Lesson of March 13, 2024 Flashcards
What is “dont” in English?
Exemple: Un des médecins dont le fils est malade qui a annulé la rencontre.
Example: One of the doctors whose son is sick cancelled the meeting.
What is “glandes” in English?
Example: All …………….. produce hormones.
Example: All glands produce hormones.
How do we pronounce “parameters”?
What is “bilan de santé” in English?
Health check
What is “délicat, gênant, embarrassant” in English?
Example: When my doctor is also a client, it can be a little …………………….
Example: When my doctor is also a client, it can be a little awkward.
What is “être axé sur” in English?
Exemple: Le cours est axé sur la communication orale.
focus on
Example: The course focuses on speaking.
What is “compromis” in English?
What is “cuisinier-ère” in English?
Example: I am not a very good ………………..
Example: I am not a very good cook. (not “cooker”)
What is “faire un résumé”?
Write a summary
How do we pronounce “apostrophe”?
What is “trait d’union” in English?
Example: In the sentence “I have a 7-year-old daughter”, there are 2 hyphens.
What is “Ça me dérange” in English?
Example: Ça me dérange quand les gens font plein de fautes d’orthographe.
It bothers me
Example:It bothers me when people make a lot of spelling mistakes.
(NOTE: Read unit 78 on page 156 of your grammar book - Part E before answering this question)
How would you translate:
J’ai une fille de 7 ans.
I have a 7-year-old daughter.
(NOTE: Read unit 78 on page 156 of your grammar book - Part E before answering this question)
How would you translate:
C’est un emploi de 40 heures par semaine.
It’s a 40-hour-a-week job.
(NOTE: Read unit 78 on page 156 of your grammar book - Part E before answering this question)
How would you translate:
C’est un traitement de 6 mois.
It’s a 6-month treatment.
(NOTE: Read unit 78 on page 156 of your grammar book - Part E before answering this question)
How would you translate:
C’est une rencontre de 2 heures.
It’s a 2-hour meeting.
(NOTE: Read unit 78 on page 156 of your grammar book - Part E before answering this question)
How would you translate:
C’est un projet de 2 ans.
It’s a 2-year project.
(NOTE: Read unit 78 on page 156 of your grammar book - Part E before answering this question)
How would you translate:
J’ai une voiture de 10 ans.
I have a 10-year-old car.
(NOTE: Read unit 78 on page 156 of your grammar book - Part E before answering this question)
How would you translate:
C’est un rendez-vous de 1 heure.
It’s a one-hour appointment.
(NOTE: Read unit 78 on page 156 of your grammar book - Part E before answering this question)
How would you translate:
J’ai trouvé un billet de 50 dollars.
I found a 50-dollar bill.