Vocab September Flashcards
To sink
Se noyer
To drown
Disparaitre en mer
Disapear at sea
To hit the headlines (to make the headlines) antonym
To be swept from the spotlight
beaucoup de gens aisés
A handful of wealthy people
To spark (s)
to generate = déclencher
To outweigh
much less (s)
far less
Une chaîne tv
A Tv channel
Even though (2s)
Although = Though
To swear (3s)
To vow = to promise = to pledge to do something
Un potentiel (président)
A hopeful
Le siège social
The headquarter
Se plaindre de
To complain about
To crash (3s)
To collapse, to grunge, to plummet
A nickname (s)
A moniker
To be similar to (s)
To be akin to
To fire (2s)
To dismiss, to make someone redundant
A physician (s)
A doctor
To plunge (s)
To slump
They came out ON the same day (s)
They were released ON the same day
The space race (s)
The space conquest
Une fusée
A rocket
Louer (sens gratifier)
To praise something
Unexplored (s)
To throw (2s)
To cast, to hurl
Art work (2s)
Artefact, work of art
The consequence (s)
The fallout
Someone who works there
An insider
Un vol (d’objet)
A theft
Un gouvernail
A rudder
Une centrale nucléaire
A nuclear power plant
Atteindre un point important
To reach a milestone
Ce n’est pas un remède miracle
This is not a silver bullet
To break a record (s)
To smash a record
Juste avant
In the run up to
Juste après
In the wake of
To deteriorate
To decay
Fournitures scolaires
School supplies
Out of control fires
To increase (3s)
To soar, to skyrocket, to surge
Des personnes malveillantes
ill-intentioned people
Être induit en erreur
To be misled
Sans précédent
Atteindre un point de non retour / critique
To reach a tipping point
Attirer l’attention
To garner attention
À qui l’on doit
Credited with
Une soif de
A thirst for
Une raison de s’inquiéter
A cause for concern
Avoir du mal à faire qqchose (2)
To struggle to do something / to have a hard time +ing
Être méfiant
To be weary of something
Épineux (2)
Tricky = thorny
Être émerveillé, admiratif
To be in awe
Un fauteuil
An armchair
Se tenir la tête
To hold one’s head
L’autour (l’environnement)
The surrounding
L’anxiété concernant l’écologie
Reprocher à quelqu’un
To blame someone
La société de consommation
The consumption society
Rester les bras croisés
To sit on your hands
Pas fertile (terre)
Tirer la sonnette d’alarme (2)
To raise/sound the alarm
Souffrir de qqchose
To suffer FROM something
Être dans le déni (2)
To turn a blind eye to something = to look the other way
Un climatosceptique
A climate skeptic (to be skeptical)
Appartenir à
To belong to something
Faire une supposition
To make an assumption
Être recroquevillé
To be huddled
Un linge
A cloth
Anxiété, angoisse au sens psychanalytique
Les couverts
Une maladie chronique
A condition
Running down
Streaming down
To raise people’s awareness about/of
To sensitize people to
Des companies pétrolières
Fossil fuel companies
Sur la droite de l’image, la gauche
ON the left hand side, right hand side
Tenir une pancarte sur laquelle on peut lire
Holding a sign that reads
Le planant (qui plane)
The looming
Dégrader des oeuvres d’art
To deface artworks
Un crane
A skull
To reduce (s)
To phase out (the use of fossil fuel)