VOCAB: CH 19 Secondary Assessment and Reassessment Flashcards
A condition characterized by unequal pupil size; may be congenital or indicative of pathology
Loss of the ability to understand or express speech
Apical impulse
A pulsation of the left ventricle of the heart that is palpable and sometimes visible at the fifth intercostal space to the left of the midline
Failure of muscle coordination
A technique that requires the use of a stethoscope and is used to assess body sounds produced by the movement of various fluids or gases in organs or tissues
Bronchovesicular breath sounds
Normal breath sounds heard over the major bronchi or in the posterior chest between the scapula
An abnormal sound or murmur heard while auscultating an artery, organ, or gland
A fine, bubbling sound heard on auscultation of the lung. It is produced by air entering distal airways and alveoli that contain serous secretions
A grating sound or sensation that may be caused by bone fragments rubbing or other sources, such as a joint with inflammation
Deep tendon reflexes
Reflexes that examine the sensory and motor pathways of a nerve; often associated with muscle stretching
Diastolic blood pressure
The minimum level of blood pressure measured between contractions of the heart
Difficult and poorly articulated speech resulting from poor control over the muscles of speech
Dysconjugate gaze
Failure of the eyes to move with synchronized motion; may be diagnostic of a neurologic injury
An abnormality in the speaking voice, such as hoarseness
Bleeding from the nose
Heart murmurs
Abnormal heart sounds caused by altered blood flow into a chamber or through a valve
A visual assessment of the patient and surroundings
Involuntary jerking movements of the eyes
A technique in which an examiner uses the hands and fingers to gather information from a patient by touch
A surface tapping technique used to evaluate the presence of air or fluid in body tissues
Pericardial friction rub
A dry, grating sound heard with a stethoscope during auscultation; suggestive of pericarditis
Acronym that indicates that the Pupils are Equal and Round, and Reactive to Light
Physical examination
An assessment of a patient that includes examination techniques, measurement of vital signs, an assessment of height and weight, and the skillful use of examination equipment
Pleural friction rub
A rubbing or grating sound that occurs as one layer of the pleural membranes slides over the other during breathing
Pronator drift test
A test to evaluate balance and upper extremity weakness; performed by having that patient close the eyes and hold both arms out from the body
Pulse deficit
A condition that exists when the radial pulse is less than the ventricular rate; it indicates a lack of peripheral perfusion
The ongoing assessment that follows the paramedic’s initial evaluation of the patient
Abnormal, coarse, rattling respiratory sounds, usually caused by secretions in bronchial airways, muscular spasm, neoplasm, or external pressure
Romberg test
A test to evaluate stance and balance; performed by having the patient stand erect with eyes closed, feet together, and arms at the sides
Secondary assessment
An assessment that consists of physical examination techniques, measurements of vital signs, an assessment of body systems, and the skillful use of examination equipment
Six cardinal fields of gaze
A test to evaluate extraocular muscle function; performed by having the patient visually track an object in six visual fields in an H pattern
An abnormal, high-pitched musical sound caused by obstruction in the trachea or larynx
Subcutaneous emphysema
The presence of air in the subcutaneous tissues
Superficial reflexes
Reflexes elicited by sensory afferents from skin
Systolic blood pressure
The blood pressure measured during the period of ventricular contraction
Fine vibrations felt by an examiner’s hands over the site of an aneurysm or on the pericardium
Tidal volume
The volume of air inspired or expired in a single, resting breath
A hollow drumlike sound produced when a gas-containing cavity is percussed
Vesicular breath sounds
Breath sounds heard over most of the lung fields; the major normal breath sound
A form of rhonchus characterized by a high-pitched, musical quality. It is caused by high-velocity airflow through narrowed airways