Vocab Test Missing And Interest Group Vocab Flashcards
Amicus cruiae briefs
Legal briefs submitted by a friend of the court for the purpose of raising additional points of view and presenting information not contained in the briefs of the formal parties these briefs attempt to influence the courts decision
Bicameral legislature
2 houses or sections of the legislature
Class action law suits
Lawsuits permitting a small number of people to sue on behalf of all of their people similarly situated
Coalition government
When two or more parties joined together to form a majority of the national legislature this form of government is quite common in the multiparty systems of Europe
Coalition lobbying
- coalition building is the alliance of special-interest groups with purpose of achieving same goal
- use direct lobbying and grassroots lobbying
- coalitions are build based on goals that are similar, working together to achieve common goals, and where the benefits of the coalition outweigh the financial costs
Collective good
Something of value (money, a tax write off, clean-air) and so on that cannot be withheld from a group member of an interest group
Federal regulation of lobbying act
Passed in 1946 and act requiring congressional lobbyists to register and state their policy goals according to the Supreme Court the law applies only to groups whose principal purpose is lobbying
Free rider problem
The problem faced by unions and other groups when people do not join because they can benefit from the groups activities without officially joining the bigger the group the more serious the problem
Front runner
The candidate leading the election
Grassroots lobbying
is an approach that separates itself from direct lobbying through the act of asking the general public to contact legislators and government officials concerning the issue at hand, as opposed to conveying the message to the legislators directly
Horse race coverage
Media coverage of elections like horse races, trivial and interested in who is winning
Political ideology
Those were already holding office and congressional elections incumbency usually win
Influence peddling
the illegal practice of using one’s influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favours or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment
Interest group liberalism
Refers to governments excessive deference to groups
interest group liberalism holds that virtually all pressure group demands are legitimate and that the job of the government is to advance them all
In an effort to please every interest agencies proliferate, conflicting regulations expand, programs multiply, and budgets skyrocket
Interstate commerce
Commerce between states
Intrastate commerce
Commerce in a state
Iron triangle
Entities composed of bureaucratic agencies interest groups and congressional committees or subcommittees which of dominated some areas of domestic policymaking
are characterized by mutual dependency in which each element provides key services information or policy for the others
Used when interest groups fail in Congress or get only a vague piece of legislation passed they then step into court and hope of getting specific rulings (amicus curiae briefs and class action suits)
According to Lester Milbrath a communication by someone other than us it is an acting on his own behalf directed to a governmental decisionmaker with the hope of influencing his decision
Direct involvement in the elect oral process groups can help fund campaign’s provide testimony and get members to work for candidates and some form political action committees
Media consultant
Campaign professionals who provide candidates (interest groups) with advice and services on media relations, advertising strategy, and opinion polling.
journalist who uncovers abuses and corruption in a society usually with little regard for truth
Multi party system
System of multiple parties used in Europe
Party era
Historical periods in which a majority of voters clean to the party in power which tends to win a majority of elections
Pledged delegates
Delegates that have pledged to vote for certain candidate in advance of the national party convention
Political advertising
advertising that attempts to influence or comment upon a matter which is currently the subject of extensive political debat
Popular sovereignty
principle that the authority of a state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives, who are the source of all political power.
Potential group
All the people who might be interest group members because they share some common interest a potential group is almost always larger than an actual group
Press secretary
A spokesperson for the United States government especially in regards to the president and senior executives
Public interest lobbies
An interest group whose principal purpose is to benefit nonmembers
The step after proposal where the state governments accepts and finalize a amendments to the Constitution
Revolving door
Employment cycle in which individuals who work for government agencies regulating interests eventually end up working for interest groups or business with the same policy concern.
Right to work laws
a state law forbidding requirements that workers must join a union to hold their jobs. State laws were specifically permitted by the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947.
Selective benefits
Goods such as information publications travel discounts in group insurance rates that interest group can restrict to only those who pay their yearly dues
Unicameral legislature
Legislature with only one section part or house
Two-party system
The political party system in the United States where there are only two major political parties that compete for positions in government
Unpledged delegates
Delegates at national party convention’s who are not pledged or promised to vote for any particular candidate they are given more freedom and power to choose which one they want
superdelegates are unpledged
Actual group
The parts of a potential group consisting of members who actually joined the interest group