VOCAB: CH 19 Secondary Assessment and Reassessment Flashcards
A condition characterized by unequal pupil size; may be congenital or indicative of pathology
Loss of the ability to understand or express speech
Apical impulse
A pulsation of the left ventricle of the heart that is palpable and sometimes visible at the fifth intercostal space to the left of the midline
Failure of muscle coordination
A technique that requires the use of a stethoscope and is used to assess body sounds produced by the movement of various fluids or gases in organs or tissues
Bronchovesicular breath sounds
Normal breath sounds heard over the major bronchi or in the posterior chest between the scapula
An abnormal sound or murmur heard while auscultating an artery, organ, or gland
A fine, bubbling sound heard on auscultation of the lung. It is produced by air entering distal airways and alveoli that contain serous secretions
A grating sound or sensation that may be caused by bone fragments rubbing or other sources, such as a joint with inflammation
Deep tendon reflexes
Reflexes that examine the sensory and motor pathways of a nerve; often associated with muscle stretching
Diastolic blood pressure
The minimum level of blood pressure measured between contractions of the heart
Difficult and poorly articulated speech resulting from poor control over the muscles of speech
Dysconjugate gaze
Failure of the eyes to move with synchronized motion; may be diagnostic of a neurologic injury
An abnormality in the speaking voice, such as hoarseness
Bleeding from the nose
Heart murmurs
Abnormal heart sounds caused by altered blood flow into a chamber or through a valve