VSpeeds Flashcards
40 knots
The stalling speed in the Landing Configuration *SO- STUFF OUT**
Lower Limit of the White Arc
Stalling speed in clean configuration
Lower Limit of the Green Arc
62 knots
Best angle of Climb, the speed where the aircraft gains the greatest amount of altitude in a given distance. FOR OBSTACLE CLEARANCE
Best Glide Speed.
74 knots
Best rate of climb speed, this airspeed gives the most distance gain in a given period of time
Vfe (10)
110knots *Under 110 Flaps 10)
Maximum speed with the flaps extended,
Upper Limit of the White Arc
Vfe (20-30)
Maximum speed for the flaps extended at 20-30 degrees.
The maximum structural cruising speed in smooth air.
The upper limit of the Green Arc
163 knots
The never exceed speed, operating above this speed may result in damage or structural failure.
The Red Line on the ASI
2550 - 105knots
2200 - 98knots
1900 - 90knots
The speed the plane can be fully deflected on any one axis without experiencing structural damage, Maximum safe stall speed. calculated
The max speed you can open the window.
Max Demonstrated Crosswind
White Arc
Flap Operating Range
Lower Limit: full flap stall speed Vso
Upper Limit: maximum flap speed Vfe
Green Arc
The normal operating range of the aircraft;
Lower Limit of the Green Arc: the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed Vs1
Upper Limit of the Green Arc: maximum structural cruise speed Vno
Yellow Arc
Caution Range, fly in this range only in smooth air
Red Line
Never Exceed Speed, structural damage may occur
Rotation Speed, best speed for takeoff
Airport Traffic Pattern (Auburn)
Take off to Landing
Take off 55 kts (breaks 500ft) (74 kts until 1300 then 85Knots)
Climb 1500 turn cross wind
@ Crosswind Climb 1800, turn Downwind
@ Downwind Maintain 1800 at 90kts
Past 1,000 footers, 1500 rpm, -500ft descent under 110 flaps 10
@45 to runway turn base Under 85 flaps 20 -500ft descent
Ensure clear of Final turn Final under 85 flaps 30 -500ft descent (Final Items)
200ft stabilized continuing
Flair once in Ground Effect
Go Around Procedure
Full Power, Pitch Up
Flaps 20 Immediately
Over 60 + rate of climb flaps 10
Over 65 Flaps Up
Call Go Around “Remain Left Closed”
06A Traffic Pattern Runway Info
Runway 13 (S) and 31 (N)
Traffic pattern 1300ft
Length: 5005
Comms: 122.8 Unicom/ CTAF
Weather: 132.575