vocabulary renaissance COPY Flashcards
the system of political organization during the Middle Ages in which the lord owned the land and all others served him
a social system in which status is raked and power is concentrated in the higher ranks
a piece of land sometimes called a fief
Freemen (page 19)
peasants who rented land or worked for pay
peasants who worked the land for the lord and were not allowed to leave the manor without the lord’s permission
a person who has learned a trade and joined a guild
Monastery (page 22)
building and lands in which monks lived and carried out their religion duties.
Sumptuary laws (page 27)
laws that controlled the consumption or how people spent their money
Tithe (page 31)
a portion of the crops or percentage of earnings paid to the church
The Crusades (page 41 – not bolded)
A christian military expedition
City-States (page 47)
a politically indépendant city and the rural area or hinterland around it
the rural area around a city- state
countries ruled by a king or queen.
the practice of charging interest when loaning money to someone.
Humanist (page 60)
a person who adopts a system of thought that centres on humans and their values, capacities, and worth; concern with the interests, needs, and welfare of humans.
Aqueducts (page 62)
a channel used to move water, usually supported on a bridge structure when it had to cross a valley
Philosophers (page 62)
one who studies the truth and principles underlying human conduct and knowledge and the nature of the universe.
a form of government fin which people elect representatives to rile the country
relating to citizenship or civic affairs.
a person who pays artists to produce works.
the language commonly spoken by the role who live that region
a poetic from that consists of 14 lines.
opposing church teachings
anatomy (page 82)
the science that deals with the structure of animals and plants
astronomy (page 82)
the science that deals with stars
perspective (in art) (pages 86-87)
the collective point of view of a specific group, which can be expressed by a member of the group who has the authority to speak for the group, in art, the technique , or representing objects in paintings as they appear to the eye.
scientific method
the process of making observations experimenting and drawing conclusions based on evidence.
a work in which the characters and events are meant ti understood as representing other things and symbolically expressing a deeper moral political meaning.
official exclusion from the catholic church
to spread information
a crafty, unscrupulous person who seeks and holds power by any means possible.
it was the wigs and makeups and clothing that was burned.
certificates that reduced the time people would be punished for their sins after they died.
Reformation (page 94)
a religious movement to changer to reform the roman Catholic Church that resulted in the establishment if some other christian religions, such as as the Lutheran church
is a book or document written by hand
a person who copied books
the science of determining the course, position, and distance travelled ,especially of a ship
the actions and attitudes of a state or country whose goal is to expand its power and territory
someone born in a country the first inhabitants of an area
resistance to disease
the extension of power over a territory including its resources and people.