SMOs- Cardiac Protocols Flashcards
Adult Cardiac Arrest (6)
*Confirm any criteria for death
- CABs/confirm no pulse
- Begin CPR
- 2 inches -100-120/min -100% O2 -ventilations - Cardiac monitor
- Shockable vs non= go to correct protocol (PEA/Asystole or Adult VF/Pulseless VTach)
Adult Post Resuscitation (8)
BP >90
-Fluids 200ml increments if below, up to 1L
Labs- BGL
Advanced airway
-RR 6-12; ETCO2 35-45
Adult Post Resuscitation (8) after BLEACHO
Look for and follow appropriate protocol if any of the following are found:
STEMI/suspicion of MI= Adult suspected cardiac patient protocol (16)
Symptomatic Bradycardia= Adult Bradycardia protocol (15)
ROSC with antiarrhythmic given= Arrythmias are common and usually self limiting after ROSC and may not need further meds or drips. If arrhythmia persists follow appropriate rhythm protocol
Termination of Resuscitation (9)
Look at protocol
Adult Cardiogenic Shock/ Pulmonary edema (10)
-SBP <90
*Initial medical care
12 D.F(E)
1. 12-lead
2. Duoneb if wheezing
3. Fluids or push dose epi to raise BP over 90 (2mL q 3-5 min)
Adult Cardiogenic Shock/ Pulmonary edema (10)
-SBP 100 or 120
*Initial medical care
12 CD N
1. 12 lead
3. Duoneb if wheezing
4. NITRO: BP 100 ( have IV in place
->120mmHG Nitro okay to give without IV
Adult VF/Pulseless VTach (11)
- VF/Pulseless VTach on monitor
- 1st shock at 120J
- CPR for 2 minutes
- advanced airway w/ ETCO2
- over 10mmHg is goal
- 1 breath every 6 seconds
- establish IV/IO
5. No pulse and shockable= 2nd shock @200J
6. CPR 2 minutes - EPI 1mg of 1:10,000 IVP q 3-5min
- No pulse and shockable= 3rd shock @200J
- CPR 2 minutes
- Amiodarone 300mg IV/IO bolus
- Tx reversible causes
Adult Tachycardias (with Pulse) (12) Stable
*Initial medical care
Stable w/: Rate >150, pt is alert, w/o any signs of hypoperfusion
-continue IMC and transport
- vagal
- Adenosine 6mg RAPID IV/IO w/ 20ml NS flush
- Adenosine 12mg if rhythm persists
- Continue IMC and transport
Adult Tachycardias (with Pulse) (12) Unstable
*Initial medical care
Unstable: rate >150 with signs of hypoperfusion
1. Versed consideration @ .05 mg/kg, roughly 2.5mg slow IV/IO/IM/IN (IN preferred)
-monitor via pulse ox and capnography
2. Synchronous cardioversion (100-120-150-200J)
3. Contact med control for further orders
4. Accelerated Transport
Vtach with pulse (stable)
- Apply pads
- 150mg Amiodarone over 10 minutes
Adult Syncope/Pre-Syncope (13)
*Initial medical care
check the three ‘whys’
1. Cardiac monitor/12-lead
2. BGL check
-<60= adult diabetic emergency protocol
3. SBP >90?
yes= transport
no= IV NS 200ml increments, max 1L until SBP>90 and transport
Adult PEA/Asystole (14)
*Adult cardiac arrest protocol(6) brought you here
- Pads/confirm not shockable/known PEA or Asystole
- EPI 1:10,000 1mg IV/IO q 3-5min
- 2 min of CPR
- NOT Shockable= continue CPR
- consider advanced airway
- Tx reversible causes
Adult Bradycardia (15) Stable
Stable: Pt is alert, without any signs of hypoperfusion
- Monitor continuously enroute and reassess
- Transport
Adult Bradycardia (15) Unstable
Unstable: Signs of hypoperfusion or ALOC
- Atropine 1mg IV/IO q 3-5min
- max 3 mg - Transcutaneous pacemaker
- rate 70 - While pacing, consider sedation with Versed 2.5mg slow IV/IO/IM/IN
- Transport
- If pacing unavailable or not effective, call med control to order push dose epi (2mL q 3-5min)
How to make push dose epi
Take a 10ml syringe with 9ml of normal saline. Into this syringe, draw up 1 ml of EPINEPHRINE (1mg/10ml) from the cardiac amp.
-Administer 0.5ml IV/IO every 2 minutes to maintain SBP > 90 and HR > 60
Adult Suspected Cardiac Patient (16)
SBP <90
12 AF
*Initial Medical care
- 12-lead and transmit
- Aspirin chewable tablet 81mg x 4 (324mg)
- Cont. to appropriate protocol
- most likely NS fluid bolus
Adult Suspected Cardiac Patient (16)
SBP 90-110
12 AT
*Initial Medical care
- 12-lead and transmit
- Aspirin chewable tablet 81mg x 4 (324mg)
- Transport
Adult Suspected Cardiac Patient (16)
SBP >110
12 AN PT
*Initial Medical care
- 12-lead and transmit
- Aspirin chewable tablet 81mg x 4 (324mg)
- Nitro .4mg tab q 5 min up to 3 times
- Have an IV in place - Consider fentanyl or morphine
- Fentanyl: 50mcg IV/IO/IM/IN
- -May repeat q5, max 200mcg
- Morphine 2mg IV/IO/IM
- -May repeat q5, max 10mg - Transport
Consider a 12-lead for:
- Chest pain/Discomfort/Pressure
- Arm Pain (non-traumatic)
- Jaw Pain (non-traumatic)
- Upper back pain (non-traumatic)
- Unexplained diaphoresis
- Vomiting without fever or diarrhea
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness/syncope
- Epigastric pain
- Fall in the elderly (unexplained)
- Weakness/Fatigue
- Bradycardia or Tachycardia
Ventricular Assist Device (VAD/LVAD) (18)
Look at protocol
List H’s and T’s (8,5)
1. Hypovolemia (200ml N.S)
2. Hypokalemia (200ml NS)
3. Hyperkalemia (dialysis pt- 200ml NS and consider 1g Calcium)
4. Hypoxia (Vent w/ O2)
5. H+ ion (Vent w/ O2)
6. Hypothermia (warm)
7. Hyperthermia (cool)
8. Hypoglycemic (D50)
1. Toxins (200ml NS and Narcan
2. Tamponade (200ml NS)
3. Thrombosis (P.E) 100% O2
4. Tension pneumothorax (Needle decompression)
5. Trauma (Tx associated trauma)