W7 - Quiet Eye Flashcards
Define QE
FInal fixation or tracking gaze directed to a single location in the visuomotor workspace.
When does onset of QE occur?
Before a critical phase of the motor task
When does offset of QE occur?
When the final fixation deviates off the target for more than 3 degrees of visual angle for more than 100ms.
What does QE reflect?
Optimisation of visual attention for the planning + control of movement parameters.
What does longer QE duration allow?
Allows perf longer time for programming, whilst minimising distraction from other env or internal cues.
What can be seen as an objective measure of ATTENTIONAL CONTROL to predict motor performance?
How can QE be measured?
Using a light mobile eye tracker couples to an external motor camera system.
What does the attentional control theory state?
That anxiety disrupts the efficient recruitment of top-down cortical processes by enhancing the effect of stimulus-driven processes.
Anxiety makes up hyper-distractible (internal + external)
= This disrupted attentional control should affect visuomotor control.
What state is the ventral system in when attention is focused?
Ventral system is suppressed
Why is the ventral system suppressed when attention is focused?
To prevent reorienting to distracting events.
What can anxiety do to the ventral system?
Causes it to be enhanced
What can anxiety cause a diversion for/.
Diversion of processing resources away from task relevant stimuli and toward task irrelevant stimuli.
Corbetta + Shulmans model of attention
What does it reflect
Balance between a goal-directed, top-down (dorsal) system + stimulus driven bottom up (ventral) system.
Where is the goal directed attentional system located?
Dorsal postural parietal + frontal cortex
What is the goal directed attentional system important for?
Action selection + is involved in relevant stimuli to appropriate motor responses.