Vocabulary Flashcards
What is eccentric contraction?
muscle elongates while under tension due to an opposing force greater than muscle generates
What is isotonic contraction?
tension remains unchanged and hte muscle’s length changes
What is isometric contraction?
The length of the muscle doesnt change
What is muscle tone?
continuous and passive partial contraction of muscles or muscle resistance to passie stretch during resting state
What is the prime mover/agonist?
often considered as functional muscle group
responsible for initiation and execurtion of a specific action at a joint
What is hte antagonist?
oppose or reverse action of primary mover
What is the synergist mover?
assist the primary mover in its acctios
What is reciprocal inhibition?
skeletal muscle function usually includes pairs of muscles; depending on muscle function one of the pair muscle work as the agonist muscle and other antagonistic muscle;
Ia-mediated reciprocal inhibition contributes to antagonist suppression during movement
What is electromyography?
depolarization in a motor unit creates an eletrical potential called motor unit action potential; measure nerve conduction
What is hyaline cartilage?
transparent cartilage, type II collagen, chondrotin sulfate
in larynx trachea bronchus
What is articular cartilage?
hyaline cartilage in the articulate joints
What is elastic cartilage?
yellow cartilage in outer ear, eustachian tube, epiglottis; principle protein is elastin and collagen fibers
What is fibrocartilage?
mix of white fibrous tissue and cartilaginous tissue in various proportions; type I + type II cartilage
What is chondrocyte?
only cells found in cartilage; secrete and degrade matriz
What are aggrecans?
cartilage-specific proteoglycan core proteins; encoded protein is an integral part of extracelular matrix, protein modiefied with carbohydrates
What is lacunae?
situated between lamellae, small space containing osteocyte
canniculi connect
What is perichondrium?
layer of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds cartilage of developing bone
What is appositional bne growth?
growth in diameter around disphysis occurs by deposition of bone beneath periosteum and thickening of cartilage occurs
What is intersitial growth?
cell division of chondrocytes and further secretion of ECM
What is the territorial matrix?
matrix near isogenous groups of chrondrocytes contains larger amount of glycosaminoglycans; basophilic
What is interterritorial matriz?
remainder of matrix, not basophilic; non-territorial matrix
What is hydroxylapatite?
naturally occuring mineral form of calcium calcium apatite;
main mineral of bone
What is osteoid?
Unmineralized, organic portion of bone matrix that forms prior to maturation of bone tissue
What is woven bone?
haphazard organization of collagen fibers and is mechanically weak
What is lamellar bone?
bone with regular parallel alignment of collagen into sheets and is mechanically strogn