Lesson of October 16, 2023 Flashcards
What is “sur l’heure du dîner” in English?
Exemple: J’aime rencontrer les professionnels de la santé sur l’heure du diner.
At lunchtime
Example: I like to meet health professionals at lunchtime.
What is “la plupart du temps” in English?
Most of the time
(not “the most times”)
What is “Il arrive que…” in English?
Exemple: Il arrive que je rencontre mes clients le soir.
(not “it arrives that...”)
Example: I sometimes meet my clients in the evening.
How do we pronounce “dosage” in English?
Where do we put one-word frequency adverbs (such as: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never) in sentences in the present tense?
Exemple: I meet clients at lunchtime.
Before the verb
I always meet clients at lunchtime.
I usually meet clients at lunchtime.
I sometimes meet clients at lunchtime.
I rarely meet clients at lunchtime.
I never meet clients at lunchtime.
What is “cibler” in English?
Exemple: Nous ciblons ce type de clientèle.
Example: We target this type of clientele.
What is “il ne se casse pas le tête avec ça” in English?
He doesn’t worry about that.
What is “bénéficier de…” in English?
Exemple: Les patients peuvent bénéficier de ce produit.
Benefit from
Example: Patients can benefit from this product.
How do we pronounce “criteria”?
What does EMR stand for?
Electronic Medical Record
What is GMF (Groupe de médecine familiale) in English?
(Family Medicine Group)
What is “prise en charge du patient” in English?
Patient care
Patient management
What is “cendres” in English?
What is “racké” ou “enkylosé” or “endolori” in English?
Exemple: Son bras est encore endolori suite à sa chute.
Example: His arm is still sore after the fall.
What is “illimité” in English?
(not “illimited”)