Vocabulary of December 11, 2023 Flashcards
What is “J’étais justement sur le point de…” in English?
Example: J’étais justement sur le point de dire la même chose!
I was just about to…
I was just about to say the same (thing)!
What is “ski de fond” in English?
and ski alpin?
and ski de randonnée?
Ski de fond = cross-country skiing
ski alpin = alpine skiing, downhill skiing
Ski de randonnée = Uphill skiing / alpine touring
What is “lampe frontale” in English?
What is “utile” and “inutile” in English?
utile = Useful
Inutile = Useless
What is “casque” in English?
What is “J’aime faire à manger” and “Je n’aime pas faire à manger” in English?
I like to cook
I like cooking
NOTE: If the verb “like” is followed by another verb, the structure is either: “Like + to + infinitive” or “Like + verb in “ing””
What is “J’aime rencontrer des clients” in English?
I like to meet clients.
I like meeting clients.
What is “J’aime comprendre comment les médicaments interagissent.” in English?
I like to understand how medications interact.
I like understanding how medications interact.
What is “J’aime apprendre” in English?
I like to learn.
I like learning.
What is “J’aime enseigner” in English?
I like to teach.
I like teaching.
What does the structure “either…or…” mean?
Example: You can either come on Monday or Tuesday.
either…or… = soit… ou…
Example: Vous pouvez soit venir lundi ou mardi.
What is the difference between “either” and “neither”?
There is no difference. They both mean “non plus” in French.
But normally, we use “either” when there is a “negation” in the sentence and “neither” when there is “no negation” in the sentence.
PERSON A: I don’t like meat.
PERSON B: Me neither.
I don’t like meat and I don’t like fish either.
What is “préféré” in English?
1) favorite
2) preferred
NOTE: There is a slight difference between the words “preferred” and “Favorite”
‘Favorite’ is a word that expresses a personal liking or preference for something. It is often used to describe something that holds a special place in your heart, or something that you enjoy more than anything else. (Example: That’s my favorite city!
‘Preferred’, on the other hand, is a word that expresses a choice or a selection based on a set of criteria. It is often used to describe something that is chosen over something else because it is deemed to be better or more suitable.
What is the contraction of:
- I have been
- They have been
- He has been
- I have not been
- They have not been
- He has not been
- I have been =I’ve been
- They have been = They’ve been
- He has been = He’s been
- I have not been = I haven’t been
- They have not been = They haven’t been
- He has not been = He hasn’t been
What is “pieuvre” in English?
Example: As-tu déjà mangé de la pieuvre?
Example: Have you ever eaten squid?
What is “déjà” in the following sentences:
1) On a déjà fait l’unité 3.
2) Es-tu déjà allée en Californie?
1) already (Example: We’ve already done Unit 3. = We already did Unit 3)
2) ever (Example: Have you ever been to California? = Did you ever go to California?
What is “pas encore” in English:
Example: Je n’ai pas encore fait l’unité 6.
I haven’t done Unit 6 yet.
I didn’t do unit 6 yet.
I still haven’t done Unit 6.