Student Solo Need To Know Flashcards
What is PIC?
Final authority and responsibility for the operations and safety of flight. Must be designated as PIC before or during the flight. Hold appropriate category/class/type rating.
What are the alcohol limits for pilots?
8 hours bottle to throttle, less than 0.04% BAC, and no lasting effects of alcohol.
What are the Right Of Way (ROW) rules for aircraft?
Aircraft towing or refueling have ROW over all engine driven planes. Emergency aircraft have ROW over everyone.
What is the ROW rule when aircraft are converging?
Aircraft on the right has ROW.
What is the ROW rule for head-on aircraft?
Both aircraft turn right.
What is the ROW rule for overtaking aircraft?
Faster aircraft has ROW and passes on the right.
What are the altimeter settings procedures?
Receive altimeter settings from AWOS or ATC. If no altimeter setting, set altimeter to field elevation.
What are the solo student pilot limitations?
Max cross wind solo is 7kts, no passengers, no takeoff from runway intersection, no touch and go operations, no LAHSO.
What are the pattern altitude and speed requirements?
1000 AGL at 90kts. Visibility must allow 2300ft ceiling and 3SM for AUO, and 5SM for non-AUO.
What is the CTAF frequency?
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency is 123.0.
What is the AWOS frequency?
Automated Weather Observing System frequency is 132.575.
What are the fuel requirements for local and cross-country flights?
Local flight requires at least 35 gallons; cross-country requires 56 gallons.
What are the fuel types for aviation?
100LL (blue) or 100 (green).
What is the seatbelt requirement?
Seatbelts must be worn at all times.
What is the legal oil quantity range?
Legal oil quantity is 5-8 quarts.
What is Vne?
Never exceed speed is 163 KIAS.
What is Vno?
Max structural cruise speed is 129 KIAS.
What is Va?
Max operating maneuvering speed: 2550 lbs = 105, 2200 lbs = 98, 1900 lbs = 90 KIAS.
What is Vfe?
Max flaps extended: 10 degrees = 110, 20/30 degrees = 85 KIAS.
What is Vg?
Glide speed: 2550 lbs no flaps = 68 KIAS. 9:1 ratio.
What is Vy?
Best rate of climb speed is 74 KIAS.
What is Vx?
Best angle of climb speed is 62 KIAS.
What is Vso?
Stall speed in landing configuration (full flaps) is 40 KIAS.
What is Vs?
Stall speed/minimum controllable speed is 48 KIAS.
What is Vr?
Rotation speed is 55 KIAS.
What documents are required for every flight?
Pilot certificate, medical certificate, and photo ID.
What is a spin?
An uncoordinated stall that results in a downward spiral path with a yawing action.
What is the spin recovery procedure (PARE)?
Power idle, ailerons neutral, rudder opposite, elevator forward.
What are the required aircraft documents (ARROW)?
Airworthiness certificate, registration certificate, radio station license, operating limitations, weight and balance data.
What is the engine failure in flight checklist?
- Airspeed - 68kts, 2. Flaps Up, 3. Select Landing Site, 4. Fuel Selector Valve - both, 5. Fuel shutoff valve - In, 6. Mixture - full forward, 7. Auxiliary Fuel Pump - on, 8. Ignition Switch - both then start.
What is required preflight information?
Familiar with all available information, runway lengths at airports, takeoff and landing distances.
What is the required equipment for VFR Day?
ATOMATOFLAMES: Altimeter, Tachometer, Oil Pressure Gauge, Manifold Pressure gauge (if applicable), ASI, Temperature gauge (for liquid cooled engines only), Oil temperature gauge (for air cooled engines), Fuel Quantity Gauges, Landing light (for hire), Anti-collision light (beacon), Magnetic compass (2x magnetometer), ELT, Seatbelts.