All About Airspaces Flashcards
What is an Airspace Class?
A type of Airspace. Depicted with the Letters: A, B, C, D, E & G.
Seperated for the specific traffic needs of the airspace.
Controlled Airspace vs Uncontrolled Airspace
Controlled Airspaces: Class A, B, C, D, and E (IFR) Areas where ATC has the authority to control traffic
Uncontrolled Airspace: Class G (any guidance ATC offers is advisory only)
Class A
18K MSL to FL600
- IFR traffic only
- Equipment: two-way radio, ADSB-out, Mode C, IFR equipment
Class B
Class B: Busiest airports in the country
- Typically surface to 10K MSL
- No more than 200kts under shelf, 250kts inside
- Must be “cleared” with PPL to enter (or endorsed student)
- ATC provides sequencing to the primary airport, advisories, and separation for VFR and
-IFR traffic within the class B airspace
Required Equipment:
- Mode C Transponder- within 30 NM, surface to 10K
- ADSB-out- within 30 NM, surface to 10K
- Two-way radio
VFR: 3 SM, Clear of clouds
Class C
Class C: Busy airports, not as large as Class B
- Typically surface to 4000 AGL
- Must contact controlling ATC to enter (they say tail#) Two Way Convo
- No more than 200kts within 4 NM of the Class C airport
- ATC provides sequencing to the primary airport, advisories, and separation for VFR and
-IFR traffic within the class C airspace
Required Equipment:
- Mode C- in or above (not required below the shelf)
- ADSB-out- in or above
- Two-way radio
VFR: 3 SM Vis, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal from the clouds (3152 Rule)
Class D
Class D: Towered Airports
- Typically surface to 2500 AGL
- Two-way radio (required)- establish contact with ATC to enter
- No more than 200kts within 4 NM of the Class D airport
- If the tower does not operate 24/7 (chart supplement), airspace reverts to a Class E, with no weather info available Class G
VFR: 3152
Class E
Class E: Controlled Airspace
- 17999 MSL to 1200 AGL or 700 AGL to allow for IFR approach transition
- Above 10K MSL (except below 2500 AGL) ADSB-out and Mode C required
- Max speed below 10K MSL- 250kts VFR: 3152
Above 10K MSL: 5 SM Vis, 1000 above, 1000 below, 1 mile horizontal from clouds (5111)
Class G
Class G: uncontrolled Airspace
VFR below 1200 AGL Day: 1 SM clear of clouds
VFR 1200 AGL to 10K MSL: 1 SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
VFR above 10K MSL: 5111
VFR night: 3152