Volume 4 Flashcards
Volume 4 - When an emergency service is needed, Station Commanders shall make requests verbally to the Department responsible for service. If the office is closed, requests are directed to ________.
- Metro
Volume 4 - When calls are made to Department subdivisions regarding a service or supply furnished by that subdivision, they shall be made to the ________ of the subdivision.
- Office
Calls are not to a particular person.
Volume 4 - When completing an SRS for repairs and the service is not listed, Commanders shall contact the ___________ responsible for service.
- Subdivision
Volume 4 - When issued office equipment requires repairs, arrange through the ____________. “Office Equipment” includes - typewriters, adding machines, paper shredders, memory writers, dictaphones, time clocks, time stamps, and microfilm duplicators.
- Building Administration Section (BAS)
This does not include FAX machines, photocopiers, computers, telephones, or telephone answer machines.
Volume 4 - When requesting storeroom information, call the counter direct at 485-______.
- 485-6124
Volume 4 - When returning items to S&M, use a SRS requisition for “Credit” and print ___ copy(s).
- 2 copies
Volume 4 - When a Department member would like to purchase discarded items, who shall they contact?
- Salvage Division of GSD
Volume 4 - Red rags are to be bundled in ____ and tagged with duplicate F-_____.
- 50 (bundle)
- Duplicate F-175’s
Volume 4 - When wall-washing equipment is needed, contact the storeroom counter. Who arranges the transportation of the equipment?
- Requesting Station Commander
Volume 4 - Damaged furniture shall be forwarded to S&M with a F-175 tag. Who shall arrange for loaner furniture?
- Emergency Services Commanders
Volume 4 - When the waste oil barrel is full, whom do you contact?
- Storeroom counter
Station Commanders shall call the storeroom counter at 485-6124 to schedule a pick up.
Volume 4 - When exchanging station bedspreads, fold in bundles of _____.
- 10
Department issued bedspreads are laundered twice a year in accordance with schedules issued in the Weekly Bulletin.
Volume 4 - Whom shall stations forward soiled bedspreads to?
- Battalion headquarters
Volume 4 - When an axe is damaged, S&M will exchange on a similar _______ and ________ basis.
- Handle and head basis
Volume 4 - Probationary firefighters are normally issued ________ turnouts for training and a second issue of ________ turnouts upon graduation.
- Refurbished (training)
- New (graduation)
Volume 4 - Station keys are issued and retained at the place of assignment on form F-_____.
- F-126 “Personal Equipment - Bed And Locker Assignment Record”
Volume 4 - When Department issued channel locks are damaged, forward with a F-_____.
- F-175 “Material To Storeroom Tag”
Pliers, channelocks (9-1/2 inches) are an original City issue. Title remains with Fire Department. Repair and replacement will be made by the Fire Department.
Volume 4 - Worn out or defective gloves, firefighting hoods, and helmet liners will be ____________.
- Delivered to S&M
Delivered with a copy of the SRS requisition to receive one-for-one replacement.
Volume 4 - When your facepiece is in need of repair, you shall forward to __________ with a F-_____.
- Rescue Maintenance
- F-175 “Material To Storeroom Tag”
Volume 4 - What will occur, if a member separates from Department and fails to return Department items?
- City Controller withholds paycheck
Volume 4 - How many PPE repair request forms shall be provided when having PPE’s repaired?
- 2 copies
Members shall complete two copies of the “Brush 1 PPE Repair Request” form. This form can be found on the intranet at http://inside.lafd/ under “forms.”
Volume 4 - If protective equipment is determined beyond repair from the vendor, it will be returned with a ____ inch diameter hole cut through all layers.
- 2 inch
Volume 4 - No PPE modifications are allowed. Modification requests should be referred to ___________ Unit.
- Equipment Engineering Unit
Volume 4 - How often shall members forward PPE’s to the department vendor for cleaning?
- Semi-annually
A private vendor repairs personal protective equipment on a monthly schedule. Enter “Turnout Repair” in the “Search For” box on the master calendar to retrieve the current pick-up schedule.
Volume 4 - Regarding the three boot system, it is expected that each boot will last how many years?
- 3 years
Volume 4 - Only Administrative Battalion Commanders are allowed to place orders in SRS for members requiring replacement boots within the _______ control period.
- 1 year control period
Volume 4 - Who approves the safety boot procurement voucher program?
- 2.
- Station Commander
- Battalion Commander
Volume 4 - Work uniform garment order replacements are ____ per year. These orders are approved by the _________ and _________.
- 2 per year
- Station Commander
- Battalion Commander
Volume 4 - When a member submits an SRS requisition for PPE’s and selects “Department to deliver,” expect that the order will be delivered within ____ to ____ weeks.
- 2 to 3 weeks
Be sure to include size information in the “Comments” section of the SRS requisition.
Volume 4 - Who is the control point for helmet liners?
- Battalion
Volume 4 - When fitting and procuring boots at S&M Turnout World, the hours of operations are ______ to ______ hours.
- 0630 to 1145 hours
Volume 4 - The Station and Battalion Commander approves the safety boot procurement voucher. The voucher must be used within how many days?
- 60 days
Volume 4 - Business cards are issued to Chiefs, Captains, and members on staff assignments. They are issued in one box of _____ cards.
- 200 cards
Volume 4 - To obtain apparatus maintenance during regular business hours, contact S&M from _____ to _____ hours.
- 0600 to 1530 hours
Volume 4 - For emergency tire repairs, responsible __________ will contact Metro or the Heavy Rescue direct.
- Responsible Officers
Volume 4 - Apparatus shall be operated and cared for in accordance with…
- 3.
- Department manuals
- Logbooks
- Instructions from S&M
According to Volume 4, tires will be exchanged when the tread depth measures ____ inch or less.
- 1/8 inch
Volume 4 - If your apparatus breaks down while in quarters, who shall arrange for towing?
- Metro
Notify Metro and Battalion/District Commander that apparatus is out of service. Metro will contact towing contractor. Metro will then notify the Company Commander of the time the towing contractor was contacted.
Volume 4 - When an apparatus breaks down out of quarters and needs to be towed, who shall arrange?
- Metro
Metro will notify the appropriate resource (Heavy Rescue Company, Tractor Company, or towing contractor)
Volume 4 - Refilling of breathing air cylinders are found at all the following fire stations…
- 4.
- FS 20
- FS 49
- FS 66
- FS 88
Volume 4 - Does Rescue Maintenance refill SCBA cylinders?
- Yes, only after repairs/and or tests
Volume 4 - Any cylinder filled with more than _____ PSI is considered a hazardous material.
- 40 PSI
Volume 4 - Who refills CO2 and dry chemical extinguishers?
- Certified contractors
Volume 4 - Any apparatus carrying _____ pounds or more of cylinders including the contents of those cylinders, are required to carry shipping papers and these papers must be available in the _____ during transport.
- 500 pounds
- Cab
Volume 4 - The weight of one “D” oxygen cylinder is _____ pounds.
- 9 pounds
Volume 4 - Who has access to the department telecode system?
- 2.
- All Officers
- EIT’s
Volume 4 - When requesting more than ____ pages of department manuals, forward a SRS requisition approved by the Battalion or Section Commander to Manuals and Orders Unit.
- 6 pages
Volume 4 - Requests for a complete set of Manual of Operations pages must have _______ Commander approval.
- Bureau Commander
Volume 4 - When stations would like to obtain Assessors maps, what Unit shall you contact?
- Brush Clearance Unit
Volume 4 - How do you request 6 pages or less of department library material from Manuals and Orders?
- Phone call
Volume 4 - When Special Order #1 is revised or reissued, an ordering check list will accompany it. Check Department manuals with this list and return to __________ for filling.
- Manual and Orders Unit
Volume 4 - When procuring a Thomas Guide, it will be subject to __________.
- Subject to stock on hand
Volume 4 - When ordering new mounted panels and roller maps or changing the map area of an existing map, a signature from all three __________ is required.
- All 3 Station Commanders
Otherwise, only one Captain’s signature is required for exact replacement of an existing map.
Volume 4 - Who is responsible for coordinating assignment and transfer of radiological equipment?
- S&M
Volume 4 - How many Mini-Radiacs does each Battalion office have in its cache?
- 6
Volume 4 - Broken Mini-Radiacs shall be forward to S&M by _________.
- Battalion EIT
Volume 4 - How many Mark I Injectors should be provided for each position on all apparatus?
- 3
Three Auto-Injectors are provided for each position on all apparatus. One is carried in the holder on the PEK web belt and two are kept in each Haz/Mat bag.
Volume 4 - Who replaces Mark 1 injectors?
- EMS Battalion Captains
Replacement of expired, damaged, or discharged Auto-Injectors shall be requested through the appropriate EMS Battalion Captain on a one-for-one basis. Damaged, expired, or discharged Auto-Injectors shall not be forwarded through Department mail.
Volume 4 - How many escape hoods are issued on a front line apparatus?
- 1 per position
Volume 4 - When filling out a station repair request on SASY, each request generates a __________.
- Control number
Volume 4 - Station repairs are done on form FG-______.
- FG-113 “Building Repair And Service Request”
It is important to remember that all repair/service requests, whether emergency, non-emergency, or FG-113, are to be processed on the fire station’s computer, utilizing the SASY system. Each request is to be as specific as possible, noting size, type, make, location, and the exact nature of the problem.
Volume 4 - When requesting keys for fire road locks, complete a F-225 and forward to __________.
- Fire Station 88
The request shall indicate the number of keys required, why keys are needed, and the Department subdivision which will be held accountable for the proper use of each assigned key.
Volume 4 - When will landscaping fertilizer be distributed?
- April
Volume 4 - Who is responsible for revisions and distribution of the Fire Department telephone directory?
- Metro
Volume 4 - Requests for alterations and improvements to the station require one F-225 through channels to the respective _________.
- Bureau Commander
Volume 4 - After a petty cash/subpurchase order, if the product is for more than one use, the MSDS will be included in the _________ for access at all department locations.
- Intranet Library of MSDS
Volume 4 - Damaged Captain or Chief Officers cap insignia worn on the helmet front piece shall be replaced by forwarding to __________.
- S&M
Tag with F-175, forward in envelope. This “exception” is for Captains and Chiefs only. All other active members shall submit a F-225 to Personnel Services Section and obtain their replacement there.
Volume 4 - If you lose your badge, who do you contact and forward the F-225 to?
- Personnel Services
A report shall be filed at the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the loss occurred, and a copy of this report shall be attached to the F-225. The Personnel Services Section will notify the member if their respective Bureau determined that the loss was due to the members’ negligence and a replacement fee will be quoted.
Volume 4 - When you promote, bring your old badge, cap insignia and ID card to Personnel Services. Arrive between the hours of _____ to _____ or _____ to _____.
- 0800 to 1000 hours
- 1300 to 1500 hours
Volume 4 - The SRS system has how many different catalogs?
- 9 catalogs
Volume 4 - Rehab/Air Tenders have a petty cash fund. Their purchases cannot exceed $_____.
- $500
Volume 4 - Sub-Purchases may not exceed $______ including tax.
- $1,000
Volume 4 - When obtaining reimbursement for petty cash, document the venders name, address and purpose on form FG-____.
- FG-17 “Petty Cash Voucher”
Volume 4 - Stations shall maintain a minimum of a _____ month supply of engine oil and kerosene.
- 6 month supply
According to Volume 4, 2-cycle oil is to mixed at what ratio?
- 50 to 1
Volume 4 - When ordering fuel, Station Commanders shall place order before _____ hours.
- 1000 hours
Volume 4 - Who shall Officers contact when the radio system is down or if coverage is a problem?
- Radio Monitor (ITA)
Volume 4 - When paramedic electronic equipment is in need of repair/servicing, take to the Radio Shop/Piper Tech and ____________ until repaired.
- Remain with equipment until repaired
Volume 4 - Station Commanders are responsible for overstocking. Who verifies the need for such supplies?
- Battalion Commanders
Volume 4 - MSDS sheets are used for all materials that could have a possible __________ on exposed employees.
- Adverse effect
Volume 4 - Surplus expendable items should be forwarded to _______ and must be returned with a ________ listing current stock ______.
- S&M
- SRS requisition
- Stock codes
Volume 4 - S&M loan equipment shall be returned when original is repaired or returned. Tag loaner with a F-175 and make what comment on the tag?
- “Loaner”
Volume 4 - Forward a F-225 to the Bureau Commander for any lost or stolen inventory equipment. Also file a Police report if valued at $____ or more.
- $25
Radios on loan by allied agencies require special attention (LAPD Astro Radio). Immediate telephonic notification shall be made to the Metro Battalion Chief by the Administrative Battalion Chief anytime a radio on loan to the LAFD by another agency is lost or stolen.
Volume 4 - When an emergency apparatus gets transferred, S&M makes the recommendation of transfer to Bureau __________.
- Bureau of Support Services
Volume 4 - Who can recommend a change of assignment for an emergency apparatus?
- Battalion Commanders or higher
Volume 4 - The equipment and quantity carried per apparatus varies. The concerned ________ Commander will be the deciding authority for equipment requisitioned by companies under thier command.
- Bureau Commander
Volume 4 - When shall “like triples” be rotated?
- June - odd years
Volume 4 - After the rotation of “like triples” during June of odd numbered years, Station Commanders shall document in the logbook on form F-_____.
- F-702 “Assignment Record Sheet”
Volume 4 - Who maintains the Master Vehicle Inventory?
- S&M
Copies are retained at MFC and BES.
Volume 4 - When a reserve apparatus is returned to it’s normal place of assignment, report any shortages to ________.
- Battalion
Volume 4 - Who sends their recommendation for new apparatus assignment to the affected Bureau for input?
- Bureau of Support Services
Volume 4 - Within ____ calendar day(s) of change of command, Officers shall check for completeness of station inventory. If the inventory printout is correct, write “__________” on the form.
- 10 calendar days
- “The prinout is correct”
Volume 4 - Within ____ calendar day(s) of change of command, Officers shall check for completeness of station inventory.
- 10 calendar days
Volume 4 - When will S&M forward out the biennial inventory printout list to department locations?
- Odd numbered years
Volume 4 - New furniture for stations allowed in the budget is ordered and designated through the ___________.
- Budget Committee
Volume 4 - How often are bedspreads laundered per year as per schedules issued in the Weekly Bulletin?
- Twice a year
Volume 4 - When members need to order non-standard sizes from Turnout World, notify a least _____ month(s) in advance.
- 6 months
Volume 4 - When transporting cylinders over ______ pounds, vehicles must be placarded.
- 1,000 pounds
Volume 4 - Station Commanders shall order fuel by calling S&M purchasing. If ordered after _____ hours, the order will not be accepted.
- 1000 hours
Volume 4 - After Station Commanders order fuel, they should follow up in _____ working day(s) if they haven’t recieved the order.
- 5 working days
Station Commanders who do not receive their order by 1000 hours 5 working days following the date of request, shall notify the Assistant Division Commander at S&M, 485-6101.
Volume 4 - Regarding ordering maps from Manuals and Orders, call ahead for same-day requests if lamination is required. Laminating equipment requires at least ______ to start-up.
- 1 hour
Volume 4 - Any active member, who loses or damages their nameplate or loses an insignia, belt buckle or tie bar shall report the fact by a F-225 letterhead report through channels to ___________.
- Personnel Services Section
Once the Section has contacted them, the member must appear in person in the Personnel Services Section during business hours in order to secure and pay for their replacement item.
Damaged Captain or Chief Officers cap insignia worn on the helmet front piece shall be replaced by tagging the item with an F-175 and forwarding it in an envelope to S&M.