Stage Check Prep Flashcards
PAVE Checklist
The First step to ensuring a Flight is Safe and Legal to Fly
In this:
Pilot= required Docs, Currency vs Proficiency, IMSAFE (checklist)
Aircraft= required Docs, Required Inspections, Required Equipment
EnViornment= PreFlight Operations (NWKRAFT), Airports, Airspace, Terrain, Obstacles
External Factors= Personal Minimums, Go-No go Decisions, External Pressures
What is Required to Operate as PIC for a Flight?
Photo I.D. (Gov’t Issued)
Medical Certificate
Pilots Certificate/ License
+LogBook (only if Endorsement is Required)
Currency: 14 CFR 61.57 (PRIVATE)
*3 take offs and landings within the previous 90days (in same category, class, and type of aircraft) MUST BE FULL STOP. (Same for night)
*Every 24months Flight Review with Flight Instructor (1hr ground and 1hr flight)
*Valid Medical Certificate
Can use SIM for this Training if it falls under Part 142
Currency vs Proficiency
Currency: the legal requirements that when fulfilled allow you to legally pilot an aircraft
Proficiency: the skills and experience to safely operate an aircraft
Privileges and Limitations: Private Pilot
14 CFR 61.113
1. Act as Pilot in Command of an Aircraft that is carrying Passengers or Property for Compensation or Hire
2. Act as pilot in Command in an Aircraft for Hire
3. Pay any Less than the Pro-Rata-Share costs of the Flight (fuel, oil, parking fees, etc..) (the flight costs must be split evenly).
1. Act as a Pilot for Hire if the flight is incidental to the business (I fly myself to a work event), still cannot carry any Passengers or Property for Hire.
2. Fly for a Charity, Nonprofit, or Community Event must comply with 91.146
3. Be Reimbursed for Operating Expenses directly related to Search and Location Operations (Government and Searching Agencies Only)
4. Aircraft Salesman (at least 200hrs of Flight Time) may do a demonstration flight to a buyer.
5. May act as PIC of an aircraft towing a glider or unpowered ultralight vehicle (so long as it complies with 61.69)
6. May act as a pilot in command for the purpose of conducting a production flight test of a light-sport aircraft, under 21.190 read this one off
Basic Requirements for Student Pilots
61.89 & 61.95
16 years of age
Able to Read, Speak and Understand English
What is the role of the FAA?
Governs commercial and general aviation activities.
Primary Flight Controls
Ailerons, Rudders, Elevator, and Stabilator
Secondary Flight Controls
Flaps, Trim, Anti-Servo Tabs