeth believed the northern earls were dangerous?
Her reaction to the revolt of the northern earls in public executions
Which three countries had growing protestant populations?
France, Scotland and Netherlands
What is an example of a dominant catholic power in England during Elizabeth’s reign that threatened her?
The Holy Roman Empire
What did a religious war in France in 1562 allow for Elizabeth?
An opportunity for Elizabeth to ally with French protestants but the French made peace with Catholics
What happened after French religions made peace in 1562?
Elizabeth was left signing the Treaty of Troyes - Calais was owned by France
Explain how Spain was powerful?
It had a powerful army, King Philip II was a strict Catholic and owned the Netherlands
What did Philip do in 1563 and why?
Stopped cloth imports with England as he was worried about protestantism spreading in the Netherlands
How did Elizabeth retaliate to Philip stopping cloth imports?
Stopped trades with Netherlands, damaging economies for a year.
Why was Elizabeth concerned about France and Spain?
Thought they will ally
What was Netherlands known as under Spanish control?
Spanish Netherlands
When did Dutch Revolt break out and why?
In 1566 as Philip brought Spanish inquisition into Netherlands, interfering too much in Dutch affairs.
When was Dutch Revolt defeated and by how many men?
In 1568 by 10,000 men sent by the Duke of Alba
What did Alba establish in the Netherlands after the Dutch revolt?
The Council of troubles which enforced Catholicism and obedience to the Spanish crown
What was so devestating about the council of troubles?
Ignored law and many protestants were killed for protesting, making many Dutch protestants flee
Why did Elizabeth openly condemn Dutch rebels coming to England?
Alba’s army was scarily close to England and Elizabeth wanted to avoid war. It was believed Spain wanted to completely wipe out Protestantism so Elizabeth was afraid of Alba’s presence in the Netherlands.
How was Elizabeth torn over what to do with protestants in Netherlands?
Knew a war with Spain would be a loss and cause a civil war in England but she also knew the danger posed by the Spanish mission in the Netherlands
Who were Sea Beggars?
Dutch rebels who attacked Spanish ships who were taking resources to Alba’s army.
What did Elizabeth do with the sea beggars?
In 1567, she allowed them to shelter in England harbours
What was the Geonese loan?
When Elizabeth took gold from Spanish ships that was meant for Alba’s troops that were sheltering in English harbours too
How did the Geonese loan anger Spanish?
Elizabeth claimed the money was for Italian bankers not Spain as it was a loan.
Why was Elizabeth’s strategy of harassing Spain so risky?
She was trying to protect English needs without war but Catholic threat was even more serious at this time
Why was Catholic threat so serious after the Geonese loan?
MQS had fled back to Scotland and revolt of the northern earls encourages Philip II and the pope to back further plots