Cross Country Flight Planning Flashcards
Route Selection
- Airspace avoidance
- Obstacle avoidance- like a mountain
- Weather avoidance and performance
Ex: High pressure system wind
Altitude Selection
- VFR Cruise Altitude- above 3000 MSL (91.159)
- 0-179 = odd thousand +500
- 180-359 = even thousand +500 - Obstacle Clearance- OROCA- off-route obstruction clearance altitude
- Provides obstruction clearance with 1000ft buffer (2000 in mountainous areas) and
within 4 NM of course
- Aircraft must maintain an altitude of at least 1000ft above the highest obstacle within
2000ft horizontal of a congested area (91.119)
- Aircraft must maintain an altitude of at least 500ft AGL over non-congested areas except
for over open water or in sparsely populated areas where aircraft must be at least 500ft
from any persons, vehicles, vessels, or property (91.119) - Airspace Avoidance- watch out for special use airspace and Class B
- Glide Distance- you want to be higher in the event of an engine failure
Types of Course/Heading
True North- points where Earth’s axis would be
Magnetic North- point where all lines of the magnetic field cross
Variation- angular difference between true and magnetic north
- Isogonic lines help prevent errors
True Course- direction measured on chart from true north
True Heading- true course +/- wind correction
Magnetic Course- true heading corrected for variation
Magnetic Heading- magnetic course corrected for deviation
Types of Airspeed
- Indicated (IAS)- speed shown on ASI
- Calibrated (CAS)- indicated corrected for instrument error
- True (TAS)- calibrated corrected for non-standard temperature and pressure altitude
- Groundspeed (GS)- true corrected for wind
NWKRAFT- Required Preflight Info
NOTAMs- Notice To Air Missions
Known ATC Traffic Delays- Call FSS or ARTCC
Runway Lengths
Fuel Requirements: destination +30 minutes VFR day, +45 VFR night ( 91.151, 91.167)
- Auburn 2X^
Takeoff and Landing Distances
Pilotage vs Dead Reckoning
Pilotage- determining present position based on landmarks
Dead Reckoning- only using heading and distance
^we use combination of both
Categories of Flight Rules
VFR (Visual Flight Rules)- Ceiling greater than or equal to 3000ft AGL, Vis 5+ SM
MVFR (Marginal Visual Flight Rules)- ceiling 1000-3000, Vis 3-5 SM
IFR (Instrument Flight Rules)- ceiling 500-1000, Vis 1-3 SM
LIFR (Low Instrument Flight Rules)- ceiling less than 500, Vis less than 1 SM
ATC Deviation
- Allowed in an emergency or to avoid other traffic when responding to a collision avoidance system warning
- You must notify ATC AS Practical
- If given priority by ATC in an emergency you must submit a report upon request to the
ATC facility manager in 48 hours
VFR Flight Following
It is great for safety and required for Auburn VFR XC flights
- ATC and FSS are not guaranteed to separate us from other traffic, the PIC has primary responsibility for collision avoidance
Diversion Procedure
1. Figure out where you are
2. Pick diversion airport
3. Pick appropriate heading and altitude
4. Turn towards airport and note time
5. Calculate new heading and groundspeed with wind dot
6. Determine ETE, ETA, fuel consumption
7. Use ground references to help find alternate and when to begin descent
8. Contact FSS to amend flight plan (Must tell them alternate, ETE, new FOB)
Lost Procedures
5 C’s
Circle- stay where you are, don’t fly aimlessly
Confess- tell ATC or local frequency you are lost
Climb- you can see more, you don’t know the highest obstacle, and better radio coverage
Conserve- note how much fuel you have and fuel burn and lean the mixture accordingly
Comply- follow ATC directions
Special VFR
Tower Clearance Only
- Allows operations under VFR with conditions less than standard
- Must have 1 SM of visibility and remain clear of clouds (Private- Day Only)
- Aircraft is rated and equipped for instrument flight
Filing FAA Flight Plan
122.2 universal FSS frequency
Ways to File:
- Call 1800wxbrief or use website - Foreflight
- File in air via FSS
To Open:
- Contact FSS: “Tail#, opening VFR flight plan, takeoff time XXXX Zulu”
- FSS will hold VFR flight plans for one hour after being filed and cancel if no departure
call or amended departure time is received
To Close:
- Call FSS in the air
- Call 1800wxbrief - Foreflight
FSS will come looking for you (calling around) if you do not close 30 minutes after ETA
Why file?
A. Safety someone knows where we are and can assist in case of an emergency
Why Divert?
When conditions have deteriorated to the point you unable to complete the flight in a safe manner.
Alternate Airport Considerations
Distance from original destination
Suitable weather conditions
Available Approaches
Runway Length
Fuel Requirements
Services and Facilities
Oxygen Requirements
Pressurized Cabins:
12,500 - 14,000: Supplimental Oxygen after 30mins
+14,000: Supplemental Oxygen Immediately
Unpressurized Aircraft: continuous use above 10,000-12,000MSL for flight lasting longer than 30mins.