Vocabulary 4, 5, 6 Flashcards
to fall forward; to overturn, bring about the downfall of.
topple (v.)
tap’ el
bitter disagreement; fighting, struggle
strife (n.)
1) a beach or shore; a string of wire, hair, etc
2) to drive or run aground; to leave in a hopeless position
1) strand (n.)
2) strand (v.)
1) to examine closely; to look over quickly but thoroughly; to analyze the rhythm of a poem
2) an examination`
1) scan (v.)
2) scan (n.)
an act or instance of calling back, an annulment. cancellation
revocation (n.)
rev a ka’ shen
a daydream; the condition of being lost in thought
reverie (n.)
rev’ e re
to feel sorry for what one has done or has failed to do
repent (v.)
ri pent’
1) a sorry condition or state
2) to pledge, promise solemnly
1) plight (n.)
2) plight (v.)
unimportant; trivial; narrow-minded; secondary in rank; minor
petty (adj.)
pet’ e
an enthusiastic public welcome, an out burst of applause
ovation (n.)
o va’ shan
1) a being that must eventually die;
2) of or relating to such a being; causing death, fatal; possible, conceivable
1) mortal (n.)
2) mortal (adj.)
mor’ tal
something kept in memory of the giver; a souvenir
keepsake (n.)
kep’ sak
a lack of thankfulness
ingratitude (n.)
in grat’ e tud
To worship as an idol, make an idol of; to love very much
idolize (v.)
i’ del iz
to bring into existence; to be the cause of
generate (v.)
jen’ a rat
1) to throw doubt upon, cause to be distrusted; to damage in reputation
2) a loss or lack of belief, confidence or reputation
1) discredit (v.)
2) discredit (n.)
dis kred’ it
to destroy, lay waste, leave in ruins
devastate (v.)
dev’ e stat
to think, believe; to consider, have an opinion
deem (v.)
to declare not guilty, free from blame, discharge completely; to conduct or behave oneself
acquit (v.)
a kwit’
difficult to catch or to hold; hard to explain or understand
elusive (adj.)
e lu’ siv
To make peaceful or calm: to soothe
Pacify (v.)
pas’ e fi
one living permanently in a given place
inhabitant (n.)
in hab’ e tent
- having lost the power of feeling or movement
- To dull the feelings of; to cause to lose feeling
- numb (adj.)
- numb (v.)
willful, stubborn
headstrong (adj.)
hed’ stron
- a brawl, a noisy quarrel;
- To wear away by rubbing; make ragged or worn; to strain, irritate
- fray (n.)
- fray (v.)
the state of being faithful; accuacy in details, exactness
fidelity (n.)
fi del’ e te
one aspect or side of a subject or problem; one of the cut surfaces of a gem
facet (n.)
fas’ et
causing fear because of trangeness; weird, mysterious
eerie (adj.)
e’ re
the length of time that something continues or lasts
duration (n.)
dur ra’ shen
as series of notes clarifying or explaining something; an expression of opinion
commentary (n.)
kam’ en ter e
to act or work clumsily and awkardly; to ruin something through clumsiness
bungle (v.)
ben’ gel
- to talk or act in a noisy and threatening way; to blow in stormy gusts
- speech that is loud and threatening
- bluster (v.)
- bluster (n.)
blas’ ter
with a sharp point; keen and alert; sharp and severe; rising quickly to a hihg point and lasting for a short time
acute (adj.)
a kyut’
to delay leaving; to linger, wait; to remain or stay for a while
tarry (v.)
tar’ e
a brief statement giving a general view of some subject, book, etc.; a summary
synopsis (n.)
su nap’ sis
overly self-satisfied, self-righteous
smug (adj.)
something that interferes with progress; a disappointment, unexpected loss of defeat; a steplike recession in a wall
setback (n.)
set’ bak
deep and painful regret for one’s past misdeeds; pangs of conscience
remorse (n.)
ri mors’
to prove incorrect
refute (v.)
ri fyut’
greedy; very hungry; eager for satisfaction
ravenous (adj.)
rav’ e nes
The program for a meeting; a list, outline, or plan of things to be considered or done.
agenda (n.)
a jen’ da
friendly, good-natured
amiable (adj.)
a’ me a ble
to confuse, make stupid
befuddle (v.)
bi fad’ el
- a disease that causes plants to wither and die; a condition of disease or ruin
- to destroy, ruin
- blight (n.)
- blight (v.)
rough and noisy in a cheerful way; high-spirited
boisterous (adj.)
boi’ stres
clearness, accuracy
clarity (n.)
klar’ a te
willing to do what someone else wants; obedient
compliant (adj.)
kam pli’ ant
to preserve; to keep from bein damaged, lost, or wasted; to save
conserve (v.)
kan serv’
- a first public appearance; a formal entrance into society
- to make a first appearane
- debut (n.)
- debut (v.)
da’ byu
marked by bloodshed, slaughter, or violence
gory (adj.)
gor’ e
- overweight; coarse, vulgar; very noticeable; total
- an overall total (withouth deductions); twelve dozen
- to earn
- gross (adj.)
- gross (n.)
- gross (v.)
to cause , bring about; to persuade
induce (v.)
in dus’
extra space for moving alon a certain route; allowance for mistakes or inaccuracies; margin or error
leeway (n.)
le’ wa
- flexible
- to cause to become flexible
- limber (adj.)
- limber (v.)
lim’ ber
a network of pahs through which it is hard to find one’s way; something very mixed-up and confusing
maze (n.)
someone or something that can predict the future
oracle (n.)
or’ a kel
- a strong supporter of a person, party, or cause; one whose support is unreasoning; a resistance fighter, guerlla
- strongly supporting one side only
- partisan (n.)
- partisan (adj.)
part’ e zen
to pay back; to give payment for
reimburse (v.)
re im bers’
to go away from, leave empty; to make empty; to void, annul
vacate (v.)
va’ kat
- an idle wanderer; a tramp
- wandering; irresponsible
- vagabond (n.)
- vagabond (adj.)
vag’ e band