Vocational Flashcards
Holland’s (1997) theory is based on person-environment fit. Who originally had that idea?
Parsons (1909)
What are diagnostic indicators of P-E fit in Holland’s (1997) model?
- Congruence: the degree of fit between an individual’s personality and type of work environment he or she is entering or residing in.
- Consistency: measure of internal harmony or coherence of individual’s code types (measured by position of first two letters)
- Differentiation: distinctness of personality profile; differences between likes and dislikes
- Identity: degree to which the individual has a clear picture of goals, interests, talents
What is some empirical support for Holland’s theory?
- Interests accounted for a significant variance in occupational choices (Betz et al, 2006; Rottinghaus et al., 2006)
- Individuals choose congruent environments (Betz, 2008)
- structure of RIASEC explains a limited set of types (Holland, 1962)
- A circular structure (Tracey & Rounds, 1993)
- Overall, a strong match between personality and jobs (Swanson & Gore, 2000)
- Studies with predominantly white, college student samples suggest a circumplex model (equal distances between types)
- May explain data better than other models (e.g., SCCT; Armstrong & Vogel, 2009)
What aspects of Holland’s (1997) model have not been examined as much?
consistency and differentiation
Pros of the Holland model?
- Both individuals and environments can be easily classified; gives us a common language to use
- The majority of assessments, tools, even interventions are based on this theory
Cons of Holland model?
- Neglects contextual variables
- Doesn’t take into account career beliefs, decision making styles, goals
3 Doesn’t take into account barriers to vocational choice; such as family, SES, and cultural considerations (Fitzgerald, Fassinger & Betz, 1995) - Many have seriously questioned this theory’s applicability for non-educated White men.
What are some gender differences in Holland’s model?
i. Women have higher interests in Social and Artistic areas;lower interests in realistic and investigative areas; less women are seen in those fields; ii. Women typically concentrated in lower level jobs, despite interests ; iii. women’s career development directed more by family/gender roles and barriers; iv. Women prefer working with people, men with things–Large effect (.93) (Su, Rounds, Armstrong, 2009)
v. Gender trumps race on interest and confidence inventories (Betz & Gwilliam, 2002); vi. Most measures use gender norms; vii. Group differences may lead to differential feedback, perpetuating females not being in STEM (Armstrong, Fouad, Hubert & Rounds, 2010)
Multicultural issues with Holland model?
does not account for cultural barriers in career choice, family issues, contextual factors
- For US groups: “remarkably similar underlying structure for 5 major ethnic groups” (Day & Rounds, 1998)
- For Asian groups, instruments reveal 4-6 roughly comparable groups (Rounds & Tracey, 1996)
- Asian Americans scored higher on “I” than other groups (Fouad, 2002)
- Trusty, Ng, Plata (2000) strength of effect of race/ethnicity dependent on gender/SES
- quasi-circumplex pattern of interests, not necessarily circulant model (Armstrong, Hubert, & Rounds, 2003)
- A circulant model was found for EA and Asian American participants
What are the 3 models of Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994)?
- Interest model: Sources of SE & OE → SE & OE → Interests → Goals →Activities → Outcomes → Loop
- Choice model: Distal & Proximal contextual influences. Experiences → SE & OE → interests → goals → actions → performance attainments → loop
- Performance model: ability/past performance → SE & OE → performance goals → performance attainment level
Which of the 3 SCCT models has received the most interest and support?
The interest model
What are the 4 types of self-efficacy?
- Content or task specific
- Coping self-efficacy
- Process self-efficacy (i.e. in career decision making)
- Self-regulatory self efficacy (belief in ability or organize and manage time and workload to facilitate success or career adaptability)
What empirical evidence is there for SCCT?
i. Interests related to SE (r=.59) and OE (Rottinghaus et al., 2003)
ii. SE mediates interest-ability relationship
iii. SE and OE r = .45-.55 (Nauta & Epperson, 2003)
iv. SE&OE explain large variance in RIASEC interests (Lent et al., 2003)
v. SE&OE more powerful predictors of occupational consideration than P-E fit (Gore & Leuwerke, 2000)
vi. too much self-efficacy can reduce interest (Silvia, 2003); Suggests model not clear cut
vii. A huge limitation – almost all of the research on SE; no alt. models (Armstrong & Vogel, 2009).
Pros of SCCT?
- able to understand how interests are developed, maintained, and change.
- Learning experiences are unique to individual and can help explain differential career segregation for women and diverse individuals
ii. Women’s career pursuits are constricted by what they have been exposed to and SE(Bandura, 1997)
iii. SE beliefs explain gender differences in STEM (Lapan et al., 1989)
iv. Gender differences in SE less likely to emerge with those who have self-efficacy building experiences (Hackett & Lent, 1997)
What is Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumsciption and Compromise about?
Gottfredson (1996) – Cultural factors circumscribe potential jobs, and people make compromises based on those limiting factors.
Circumscription is what?
the narrowing the zone of acceptable alternatives
Compromise is what?
the process of relinquishing most preferred alternatives to more accessible ones
Which has more empirical support circumsciption or compromise?
Circumscription has more support than compromise (Gottfredson, 1996, 1999, 2002)
Pros of Gottfredson’s theory (1996, 1999, 2002)?
- The model allows for external reasons to influence career choice
2 For women and other minorities, the theory is apt to explain differences seen in the types of levels of career attainment - Culture pushes adherence to sex-type which can result in poor P-E fits
- For diverse individuals, the theory also can explain the different grouping of occupations for certain groups – based off of learning experiences which are limited and distinct
Is there any evidence that self-efficacy is not predictive of career interests?
This is highly debated (see Armstrong & Vogel, 2009, 2010; Lent, 2005; Lent, Sheu, & Brown, 2010; Lubinski, 2010; Patrick et al., 2011)
Why is Super’s Career Construction theory unique?
(Super, 1992) –considers career dev’t across lifespan.
Career Construction Theory considers 3 main constructs, what are they?
(Super, 1992)
- Differential (Vocational personality)
- Developmental (Life Themes)
- Dynamic (Career adaptability)
Who invented the Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA)?
Dawis and Lofquist, 1984
TWA explains satisfaction, performance, and what?
Tenure (Dawis & Lofquist, 1984)
How much empirical work is there on TWA?
Very little (Dawis, 2005)
Unlike other models, TWA also accounts for satisfactoriness, which means what?
(Dawis & Lofquist, 1984) How well an employee meets the demands of a job
What are facets of satisfactoriness?
1Performance 2Conformance 3Dependability 4Personal Adjustment 5General Satisfactoriness
What are facets of satisfaction (how happy a worker is)?
1Achievement — accomplishment and progress
2Comfort — lack of stress
3Status — recognition and prestige
4Altruism — harmony and service to others
5Safety — predictability and stability
6Autonomy — personal control and initiative
What does the RIASEC model actually predict?
1college major (Gasser, Larson, & Borgen, 2007) 2occupation choice (Ackerman & Beier, 2003)
What elements of RIASEC correlate with the Big5?
(Larson, Rottinghaus, & Borgen, 2002) Artistic–Openness Enterprising–Extraversion Social–Extraversion Investigative–Openness and Social–Agreeableness
What are 4 sources of self-efficacy?
(Bandura, 1977, 1997) • Mastery • Modeling • Social Persuasion • Physiological Arousal (aka: anxiety)
There is a “strong” correlation (r’s ranged between .51-.69) between interests and __________ in all the RIASEC areas
self-efficacy (Rottinghaus, Larson, & Borgen, 2003)
40-50% of career interests are _______
genetic (Tellegan, 2000)
Gender influences career __________
aspirations (Rojewski, 2005)
Women make ______% of what men make?
80% (Betz, 2006)
Minority women have even greater career ___________ than White women?
barriers (Fessinger, 2005)
Personality dispositions towards/away from ____________ do not differ by gender.
Leadership (Betz, Borgen, & Harmon, 2005; Donnay et al., 2005)
Perceptions of career-barriers are greater for __________
non-whites (Fouad & Byars-Winstin, 2005)
Career choice does/does not differ between racial/ethnic groups?
Does not (Fouad & Byars-Winstin, 2005)
What is the citation for Tellegen’s MPQ?
Tellegen & Waller, 1992
What are the 3 aspects of personality in Tellegen’s model?
(Tellegen & Waller, 1992)
1positive emotional temperament
2negative emotional temperament
What is a citation for the Strong Interest Inventory (SII)?
Donnay, Thompson, Morris, & Schaubhut, 2005)