vocabulary and astronomy notes Flashcards
a massive star that has collapsed to such a small volume that its gravity prevents the escape of everything, including light
a small body made of rocky and metallic pieces held together by frozen gases; comets generally revolve about the sun in an elongated orbit
an apparent group of stars originally named for mythical characters; the sky is presently divided into 88 constellations
a group of stars, dust, and gases held together
main-sequence star
a star that falls into the main sequence category on the H-R diagram
this category contains the majority of stars and runs diagonally from the upper left to the lower right on the H-R diagram
the luminous phenomenon observed when a meteoroid enters earth’s atmosphere and burns up, popularly called a shooting star
any portion of a meteoroid that reaches earth’s surface
neap tide
lowest tidal range
occurring near the times of the first quarter and 3rd quarter phases of the moon
a cloud or gas and/or dust in space
spring tide
highest tidal range that occurs due to the alignment of the earth moon and sun
a very large, very bright red giant star
daily change in the elevation of the ocean surface
the place in the orbit of a planet where the planet is farthest from the sun
the scientific study of the universe; it includes the observation and interpretation of celestial bodies
big bang theory
the theory that proposes that the universe originated as a single mass which subsequently exploded
doppler effect
the apparent change in frequency of electromagnetic or sound waves caused by the relative motions of the source and the observer
electromagnetic spectrum
the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation according to wavelength
an oval
describes the concept of an earth-centered universe
greeks believed this
describes the view that the sun is at the center of the solar system
aristarchus(greek) believed this
he found planets relative distance
light year
the distance light travels in a year, about 9.5 trillion kilometers
nuclear fusion
the way in which the sun produces energy; Nuclear Fusion occurs when less massive nuclei combine into more massive nuclei, releasing tremendous amounts of energy
the point in the orbit of a planet where it’s closest to the sun
a slow motion of Earth’s axis that traces out a cone over a period of 26,000 years
the motion of 1 body about another as Earth about the sun
the spinning of a body, such as Earth, about its axis
galileo galilei
described the behavior of moving objects
- there are four moons orbiting jupiter
- planets are circular
- venus has moon phases
- the moon isn’t smooth it has holes and its rough
- the sun has sun spots
universal gravitation
every body attracts every other body
gravitational force is stronger with a larger distance
mass is greater when there is less gravitational force
johannes kepler
found 3 laws of planetary motion
orbit is an ellipse
planets go faster when closer to the sun
orbital revolution period is in earth years
The big bang theory
universe started as something smaller than an Atom( singularity ) and expanded
not big and not loud it was 13.8 billion years ago it’s still expanding today and it created everything