W10. Consitpation Flashcards
What is constipation
*must include 2 symptoms at 25% of defecation
lumpy or hard stools
sensation of incomplete evacuation
sesation of anorectal obstruction/blockage
- <3 movements/week
- manual maneuvers to facilitate defication
- loose stores rate
*IBS is not part of this, usually includes pain of defication
Bristol Stool chart
should present type 3-5
two maint ypes of contstipation
- Primary, functional or idopathic constipation
- idopathic = unknown
- linked to GI motor disorders
- normally see normal transit constipation: colonic nolility is unaltered or normal, but the stool is very hard and diff to pass
- patient exp bloating, discomfort and difficulty passing
- they respond best
- 60% of cases
- Other grup is slow retention constipation
- leads to fecal retention, stool forms hard mass and leakage around stool plug. common in children
- Secondary constipation
- disease or mediaction linked
what are the GI motor disorders that cause constipation
*dont respnond well to laxatives
what diseases are associated with seocndary constipation
- as age becomes more prevelant
- but when suffer from dementia risk doubles
causes of constipation in cnacer patients
- 50% of cancer patients
usual mechs: Tumor compression of the large intestine, i nterference with colonic neural innervation
- also caused by
¨Hypercalcemia secondary to bone metastases
¨Hormonal changes
¨Chemotherapy, either directly or indirectly due to poor hydration and nutritional status resulting from nausea and vomiting
¨Direct intestinal radiation
¨Opioid use
constipation and fatigue
- linked to prolonged fatigure states
so inc prevelance in mental health states like
depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, IBS
drugs related causes for constipation
opiod: gut paralysis
diuretics: cause dehydration
red falgs for constipation
- unintented weight oss > 10 lbs
onset of symptoms >50
family history of colrectal cancer or IBS
N/V/adbonimal pain, fever, balck tar stools (melina)
Precipitating factors
symp associated
to ask a patient with constipation
- P
- Any recent changes in her medications?
- What are her eating and exercise patterns?
- What has she tried for the constipation?
- Q:
- Consistency of BM?
- Ability to pass?
- Frequency of BM
- R
- Is there bloating, gas, or tenderness in abdominal area
- S
- Is there any black tarry stool or blood in the stool?
- Any pain when defecating?
- T
- Time since last BM?
- How long has this been occurring?
Patient analysis for constipation
- Is the client suffering from primary or secondary constipation?
- Are the signs and symptoms related to disease or drug? Or both?
- Does she require drug treatment? (think of req, bloating, faltulance, discomfort)
- Is current therapy effective?
- What would happen if not treated?
*constiaption is hgihger incidence in women, diruetic is common secondary cause of cosntipation
cycle of chornic constipation
How do lifestylefactors are linekd to consstipation
- supressing of urge to deficate
inadequate fluid and fiber intake
chronic anxiety
acute eemotional distress
infrequent physical excercise
non pharm methods for prevention
min vol 1.5L water to prev constipation *main method
- fiber, toilet routine, bowel retaining, excercise
how much fiber is req for each age group
adult female need 25g fiber, male 30g
pregnant 28g
breastfeeding 29g
*aim for 12-15% fiber on nutritional face label