W6 - Intro to Endo - Rodrigo Flashcards
Where are odontoblasts located
Aligned along predentin
What are tomes fibre
The odontoblast processes housed within the dentinal tubule
- Extend one-third to one-half within the tubule
What is the most prevalent cell in the pulp + role
- Maintain the pulp extracellular matrix
- Consists of collagens and non-collagenous proteins
3 types of trigeminal nerve fibres in pulp
Difference between a and c fibres
- A fibres - sensitivity to cold, immediate response*
- Myelinated → fast conduction, low excitability threshold
- C-fibres - lingering, dull pain*
- Unmyelinated → slow conduction, high excitability threshold
Pathways of root infection (6)
Perio defect accessing accessory canal
Perio/endo lesion reaching apex
Iatrogenic (exposure)
Describe the threshold of endodontic bacterial persistence causing problems
Bacterial load must reach a threshold before any clinical signs/symptoms are evident (apical periodontitis)
Successful tx does not necessarily sterilize the canal but will reduce bac pop to subcritical levels, compatible to healing
What is an adjunctive measure to reduce bacterial load in endo specialists practices
Laser / photodynamic therapy
- Stain bacteria blue, which attracts light to disupt membrane
Why is checking patency important?
Ensure there is no blockage in foramen → clean bacteria out of apical region
Compare prognosis of pulpitis vs periapical disease
Teeth with vital and inflamed pulp have significantly higher rates of success compared with teeth w/ pulp space infection / LEO
What is the pulp composed of
- Odontoblasts
- Fibroblasts
- Other cells (during inflammatory responses)
- Vessels
- Nerves
- Intercellular ground substance
What is intercellular ground substance?
Transparent colourless and fills space between fibres and cells. Rich in proteoglycans, glycoproteins, large amounts of water
Role of fibroblasts
to form and maintain the pulp extracellular matrix. It consists of collagens and non collagenous proteins.
What is patency?
Preparation technique in which the apical region of the root canal is maintained as free of debris by recapitulating through the apical constriction with a fine file (size 10 or 15)