Vocabulary 7,8,9 Flashcards
To approve or permit; to give power or authority to
authorize (v.)
o’ the riz
A person who has committed a crime or is guilty of some misconduct; an offender
culprit (n.)
kel’ prit
To waste time; to be idle; to spend more time in doing something than is necessary
dawdle (v.)
dod’ el
to cut apart in preparation for scientific study; to analyze with great care
dissect (v.)
di sekt’
To pay out, spend; to use up
expend (v.)
ek spend’
An event resulting in death; an accidental death
fatality (n.)
fa tal’ a te
Easily fooled, tricked or cheated
gullible (adj.)
gal’ a bal
not permitted, unlawful, improper
illicit (adj.)
i lis’ it
To plunge or dip into a fluid; to involve deeply
immerse (v.)
i mers’
Causing excitement or anger; leading to violence or disorder
inflamatory (adj.)
in flam’ a tor e
A note to one’s memory; an informal note or report
memorandum (n.)
mem a ran’ dam
(plural: memorandums or memoranda)
Marked by strong emotion, especially pity and sorrow, able to move people emotionally; worthy of pity; woefully inadequate
pathetic (adj.)
pa thet’ ik
To keep doing something in spite of difficulties; to refuse to quit even when the going is tough
persevere (v.)
par se ver’
to lie, tell an untruth; to mislead on purpose
prevaricate (v.)
pri var’ a kat
to crush, put down completely
quash (v.)
- Enjoyment or satisfaction; something that adds a pleasing flavor
- To enjoy greatly
- relish (n.)
- relish (v.)
rel’ ish
To recall one’s past thoughts, feelings, or experiences
reminisce (v.)
rem e nis’
to clean or polish by hard rubbing; to examine with great care; to move about quickly in search of
scour (v.)
Something done or given to show thanks or respect a payment
tribute (n.)
trib’ yut
To make twisting or turning movements in a way that suggests pain or struggle
writhe (v.)
Wealth, riches, prosperity; great abundance, plenty
Affluence (n.)
af’ lu ens
unpaid or overdue debts; an unfinished duty
Arrears (n., pl.)
a rerz’
1) a steep, narrow waterfall; something falling or rushing forth in quantity;
2) to flow downward (like a waterfall)
1) Cascade (n.)
2) Cascade (v.)
kas kad’
to shrink back or hide in fear or submissiveness
Cringe (v.)
cranky, ill-tempered; full of odd whims
Crotchety (adj.)
krach’ e te
the size, shape, or arrangement of something
Format (n.)
for’ mat
not movable; not moving
Immobile (adj.)
I mo’ bel
blocked sot that nothing can go through
Impassable (adj.)
im pas’ e bel
something new, a change; the act of introducing a new method, idea, device, etc.
Innovation (n.)
I no va’ shen
good humored, in high spirits; merry
Jovial (adj.)
jo’ ve al
1) a handcuff, anything that chains or confines; 2) to chain or restrain (as with handcuffs)
1) Manacle (n., usually pl.)
2) Manacle (v.)
man’ a kel
warlike, fond of fighting; relating toward the army, or military life
Martial (adj.)
mar’ shal
1) the smallest possible amount;
2) the lowest permissible or possible
1) Minimum (n.)
2) Minimum (adj.)
min’ e mam
quick and skillful in movement, agile; clever
Nimble (adj.)
nim’ bal
the beginning, start (specially of something violent and destructive); an attack, assault
Onset (n.)
an’ set
1) something that divides (such as a wall); the act of dividing something into parts or sections;
2) to divide or subdivide into parts or shares
1) Partition (n.)
2) Partition (v.)
par tish’ an
likely to spoil or decay
perishable (adj.)
per’ a sha bal
to find and bring back, get back; to put right, make good
retrieve (v.)
re trev’
appearing evil or dangerous; threatening evil or harm
sinister (adj.)
sin’ a ster
tightly drawn, tense; neat, in good order
taut (adj.)