Volume 1 Flashcards
Volume 1 - The Fire Chief has the authority by the ________ and ________, _________ law, Ordinances and Resolutions to schedule work.
- Rules and Regulations
- State law
Volume 1 - The Manual of Operations are an adjunct to the Department _______________.
- Rules and Regulations
Volume 1 - The Manuals of Operations is a composite of permanent ________ and ________.
- Policies and Procedures
Volume 1 - The Manuals of Operations are established by __________.
- The Fire Chief
Volume 1 - Periodicals, publications, additions or amendments will either be incorporated in the LAFD library, or will be issued as informational material, which will not be _______________.
- Not be replaced if lost
Volume 1 - What Department Sections or Divisions will manage all saved information from the “LAFD Information” library?
- 3.
- Administrative Services Bureau
- Management Information Section
- Planning Section
Volume 1 - According to the MOP’s numbering system, what does the number “60” indicate in 2/3-60.14
- Section
- Categories
- Chapters
- Sections
- Sub-sections
Volume 1 - Revisions to the MOP’s will be tracked under the “_____________” icon found in the tool bar on the LAFD Portal.
- “Recent Changes”
Volume 1 - Certain future Reference Material in the MOP’s will incorporate the LAFD numbering system. The number will be preceded by the letter “____.”
- “R”
Volume 1 - Reference Material is intended to explain __________ of procedures established in the Manual of Operation.
- Explain the “Why”
Volume 1 - Special Orders are directives from the ___________ for administration of department affairs.
- Fire Chief
Volume 1 - The Information Portal shall be the primary information conduit along with ____________.
- Administrative Teletypes
Volume 1 - After _____ day(s) all notices and bulletins will be deleted from view on the LAFD Information library unless the notice or bulletin has been regenerated pending Administrative approval.
- 30 days
Volume 1 - When a revision to the Manuals is necessary, forward what form to the Planning Section?
- F-41
Or utilize the “Send a Comment” icon located on the navigation tool bar on the LAFD Information Portal Site.
Volume 1 - The Department will communicate all urgent messages through what three ways?
- 3.
- Teletype
- Audio
- Portal
Volume 1 - Our Department Goal Number No. 1 focuses on an organization to effectively __________________.
- Administer and manage the resources
Goal No. 1
Develop an organization to effectively administer and manage the resources of the Department.
Volume 1 - The Rules and Regulations are referred to as Book ____.
- Book 3
Volume 1 - Information notices are issued to the __________ and ____________.
- Public
- LAFD members
Information Bulletin
A bulletin issued to all members and/or the public containing general information which may be of interest to members. Need not be retained.
Volume 1 - Safety Bulletins are retained in Book ____.
- Book 75
Volume 1 - Training Bulletins are retained in Book ____.
- Book 23
Volume 1 - Department Books shall be labeled with the Department Subdivision title printed in ink on a ___________.
- Gummed label
Volume 1 - Operations will review Department Bulletins not less than _____ day(s) prior to expiration.
- 60 days
If there is no expiration date, retain the Bulletin permanently.
Volume 1 - How long are Special Notices retained for?
- 30 days
Volume 1 - What is the LAFD Mission Statement?
- It is the mission of the Los Angeles Fire Department to preserve life and property, promote public safety, and foster economic growth through leadership, management and actions, as an all-risk life safety response provider.
Volume 1 - If there is no expiration date on the Departmental Bulletin, members shall ___________.
- Retain indefinitely
Volume 1 - Weekly bulletins shall be retained for ____________.
- 1 year
Volume 1 - Administration Bulletins are issued to ______________.
- All members
Volume 1 - How many Special Orders are there?
- 7
- Special Order #1 - Checklist for MOP’s (no longer used since digital)
- Special Order #2 - VC scheduling
- Special Order #3 - HO scheduling
- Special Order #4 - Standard hours & pay period chart
- Special Order #5 - OT pay schedule
- Special Order #6 - FLSA reporting periods (Platoon duty)
- Special Order #7 - FLSA reporting periods (Special duty)
Volume 1 - Preserve life and property is part of LAFD’s?
- Mission Statement
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Los Angeles Fire Department to preserve life and property, promote public safety, and foster economic growth through leadership, management and actions, as an all-risk life safety response provider.
Volume 1 - Provide public education in disaster preparedness and work with other agencies in planning for terrorism and disaster mitigation. This is part of LAFD’s __________.
- Objectives
The two major objectives of the Los Angeles Fire Department are to:
- Control and extinguish fires, rescue trapped victims, mitigate the impact of all natural disasters, mitigate hazardous materials and terrorist incidents, provide basic and advanced medical life support intervention and transportation to the appropriate medical facility, enforce all laws relating to the prevention or spread of fires, and remove that which is liable to cause such fires.
- Provide public education in disaster preparedness and work with other agencies in planning for terrorism and disaster mitigation.
Volume 1 - The Board of Fire Commission President and Vice President are elected for a ____ year term.
- 1 year
Volume 1 - The Fire Chief is required to forward a written report to the Board __________.
- Monthly
Volume 1 - The Fire Chief is the _____________ of the Fire Department. The Fire Chief has the powers and duties enumerated in the Charter.
- Chief Administrative Officer
Volume 1 - Who are the highest ranking officers and regular acting Fire Chiefs?
- 2.
- Emergency Ops Chief Deputy
- Administrative Ops Chief Deputy
Volume 1 - Who is the Chief of Staff?
- Executive assistant to the Fire Chief
Volume 1 - What rank is the LAFD EEO director?
- Senior Personnel Analyst II (appointed by the Board)
Volume 1 - Who does MFC report to?
- Emergency Operations
Volume 1 - The Employee Relations Officer (ERO) reports directly to ___________.
- Administrative Operations
Volume 1 - Who is a Fire Safety Officer?
- Uniformed Captains and Inspectors of the FPB
Volume 1 - The Bureau Commander of the FPB, by law, has the title of “___________.”
- “Fire Marshal”
Volume 1 - The Fire Prevention Technical Section coordinates collection of how much money per year?
- $7 million
Volume 1 - The FPB Industrial and Commercial Section has inspection responsibilty for commercials over ________ square feet.
- 40,000 square feet
Volume 1 - Members recieving a still alarm in quarters shall obtain….
- 4.
- Obtain address/apartment number
- Nearest cross street
- Type of emergency
- Call back telephone number
Still alarms received while in quarters shall be reported to Metro using the business phone or radio. Do not use the fire phone to report still alarms. Use the Centrex emergency number (213) 847-5340.
Volume 1 - Who is responsible for the interpretation of station alarms?
- Company Commanders
Volume 1 - A first alarm assignment is defined as up to and including _____ companies or _____ on a Brush dispatch.
- 6 companies (up to)
- 4 on Brush
Volume 1 - A Major Emergency exists when more than _____ companies are dispatched.
- More than 15 companies
Volume 1 - When the Initial Assignments arrives with nothing showing, companies shall discontinue to respond emergency. Chiefs shall use ___________________.
- Use discretion to continue in mode directed.
Volume 1 - If restrictions are needed on a street that appears to be a hazard, submit an F-225 to _________.
Volume 1 - Only “Chiefs’ apparatus” can pass/overtake other apparatus, unless the apparatus being passed is….
- 3.
- Disabled or Delayed
- Reduced speed due to terrain
- For optimum approach and placement
Volume 1 - All vehicles responding to an emergency shall stop at red lights except when _________________.
- Controlled by Traffic Officer
Volume 1 - These are true about response routes…
- 3.
- Safest
- Most Expeditious
- During civil unrest, may vary
Volume 1 - When drivers enter opposing lanes of traffic, they should…
- Slow to _________________.
- Proceed with _____________.
- Slow to reasonable speeds
- Proceed with caution through intersections
Volume 1 - All staff personnel will be dispatched nonemergency unless directed by Metro or the Incident Commander to respond emergency. The exceptions are….
- 3.
- Fire Chief
- Deputy Chiefs
- Medical Advisor
Volume 1 - Narrow streets that are over 28 ft have no restrictions unless there is a need to paint curbs red on ____________ or at _____________.
- Sharp turns
- Intersections
Volume 1 - Headlights shall be burning during all emergencies _______ and _______.
- Day and night
Volume 1 - On freeways, warning lights are disruptive. Discontinue use when _____________.
- Safe to do so
Volume 1 - Regarding parking, narrow streets that are 20 to 28 feet require _____________.
- No parking on one side
Parking is allowed on the same side of roadway as the fire hydrant.
Volume 1 - A Category “A” Assignment is not less than how many companies?
- 4
Volume 1 - A Category “A” Assignment is….
- Not less than _____ fire company(s)
- Including not less than _____ truck(s)
- Not less than 4 fire companies
- Including not less than 1 truck
- 800 Series RA if available in First-In District
- Special Squad processing will apply
Volume 1 - A Category “B” Assignment is….
- Not less than _____ fire company(s)
- Including not less than _____ truck(s)
- Not less than 6 fire companies
- Including not less than 2 trucks
- 800 Series RA if available in First-In District
- Special Squad processing will apply
Volume 1 - The Category “B” Assignment required fire flow is greater than ________ GPM.
- Greater than 4,500 GPM
Volume 1 - An EMS “C” assignment best describes an _______ emergency.
- ALS emergency
Volume 1 - What is the LAFD required fire flow per hose line to extinguish a fully involved structure fire?
- 250 GPM
Volume 1 - The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated by request through the Mayors Office or the __________ Office.
- Police Chief Office
Volume 1 - (Sigalert) Examples include street closings due to emergency incidents greater than _______ minute(s).
- 30 minutes
Volume 1 - The following fire department resources will be dispatched on all “Fire Department Needs Help” calls…
- 4.
- 1 BC
- 1 EMS
- 1 Light Force or Engine
- 1 ALS RA
Volume 1 - Normal staffing for a Task Force is 9 or 10 members. When staffing is reduced to 8, close the __________.
- Pump
Volume 1 - Who has the authority to close Companies longer than 2 hours?
- Division
Volume 1 - When you activate a reserve apparatus, the radio designation shall be to assume ________________.
- Assume the first line ID
Volume 1 - During an incident when the Truck and Engine split, the Pump shall remain _______________.
- Remain with the Truck
Volume 1 - All the following are types of civilian acknowledgement….
- 2.
- Letter of Appreciation
- Special Commendation
Types of acknowledgments from the Department include the following:
Letter of Appreciation - An act performed showing initiative and a clearly, proven display of good judgment, but where no personal life-risk is involved.
Special Commendation - An act of rescue, or attempted rescue, involving considerable personal risk.
Volume 1 - When Station Commanders desire a first alarm change, all Commanders/BC’s on all shifts shall submit ____ F-225(s) to __________.
- 1
Volume 1 - When ESB approves the request for fire station district changes, the F-225 goes to __________.
- Metro
Volume 1 - When a Task Force staffing level is reduced to 5, the station shall run as an Engine or Light Force. Commanders shall immediately notify the following….
- 3.
- Metro
- Battalion
- Division
Volume 1 - During a Tactical Alert, who is responsible for establishing perimeter delineation of a civil unrest area?
Volume 1 - When riding in an enclosed apparatus during a tactical alert, members riding in jump seats shall wear all the following….
- 4.
- Goggles or SCBA face piece
- Helmet
- Full turnouts
- Body armor
Volume 1 - During a tactical alert, dispatch modification can be made by the DDC and confirmed by the __________. This authority is made under Article ____ of the City charter.
- Fire Chief
- Article X
Volume 1 - Protection of quarters during a tactical alert shall include….
- 4.
- Exterior doors/windows - closed and locked
- Window coverings - drawn closed
- Lights - left on
- Gates to parking lots/exterior courtyards - closed and locked.
Volume 1 - During a Tactical Alert, helicopters shall remain ______ outside the area.
- 1 mile
Volume 1 - During a Tactical Alert, the following is true about communication consideration….
- Radio ____________
- Business telephone calls __________
- Consider monitoring ______________
- Radio watch maintained
- Business telephone calls - limited/short duration
- Consider monitoring LAPD radios & division channels
Volume 1 - A Command Post is established at every Greater Alarm/Major Emergency incident. When there is a change of Command, the IC will designate which _______________.
- Which vehicle is the Command Post
Volume 1 - During emergency incidents, unusually low hydrant pressure shall be promptly reported to IC. The concerned Company Commander shall cause ___________ to forward an F-225 to the ___________ Unit.
- Pump operators
- Hydrant Access Unit
Volume 1 - When placing apparatus at fires, use good judgment and don’t obstruct, hydrants, railroad tracks or roadway. When necessary to block above locations, a competent driver shall be _______________.
- Immediately available
Volume 1 - All the following tip sizes shall normally be attached to the wagon battery….
- 3.
- 1-1/2 inch Smooth Bore Tip
- 500 GPM (or larger) Fog Hog, Variable Spray Tip
- 5/8 inch Smooth Bore Tip (companies regularly responding into grass areas)
Volume 1 - Do not run fire pumps dry longer than _____ second(s).
- 30 seconds
Volume 1 - Who is notified if firefighting hose is driven over in an aggravated case?
- Arson
Volume 1 - Metro will dispatch the closest Division Chief to all greater alarms. If unavailable, Metro will dispatch the _____________.
- Nearest Chief Officer
Volume 1 - What are the two primary types of warning placards?
- 2.
- NFPA 704
Volume 1 - When an emergency traffic event takes place, all members including the IC shall follow procedures outlined in Training Bulletin #____.
- Training Bulletin #2
Volume 1 - Who do you notify after an incident if you lose or find equipment?
- Battalion
Volume 1 - Exterior dry standpipe shall be used above what floor?
- 3rd floor
Volume 1 - During an incident, do not throw debris from heights unless ____________.
- To extinguish
Volume 1 - When an unauthorized vehicle drives over hose lines “in use”, members should request ____________.
- Request Police Action
Volume 1 - When hose is driven over on aggravated cases, a F-225 shall be forwarded to Bureau within ____ hour(s).
- 24 hours
Volume 1 - When members are harassed, Officers shall submit a F-225 to _________. A verbal report is required to __________.
- Arson
- Battalion
Volume 1 - When requesting LAPD, and confronted with a large hostile crowd, what should your radio request be?
- “Fire department needs assistance”
Volume 1 - If the PR or another individual delay’s an alarm, Officers shall determine if there is a witness. If evidence is clear, the penalty is a ___________.
- Misdemeanor
Volume 1 - No attempt should be made by FD personnel to reactivate an inoperative fire alarm system, if it’s more than replacing _______ in a manual pull station and operating a _________ button on the control panel.
- Glass
- Reset button
No attempt should be made to reactivate a system in which heat detectors or smoke detectors are installed.
Volume 1 - Officers on scene should be alert for civilians performing meritorious acts. Forward these reports to ___________.
- Division
Volume 1 - During catastrophic events when stability of quarters is in jeopardy, inspections shall be made by _____________ or _____________.
- General Services
- Building and Safety
Volume 1 - During a non-emergency hazardous waste release, have owner obtain a hauler with written proof of manifest. IC shall forward a F-225 to the ___________.
- Fire Marshall
Volume 1 - During evacuations, temporary emergency passes to enter can only be granted by __________.
Volume 1 - When citizens request information on sewage, refer them to _____________.
- Bureau of Sanitation
Volume 1 - When an ambulance responds and Cal/OSHA notifications are required, who will forward the report?
- Senior member on RA
If no rescue ambulance responds, the Incident Commander shall make the notification.
Volume 1 - What must off-duty members show so they can cross fire lines?
- Identification card
Volume 1 - During business hours, a department recall will be implemented by the ____________________.
- Underground Tanks Unit, FPB
Volume 1 - During an incident, if a complaint of loss or theft by a citizen is received, who shall the member notify?
- Commanding Officer
Volume 1 - When you want to acknowledge a civilian with a Letter of Appreciation, their act showed initiative, good judgment, but ______________ is involved.
- No personal life-risk
Volume 1 - Assign an officer to monitor the dosimeter worn by members to ensure no one receives more than _____ roentgen(s) in a period of 24 hours.
- 25 roentgens
Volume 1 - When issuing sandbags, no slip is required. Contact County Flood Control District if request is in excess of ______ sandbag(s) to any one citizen.
- 25 sandbags
Volume 1 - During evacuations, “Authorized Entrants” best describes those ____________ to enter an involved or closed area.
- Authorized
Entry Criteria
Entry criteria is established by the Incident Commander and/or Field Commander. It outlines those persons, if any, to be allowed into a closed or involved area (i.e., Emergency Passes, Press Passes, Fire Line Passes, utility company employees). The criteria should define whether automobiles are restricted. Incident Commander and/or Field Commander retains the authority to restrict entry of those persons who would normally be authorized to enter an involved or closed area.
- Authorized Entrants - Those authorized to enter an involved or closed area meeting the entry criteria as established by the Incident Commander and/or Field Commander.
- Emergency Passes - Issuance of temporary Emergency Passes is the responsibility of the Los Angeles Police Department. Passes will be issued in compliance with the criteria established by the Incident Commander and/or Field Commander.
Volume 1 - When conducting a fire investigation, if the evidence shows it was set by a human deliberately, the cause would be __________.
- Incendiary
Volume 1 - When conducting a fire investigation, if the evidence doesn’t indicate a incendiary fire or a specific cause can’t be established, the cause would be ___________.
- Undetermined
Volume 1 - If Arson or IC determines the fire was intentionally set, a “We Tip” poster can be placed on the owner’s property. Posters shall be removed after _____ day(s).
- 90 days
Volume 1 - The IC shall request an immediate Arson response for undetermined fires with a loss of $_______ or more.
- $25,000 or more
Volume 1 - Command Post vehicles are located at FS 3 and FS 88. They are identified as Command ___ and Command ___.
- Command 1 (@ FS 3)
- Command 3 (@ FS 88)
Volume 1 - When leaving the scene of an unattended incident, form F-_____ shall be left behind. Do not leave if unauthorized persons will be alerted to unattended property.
- F-337 “Notice Of Reinspection”
Volume 1 - Pollutant spills entering US waters, supply Metro with location and type of pollutant. This information will be passed on to ________________.
- US Coast Gaurd
Volume 1 - The map symbol for predetermined helicopter staging areas are identified by ________ with a ____.
- Circle with a “S”
Predetermined Staging Areas - The Map Symbol for predetermined staging areas is a circle. Predetermined staging areas are identified by the letter “S” printed in the circle above the Battalion number and the letter which corresponds to the location published on the list of “Emergency Helispots and Staging Areas”. For example, Staging Area 1-A is located in Battalion 1.
Volume 1 - The map symbol for predetermined helicopter Helispots are identified by ________ with Battalion number and ______.
- Triangle with Battalion number and letter
Predetermined Helispots - The map identification symbol of predetermined helispots is a triangle with the Battalion number and a letter (A, B, C, etc.). The letter corresponds to the location published on the list of “Emergency Helispots and Staging Areas” which is filed in all Building Inventory Books.
For example, Helispot 12-A is Green Verdugo Helispot, located in Battalion 12. The map symbol used is a triangle with the Battalion number and the letter inside as shown here:
Volume 1 - When Metro forms strike teams, they will be numbered _____ to _____.
- 1000 to 1030
Volume 1 - When strike teams are formed at the incident, they will be numbered _____ to _____.
- 1031 to 1074
Volume 1 - When companies are deployed outside the city, the initial request can be up to ____ strike team(s).
- 2 strike teams
Volume 1 - When ordering medical waste Zip Lock bags, order Poly 10” x 12” x ___ mil thick.
- 2 mil thick
Volume 1 - The incident clock starts when the first unit dispatched ____________. Every ____ minute(s) Metro will advise the IC.
- Dispatched arrives onscene
- 10 minutes
Volume 1 - During fumigations, if Methyl Bromide or Cyanide is used, members shall not enter unless ______________.
- Thoroughly ventilated
Volume 1 - When more than 10 companies are dispatched outside the City, the ratio of Chiefs shall be one Chief for every ____ company(s).
- 5 companies
Volume 1 - When reporting to Staging or Base, use the ______ tactical channel.
- Division tactical channel
Volume 1 - When city forces are dispatched to other jurisdictions to fill vacant stations, the city resources should not exceed ____% of the normal on-duty apparatus of the requesting jurisdiction.
- 50%
Volume 1 - Which Recall Phase is considered a State of Preparedness?
- Phase 1
Volume 1 - During normal business hours, FPB will implement recall. After hours recall shall be implemented by….
- 2.
- Metro dispatcher
- A fire company
This is until relieved by the Recall Coordinator and staff.
Volume 1 - In the case of a catastrophic event, it may not be possible to contact off-duty members for recall. If communications are down, where is the primary Base location members should report to ____________.
- Dodger Stadium
Volume 1 - All the following members shall not be recalled…
Members on….
- 4.
Members on…
- Sick leave
- Leave no pay
- Disciplinary leave
- Assigned to Accounting
Volume 1 - There are _____ phases of recall.
- 4 phases
- Phase 1 - Preparation
- Phase 2 - Limited Recall
- Phase 3 - Shift Recall
- Phase 4 - Department-Wide Recall
Volume 1 - Which recall phase is when sufficient personnel are recalled to initiate a 12 hour relief cycle at the designated base location?
- Phase 3
Volume 1 - Phase 4 of recall includes more than 100 companies or ____ RA’s committed to a major emergency(s).
- 39 RA’s
Volume 1 - While calling off-duty members for recall, which members are normally recalled first?
- Members not returning to duty the next day
Volume 1 - If a member fails to report to recall, the member forwards an F-225 to __________.
- The Fire Chief
Volume 1 - Phase 3 of recall includes ____ to ____ companies committed to a major emergency(s).
- 72 to 100 companies
- And/or 26 to 39 RA’s
Volume 1 - Officers shall notify Metro when encountering unusual incidents such as a response to a ______ scale incident involving chemicals and/or gases, where the services of members from the _________________ are needed.
- Large scale
- State Office of Emergency Services (OES)
Volume 1 - What is the Special Order for “FLSA Reporting Periods” for platoon personnel?
- Special Order No. 6
Volume 1 - The Department will respond into zones of civil unrest from __________ with a LAPD escort.
- “Staging areas”
Volume 1 - The Board of Fire Commision appointments, and removals, are made by the _________ subject to a majority vote of the Council.
- Mayor
Volume 1 - How many Incident Management Teams (IMT’s) are there?
- 5 teams
Volume 1 - The unauthorized carrying of weapons is a __________ under California State law.
- Misdemeanor
Volume 1 - The Department will not tolerate carrying firearms. The unauthorized carrying of a loaded weapon is a __________ under California State Law.
- Felony
Volume 1 - Hazardous material spills on freeways are under the jurisdiction of the ___________.
Volume 1 - Fires in US mailboxes shall be extinguished with _______ or _______ if possible.
- CO2
- Dry Chemical
Volume 1 - When shall officers or members familiarize themselves with journal entries made during their period of absence?
- Upon reporting for duty
Volume 1 - Accepting the services of civilians in actual firefighting work is ____________.
- Prohibited
Volume 1 - The Type “A” chlorine emergency repair kit is designed to control leaks in _____ and _____ pound containers.
- 100 and 150 pounds
- Type “A” - 100 and 150 pound containers
- Type “B” - 1 ton containers
- Type “C” - tank cars and tank trucks
Volume 1 - A civilian Board of Commissioners, consisting of _____ member(s), each appointed for _____ year terms, is the “Head of the Department.”
- Five members
- Five year terms
Volume 1 - The electronic siren position of choice is the _____ position.
- Wail
Electronic siren - all emergency vehicles are equipped with electronic sirens. The “Wail” position is the position of choice. The “Yelp” position and use of the “Manual” position are alternatives when there is a need to attract additional attention.
Volume 1 - A serious industrial injury, which requires hospitalization for a period in excess of _____ hour(s) for other than medical observation or in which an employee suffers loss of any member of the body or any serious degree of permanent disfigurement.
- 24 hours
Volume 1 - Multi-Casualty Incident Operational Procedures are outlined in Book ____.
- Book 70
Volume 1 - Departmental Bulletins are retained in Book ____.
- Book 24
Volume 1 - After ____ day(s) all notices and bulletins will be deleted from view on the “LAFD Information” library unless the notice or bulletin has been regenerated pending Administrative approval.
- 30 days
Volume 1 - Arson shall be notified for serious burns to the face, throat, neck, respiratory, deep hand/feet, and electrical. This also includes burn areas of…
- Child - ____%
- Adult - ____%
- Child - 10%
- Adult - 20%
Volume 1 - If there is difficulty contacting LAFD helicopters by radio, who can you relay messages through?
- Engine 90
- Commander of Air Operations
Volume 1 - The Department may dispatch a maximum of _____ to _____ triples, organized into Type 1 strike teams, to a brush incident when requests for assistance are received under the mutual aid agreements or as determined by the DDC or Fire Chief.
- 25 to 30 triples
Volume 1 - When more than _____ company(s) are dispatched to an incident, a Battalion Chief shall be dispatched as a Safety Officer.
- 10 companies (more than)
Volume 1 - There are three type of chlorine emergency repair kits. What are the Type “C” used for?
- Tank cars and tank trucks
Volume 1 - The Type “B” chlorine emergency repair kits are used for _____ ton containers.
- 1 ton containers
Volume 1 - The Category “A” Assignment required fire flow is less than ________ GPM.
- Less than 4,500 GPM
Volume 1 - If there is clear evidence that an alarm was deliberately delayed from being reported, the IC must gather the facts and get a statement. This information is forwarded to ______________.
- Fire Prevention Bureau
Volume 1 - What is your radio request when LAPD is needed for known “trouble areas?”
- “Meet the fire department”
Volume 1 - An EMS District Captain will be dispatched to emergencies when _____ or more rescue ambulances are assigned to a single incident, and when _____ or more paramedic rescue ambulances are assigned to a single incident.
- 3 or more RA’s
- 2 or more Paramedic RA’s
Volume 1 - Who has the authority to split companies?
- Metro
Volume 1 - Which phase of recall is “Department-wide Recall?”
- Phase 4
Volume 1 - What phase of recall is “Limited Recall?”
- Phase 2
Volume 1 - Firefighter/Paramedics assigned to Air Operations are called ______________.
- Aeromedical Technicians
Volume 1 - What officers make up the “Command Staff?”
- 3.
- Information Officer
- Safety Officer
- Liaison Officer
Volume 1 - What sections make up the “General Staff?”
- 4.
- Operations Section
- Planning Section
- Logistics Section
- Finance/Administration Section
Volume 1 - What phase of recall is when Metro shall initiate the degraded mode of dispatching?
- Phase 2 - Limited Recall
Volume 1 - A recall may be initiated when in the opinion of the ___________ Commander that the shortage of staffed fire and/or EMS resources has become or is anticipated to become critical.
- Metro Section Commander
Volume 1 - (Splitting companies) Fireboats can be taken out of service and their personnel used to staff land companies at the discretion of the Fire Chief or DDC. A minimum of _____ large and _____ small fireboat(s) shall remain in service.
- 1 large fireboat
- 2 small fireboats
Metro has the authority to split companies as needed.
Volume 1 - Develop an organization to effectively administer and manage the resources of the Department. This is Goal #___.
- Goal #1 - Develop an organization to effectively administer and manage the resources of the Department.
Volume 1 - Develop a system for minimizing the impact of disasters and “other” emergencies on life and property. This is Goal #___.
- Goal #2 - Develop a system for minimizing the impact of disasters and “other” emergencies on life and property.
Volume 1 - Provide an effective Emergency Medical Services System. This is Goal #___.
- Goal #3 - Provide an effective Emergency Medical Services System.
Volume 1 - Provide an effective Fire Prevention and Public Safety System. This is Goal #___.
- Goal #4 - Provide an effective Fire Prevention and Public Safety System.
Volume 1 - How many Department goals are there?
- 4 Department goals
Volume 1 - What are the core values that guide our behavior?
- 6.
- S.P.I.R.I.T.
- Service
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Respect
- Innovation
- Trust
Volume 1 - The Fire Chief has the power and duty to appoint, discharge, suspend, transfer, or issue instructions to members (civilian and uniformed) of the Department, other than the ________ of the Board of Fire Commissioners and the _________ Employee of the Department.
- Secretary of the Board of Fire Commissioners
- Chief Accounting Employee
Volume 1 - The Government Affairs and Social Media Director maintains regular business hours. Who does the Director report to?
- Community Liaison Officer
Volume 1 - A physician serves as the Department’s Medical Director and reports to the ____________.
- Emergency Operations Chief Deputy
Volume 1 - The Battalion Chief assigned as the Risk Management Section Commander maintains regular business hours and reports directly to the ___________.
- Employee Relations Officer
Volume 1 - A licensed Psychologist serves as the director of the Department’s Stress Management Program and reports directly to the Commander, _____________.
- Risk Management Section
Volume 1 - The Chief Management Analyst reports directly to the _________ and maintains regular business hours.
- Fire Chief
Volume 1 - The Battalion Chief assigned as the Disaster Preparedness Commander reports to the Commander, __________ Division, and maintains regular business hours.
- Special Operations Division
Volume 1 - The Deputy Chief assigned as Bureau Commander of the Fire Prevention Bureau maintains regular business hours and reports directly to the _____________. By law this Chief Officer has the title of “Fire Marshal.”
- Administrative Operations Chief Deputy
Volume 1 - The Deputy Chief assigned as Bureau Commander of the Training and Support Bureau maintains regular business hours and reports directly to the ____________.
- Administrative Operations Chief Deputy
Volume 1 - The Battalion Chief in command of the Recruit Training Section maintains regular business hours. The Battalion Chief reports to the ___________ Commander.
- Training Division Commander
Volume 1 - When operating as an emergency vehicle on _______ or when passing _______ or like occupancies, sirens and air horns shall be used only as necessary, and when traffic conditions are favorable to their use.
- Freeways or
- Passing hospitals