Lesson of November 11, 2024 Flashcards
What is “usage” in English?
Example: It is a multi-……….. product.
Example: It is a multi-purpose product.
What is “couronne” in English?
Example: The only Christmas decoration I put outside is a ……………..
Example: The only Christmas decoration I put outside is a wreath.
What is “cheveux” in English?
Hair or hairs?
Which is right:
1) My hairs are long.
2) My hair is long.
Hair (always singular)
2) My hair is long.
What is “pointes fourchues” in English?
Example: The hairdresser trims my hair when I have ………………
split ends
Example: The hairdresser trims my hair when I have split ends.
What is “aux deux jours” in English?
1) every 2 days.
2) every second day.
3) every other day.
4) all of the above.
4) all of the above.
What is “salon de coiffure” in English?
Hair salon
What is “pinceau” in English?
Example: My hairdresser uses a ………. to apply the product on my hair when she does highlights.
Example: My hairdresser uses a brush to apply the product on my hair when she does highlights.
Note: “brosse” and “pinceau” are both “brush” in English. But we can use the words “hair brush” and “paint brush” to be more specific.
What is “Je l’ai depuis 6 ans.” in English?
1) I have it since 6 years.
2) I’ve had it for 6 years.
2) I’ve had it for 6 years.
What is “aspirateur” and “passer l’aspirateur” in English?
Example: I have a …………….. and I ………… every second day.
vacuum cleaner
Example: I have a vacuum cleaner and I vacuum every second day.
What is “poussière” and “épousseter” in English?
Example: There is always a lot of ……… in my house. I have to ……. a few times a week.
poussière = dust
Épousseter = dust / do the dusting
There is always a lot of dust in my house.
I have to dust a few times a week.
I have to do the dusting a few times a week.
What is “épais” in English?
Example: My concrete floor is 4 inches ……………….
Example: My concrete floor is 4 inches thick.
What is “couler” in English?
Example: They …………. the concrete for the floors when they built our house.
Example: They poured the concrete for the floors when they built our house.
What is “craque” and “craquer” in English?
There are a few ……… in the floor.
The floor is starting to …….. a few places.
There are a few cracks in the floor.
The floor is starting to crack a few places.
What is “pièce” when talking about a house?
Example: The kitchen is my favorite …………. in the house.
Example: The kitchen is my favorite room in the house.
What is the difference between “stepparents” and “parents-in-law”?
A stepparent is your mom’s new life partner or your dad’s new life partner.
Your parents-in-law are your life partenr’s parents.