War and revolution Flashcards
What impact did the crimean war have on the structure of government?
- Did not change central government.
- An attempt to change local government with the introduction of the Zemstva in 1864, which was introduced to supposedly give more political power to the peasants.
- However, the powers of the zemstva was very limited, as votes were weighted in favour of nobles and professional classes, and any decisions made by the Zenstva could be vetoed by central government.
What was the impact of the Crimean War on government ideology?
- Ideology was still autocratic, but the introduction of the reforms meant that ideology was diluted a bit.
What was the impact of the Crimean war on the use of repression?
No impact on the use of repression
What was the impact of the Crimean War on the economy?
What was the impact of the crimean war on the economy ?
- Because the Crimena war highlighted Russias inability to successfully deploy natural resources, the railway system was expanded.
- So from 1861- 1878, the railway system was expanded by 20,000 Km.
- As the Crimean war highlighted the ineffectiveness of the serf-based army, the serfs were emancipated and more of them were free to work in industry.
. - The industrial workforce expanded from 860,000 to 1, 320, 000 by 1887.
- More foreign investment and the growth of heavy industry.
What was the impact of Crimean War on society?
- Introduction of the Zemstva in 1864 did allow for increased political freedom of the peasants, as they had previously never had a political voice before.
- The mir controlled what peasants could and couldn’t grow. Very controlling.
- Repression was relaxed in terms of censorship and propaganda. Russia experienced glasnost for the first time and from 1865 onwards, pre-publication censorship was no longer a thing.
- The reforms of the law meant that juries were introduced and judges were better paid, and so were less likely to take bribes.
- Education was opened up for lower class pupils and so the number of children attending school increased.
What was the impact of the Crimean war on the Russian empire?
- Russia lost land, for example: the Treaty of Paris meant that Russia had to give back parts of South Western Russia to Moldavia.
- ## Russia was prohibited from maintaining a fleet in the black sea.
What was the impact of the Russo Turkish war on government structure?
- Not really any impact
What was the impact of the Russo Turkish war on government ideology?
- Not really any impact.
What was the impact of the Russo Turkish war on repression?
Non-Russian groups were Russified
What was the impact of the Russo Turkish war on the economy?
Russia’s industrial progress was revealed e.g. building bridges helped Russian forces get accross the Danube River and the use of steam-powered navy vessels were useful as well.
What was the impact of the Russo-Turkish war on society?
There was social unrest due to conditions resulting from the Congress of Berlin.
What was the impact of the Russo-Turkish war on the Russian empire?
- Russia gained more territory, particularly in the Caucasus.
- The reputation of Russia was improved.
- Independence was given to Serbia, Monetenegro, and Romania.
What was the impact of the Russo-Japanese War on government structure?
Due to the Russo-Japanese war causing the 1905 revolution, the Duma was introduced. This diluted the autocracy.
What was the impact of the Russo-Japanase War on use of repression?
Stolypin’s necktie was used.
What was the impact of the Russo-Japanese war on the economy?
- More investement was put into the Trans Siberian railway as Russia evidently still had issues deploying natural resources.
- Stolypin’s wager of the strong was usde to appease peasants, for example by making all state and crown land available to buy through the peasnt land bank.
what was the impact of the Russo-Japanse War on the russian empire?
- Russia’s reputation was damaged as they had faced a humiliating defeat against Japan, which was viewed as inferior by many.
what was the impact of the Russo-Japanse War on the russian society?
- As so much focus was put on the war, working conditions in factories were neglected. Conditions in factories became so bad and over-populated and became the breeding ground for new Marxist opposition groups.
- In 1904, the average St Petersburg apartment housed 6 people per room and wages were extremely low.
- Trade unions were legalised after 1905.
What was the impact of the 1905 revolution on russian government?
- The Duma was set up
- The 1905 October manifesto outlined Nicholas II’s plans for a more representative form of government : ‘fundamental civil freedoms’ and the ‘duma’.
- The Fundamental laws of 1906 ensured that the Tsar still had ‘Supreme Autocratic Power’ and this undermined the power of the Duma.
What was the impact of the 1905 revolution on russian economy?
- Stolypin’s wager of the strong introduced as a reprieve
What was the impact of the 1905 revolution on russian society?
- Stolypin’s wager of the strong introduced as a reprieve
- Trade unions were legalised
What was the impact of WW1 on Russian government?
- The military failures of WW1 resulted in Nicholas II having to abdicate.
- The continuation of the war under the Provisional government gave an opportunity for the Bolsheviks to overthrow them, as they promised the people they would stop Russia’s involvement in the war.
- Collective leadership to dictatorship.
- New ideology of communism brought in.
- Cheka introduced following October revolution.
What was the impact of WW1 on Russia’s economy?
- As the economy was focused solely on war, consumer goods were neglected.
- Russia’s industry collapsed, as the country was cut off from trade with Western Europe. Russia would export food to germany, but could not anymore.
- Agricultural output decreased, as many peasant farmers had been conscripted into the army.
What was the impact of WW1 on Russia’s society?
- Although workers were receiving higher wages, inflation had increased by 400% by 1917.
-Due to grain requisitioning and a rising population, there were food shortages and in Petrograd, the bread ration fell by 25%.
- There was the rise of the Petrograd Societ and workers were becoming more conscious of injustices
- The ammunitions crisis led to workers having to increase their efforts. This increased worker unrest.
What was the impact of WW1 on Russia’s empire?
- The Treaty of Brest Litovsk meant that Russia lost lots of their empire.
- Russia was humiliated.
How many Russian casualties and deaths were there during ww1?
- 8 million Russian casualties
- 1.7 million deaths
What was the impact of the February 1917 revolution on government ideology?
- No longer an autocracy
- Moves to more democracy, as everyone could vote in local councils and in the Zemstva.
- Also, immediate preparations were made for a Constituent Assembly, where everyone could vote.
What was the impact of the February 1917 revolution on government structure?
- Removal of the Tsar, who ruled autocratically, and introduction of the Provisional Government, which developed from collective leadership to dual authority.
-Fundamentally different change as change from autocracy where one person was in charge, to more than one person holding power.
What was the impact of the February 1917 revolution on government repression?
- Reduction in repression
- Abolition of secret police, introduction of freedom of speech, immediate amnesty for all political prisoners.
Why was there such radical changes in government structure following the February 1917 revolution?
Because the Provisional Government realised that if they ruled too similarly to the old autocratic, Tsarist regime then they would quickly lose support.
What was the impact of the February 1917 revolution on Russian society?
- In terms of the lives of the peasants, the Provisional government failed to deal with the land question. This resulted in peasants farming insufficient land. So peasants began seizing land and this consequently resulted in there being insufficient grain for the towns and cities.
- lack of social reform. There was the need for higher wages, better conditions, shorter hours, and more influence in the workplace. Most of these demands weren’t met and even though there was eventually a wage increase, prices simultaneously went up, which resulted in an increase in strikes.
- 568 factories closed in Petrograd, with the loss of 100,000 jobs
What was the impact of the February 1917 revolution on Russian economy?
- Food supply problems.
- peasants were reluctant to bring their grain to the cities and the harvest of 1917 was poor. 237 land seizures in july alone.
- In Petrograd, grain prices doubled between February and June, and rose again in Autumn.
What was the impact of the October 1917 revolution on government ideology?
- Introduction of Leninism, fundamentally different from what came before.
- Totalitarian
What was the impact of the October 1917 revolution on government structure?
- Removal of the Provisional Government and dual authority, and now a new political structure with the Sovnarkrom at the centre.
- This change resulted in Russia becoming a one party state, as they key decision-making was now made by the Bolsheviks.
What was the impact of the October 1917 revolution on government repression?
- Repression increased, in an attempt to eradication oppostion groups and the counter-revolutionaries.
- The secret police was brought back under the name of the Cheka. The cheka set up the basis of terror.
- Executions became the norm. Official records say that the number of deaths between 1918 and 1920 were nearly 13,000, but estimates put the real figure at nearly 300,000.
- Abolished press freedom
What was the impact of the October 1917 revolution on Russian society ?
- The worker control decree meant that factory committees were given the right to control production and finance, and to ‘supervise’ management.
- The land decree meant that peasants could take over the gentry estates without compensation and do whatever they wanted with the land.
What was the impact of the October 1917 revolution on Russian economy?
What were the impacts of the October 1917 revolution on the Russian empire?
- The Treaty of Brest Litovsk meant that Russia had to give up all of its Western land.
- Russia lost 26% of its population, 27% of its farmland, 26% of its railways, and 74% of its iron and coal.
- The Rights of the People of Russia decree gave the right of self determination to the national minorities in the former Russian empire.
- At the end of 1922, the Union of the Soicet Socialist Republics was formally established. It was supposed to make the soicet republics on a more or less equal footing, however this was not the case, and the republics were more or less governed centrally by the Politburo.
- Fostered national consciousness, set up native language schools, encouraged cultural events. Planting down of roots.
What was the impact of the Russian Civil War on the structure of Russian government?
- In 1919, the Politburo were created, so government further consolidated its power, as it became the key decision-making body.
- From 1919 onwards, the Central Committe of the Party began to appoint its own ‘trusted’ nominees to key positions in the Soviets. This increased government control over local government.
- At the end of 1922, the Union of the Soicet Socialist Republics was formally established. It was supposed to make the soicet republics on a more or less equal footing, however this was not the case, and the republics were more or less governed centrally by the Politburo.
What was the impact of the Civil war on Russian ideology?
- Lenin was able to securely establish Leninisim.
What was the impact of the Civil war on the use of repression?
- Use of repression increased due to Lenin’s use of the Cheka.
- Cheka began the ‘red terror’, where violent methods were used by Lenin in order to secure power. According to Bolshevik offical figures, the red terror resulted in the deaths of 8,500 people, although historians beleive this figure to be closer to 100,000.
- Punishments used by the cheka included the use of ‘glovetrick’, which was burning victims hands in boiling water until the skin peeled off.
- Secret police began to put opposers, like the Kulaks, into labour camps. So, teror regime was set up under Lenin, not Stalin.
What was the impact of the civil war on Russian society?
- Food shortages due the policy of war communism, which saw the Cheka and army requisition grain from the countryside.
- As a result, the 1922 bread ratio was cut by 1/3 and 5 million peasants died from the 1921 famine.
- Wages were 2% of their 1913 level.
What was the impact of the civil war on russian economy?
- War Communism resulted in industry falling to 10- 20% of pre war levels of capacity.
- War Communism was replaced with the NEP, which allowed for some capitalism.
- By 1925, food production went up to pre war levels
- industrial output increased drastically. NEP resulted in pig iron production rising from 0.1 million in 1921 to 2.4 million tons by 1926.
After the success of the Russian civil war, did lenin introduce the 1923 constitution?
What impact did WW2 have on ideology?
- Cult of personality strenghtened as a result of Stalin’s ‘heroic’ efforts in pushing the Nazis out of Russia.
What impact did WW2 have on government structure?
- Composition of the Politburo remained roughly the same (the same as it had been 10 years prior).
- Stalin became chairman of the State Defence Committe and also took the role of the Supreme Governor of the Military. Both of these roles enabled him to have complete control over wartime decisions, although unlike Nicholas II, Stalin did actually listen to his advisors.
What impact did WW2 have on government use of repression?
- NKVD continued to be used, particularly to target minority groups. For example, the Balkans were targeted and accused of being Nazi collaborators.
- People were forced to work 70 hour weeks to fulfil the requirements of the 5 year plans.
- Purges resumed following the war
What impact did WW2 have on Russian society?
- Industrial workers had to work 70 hour weeks to fulfill the tough requirements of the five year plans.
- Workers slept in factories because they feared arrest or even execution if they turned up to work late.
- The 4th 5 yr plan neglected consumer goods.
- The scorched earth policy compeltely destroyed farmlamd.
- 1947 famine as a result of insufficient workers in the countryside and also insufficient land to farm as a result of the scorced earth policy.
What impact did WW2 have on Russian economy?
- 4th 5 year plan was successful in getting the soviet economy back to pre war levels.
- Agriculture suffered- 1947 famine
- Whilst the 4th 5 year plan helped expand industrial output, consumer goods were ignored.
What was the impact of WW2 on Russia’s empire?
- Stalin’s agreement to enter the war with Japan was reqarded with numerous territorial concessions. For example, Russia was given the Kurile Islands and South Sakhalia.
- Russia gained jurisdiction over the Eastern Zones of Germany.
How many Russians were killed during WW2?
Over 27 million. 2/3 of whom were civillians.
was much of Western Russia destroyed as a result of WW2?
What impact did the Cold War have on ideology?
- Used Destalinisation to present Russia in a more positive light to the rest of the world.
What impact did the Cold War have on government structure?
- Didn’t really have an impact on government structure
What impact did the Cold War have on the government’s use of repression?
- Use of internal repression decreased, wanted to improve global image
- Repression used in Hungarian Uprising
What impact did the cold war have on society?
- Focus on consumer goods
- Many housing initiatives, khrushevkas.
What impact did the Cold War have on the economy?
- High levels of investment in heavy industry in order to fuel the arms race and the space race
- Focus on consumer goods.
What happened to international tensions as a result of the Cold war?
- International tensions heightened