Lesson of March 17, 2025 Flashcards
What is “traversier” in English?
Example: I took the ………. when I was in Nicaragua.
Example: I took the ferry when I was in Nicaragua.
What is “anxiogène” in English?
Example: The news these days are very ………………….
Example: The news these days are very anxiogenic.
What is “moto” in English?
Example: I rode a ……… in Nicaragua.
Example: I rode a motorcycle/ motobike in Nicaragua.
What is “Ça rappelle des bons souvenirs” in English?
It brings back good memories.
What is “lagon” in English?
What is “cratère” in English?
Example: A lagoon is formed in a volcano ……………
Example: A lagoon is formed in a volcano crater.
What is “auberge” in English as in “auberge jeunesse”?
youth hostel
How do we say: “Ça ne me dérange pas” in English? (2 options)
I don’t mind.
It doesn’t matter to me.
How do we pronounce “discipline” and “disciplined”?
What is “essai et erreur” in English?
Example: For parents, raising kids is often ………………………
trial and error
Example: For parents, raising kids is often trial and error.
In English, when speaking about physical activities, we often use “go + -ing”. Example: go swimming.
Translate the following:
Nous avons fait une randonnée.
We went hiking.
On a fait du surf.
We went surfing
On a fait du kite-surf.
We went kite-surfing.
On a fait de la voile.
We went sailing.
On est allés marcher.
We went for a walk.
On a fait du vélo.
We rode our bikes.
(not “we did biking.”)
Ça fait longtemps que je fais du surf.
I’ve been surfing for a long time.
(Not: It’s been a long time that I surf.)
How do we say in English: Ça fait deux ans que je prends des cours d’anglais?
1) I’m taking English lessons since 2 years.
2) I’ve been taking English lessons since 2 years.
3) I’ve been taking English lessons for 2 years.
3) I’ve been taking English lessons for 2 years.
How do we say in English:
Ça fait longtemps que je n’ai pas fait de vélo.
It’s been a long time since I (last) rode my bike.
I haven’t ridden my bike in a while.
How do we say in English:
Ça fait 2 ans que j’ai ce produit.
I’ve had this product for 2 years.