SMOs- Pediatric Protocols Flashcards
Pediatric Pain Control (61)
*Assess pain severity Mild Pain: 0-6 1. Consider IV 2. Monitor and reassess 3. Transport
Moderate to Severe Pain: >6
- IV
- Cardiac monitor
- Consider pain med
- Fentanyl 1mcg/kg IV/IO/IM/IN
- -may repeat q5, max single dose 50mcg, max total dose 150mcg
- Morphine .1mg/kg IV/IO/IM
- -may repeat q5, max total 10mg - Transport
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (62)
-VF/Pulseless VTach
- Confirm no pulse
1. CPR - 100% O2 -Ventilate
2. Pads/confirm VF/Pulseless VTach
3. Shock #1 @ 2J/kg
4. 2 min CPR (15:2) - Establish IV/IO TKO
- consider advanced airway
5. No pulse and shockable= #2 shock @ 4J/kg
6. 2 min CPR - EPI .01mg/kg 1:10,000 IV/IO q3-5min
7. No pulse and shockable= #3 @ 4J/kg
8. 2 min CPR - Amiodarone 5mg/kg IV/IO
- -may repeat 2x
- -max single dose 300mg
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (62)
- Confirm no pulse
1. CPR - 100% O2 -Ventilate
2. Pads/confirm PEA/Asystole
3. EPI .01mg/kg 1:10,000 IV/IO q 3-5min - Advanced airway
4. No pulse= continue CPR - Tx reversible causes
Pediatric Bradycardia (63)
- Assess CABs
- 100% O2
- Initial assessment:
- Respiratory difficulty
- Cyanosis despite O2
- Cool skin
- Hypotension
- No palpable BP
- Weak thready pulse, no peripheral pulse
- Decrease consciousness - Cardiac monitor
No cardiorespiratory compromise:
5. Support, observe, keep warm, transport
Severe cardiorespiratory compromise: A Chest IEA 5. Secure airway/support vent with BVM -Have pulse ox 6. Chest compressions if HR <60 despite O2 and ventilations 7. IV TKO 8. EPI .01mg/kg IV/IO 1:10,000 q 3-5 9. Atropine .02mg/kg IV/IO -max single of 1 mg -may be repeated 1x in 5 min Improved= transport Not Improved= external pacing per med control
Pediatric Tachycardia with Poor Perfusion (64) Narrow
- Assess CABs
- 100% O2
- Initial assessment:
- Respiratory difficulty
- Cyanosis despite O2
- Cool skin
- Hypotension
- No palpable BP
- Weak thready pulse, no peripheral pulse
- Decrease consciousness - Cardiac monitor
NO pulse= Cardiac arrest protocol
Narrow (< or equal to .08sec)
Sinus Tach (P waves, infant rate <220; child rate <180bpm)= tx reversible causes
Narrow SVT (infant >220; child >180bpm)
5. Attempt vagal
6. IV established or rapidly available?
No= sync cardioversion @ .5J/kg
-repeat @ 1J/kg and then 2J/kg and transport
Yes= Adenosine .1mg/kg IV/IO with 10ml flush
-persists= double the dose
Perfusion normal= support and transport
Rhythm converted but hypoperfusion= pediatric shock protocol (68)
Rhythm not converted= sync cardioversion and transport
Pediatric Tachycardia with Poor Perfusion (64) Wide
- Assess CABs
- 100% O2
- Initial assessment:
- Respiratory difficulty
- Cyanosis despite O2
- Cool skin
- Hypotension
- No palpable BP
- Weak thready pulse, no peripheral pulse
- Decrease consciousness - Cardiac monitor
Wide( > .08sec) (Tx as presumptive VTach) 5. IV established or rapidly available? NO= sync cardiovert Yes= consider versed (.05mg/kg) then sync cardiovert 6. Transport
Pediatric Tachycardia with Adequate Perfusion (65) Narrow
- Assess CABs
- 100% O2
- Initial assessment:
- Respiratory difficulty
- Cyanosis despite O2
- Cool skin
- Hypotension
- No palpable BP
- Weak thready pulse, no peripheral pulse
- Decrease consciousness - Cardiac monitor
Narrow (QRS <.08sec): Sinus Tach= tx reversible causes SVT: 5. Attempt vagal 6. IV 7. Adenosine .1mg/kg with 10ml flush -persists= double dose 8. Support and transport
Pediatric Tachycardia with Adequate Perfusion (65) Wide
- Assess CABs
- 100% O2
- Initial assessment:
- Respiratory difficulty
- Cyanosis despite O2
- Cool skin
- Hypotension
- No palpable BP
- Weak thready pulse, no peripheral pulse
- Decrease consciousness - Cardiac monitor
Wide (QRS> .08sec)
5. Treat as presumptive VTach and transport
Pediatric Respiratory Distress (66) Reactive (lower) Airway Disease
CORP 1. Assess CABs 2. Administer 100% O2 3. Assess for reactive airway disease •wheezing •grunting •retractions •tachypnea •diminished respirations •decreased breath sounds •tachycardia/bradycardia •decreasing consciousness 4. Position of comfort DC 5. Duoneb 6. Cardiac monitor 7. Transport
Pediatric Respiratory Distress (66) Partial (upper) Airway Obstruction
1. Assess CABs
2. Administer 100% O2
3. Assess for partial airway obstruction:
•suspected foreign body, obstruction or epiglottitis
•tripod position
4. Position of comfort
5. Assess tolerance for O2 administration
6. Per med control: Duoneb
*Do not attempt intubation, visualization, or IV access
Relieved= transport
Unrelieved= Pediatric respiratory arrest protocol (67)
Pediatric Respiratory Distress (66) Upper Airway Disease
CORP 1. Assess CABs 2. Administer 100% O2 3. Assess for upper airway disease: •suspected foreign body, obstruction or epiglottitis •stridor •choking •drooling •hoarseness •retractions •tripod position DE 4. Per med control: Duoneb 5. Nebulized EPI 1mg 1:1,000 in 2ml NS -can repeat per med control 6. Transport
Pediatric Respiratory Arrest (67) w/ Adequate respiratory effort
- Assess airway
-airway maneuver, and if needed jaw thrust/chin lift head tilt, suction, oropharyngeal airway
Adequate Respiratory Effort: - 100% O2
-monitor spo2 and capno - Support ventilations with BVM if indicated
- Consider BGL check
-administer oral glucose or Glucagon .03mg/kg IN or D25/D12.5 - IV TKO
If Normal Perfusion: - Support CABs
- Cardiac monitor
- Transport
If Hypoperfusion: - Refer to Pediatric Shock Protocol (68) or Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Protocol (62)
Pediatric Respiratory Arrest (67) w/ Inadequate respiratory effort
1. Assess airway
-airway maneuver, and if needed jaw thrust/chin lift head tilt, suction, oropharyngeal airway
2. 100% O2
-monitor spo2 and capno
3. Support ventilations with BVM if indicated (20-30 breaths per minute)
Chest rise adequate= GO to step 5 of adequate res effort
Chest Rise Inadequate=
4. Relieve upper airway obstruction
-reposition airway
-back slaps or abdominal thrusts
-forcep removal
5. If failure: consider intubation then needle cricothyrotomy
Pediatric Shock (68)
- Assess CABs
-secure airway - 100% O2
- Cardiac monitor
- Determine etiology of shock
-Fluids at 10ml/kg
-Dysrhythmia protocol
-Fluids at 20ml/kg
–If no response, repeat, max of 60ml/kg
-Fluids at 20ml/kg
–If no response, repeat, max of 60ml/kg - Transport
Pediatric Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis (69)
- Assess CABs
- secure airway
- Support ventilations with BVM as indicated - 100% O2
- Apply ice pack to site
- Transfer
- EPI .01mg/kg 1:1,000
- IV or pen
- do not exceed .3mg - IV TKO
- Benadryl 1mg/kg
- Deoneb if wheezing
- Fluids if hypotensive at 20ml/kg
- Cardiac monitor
- Transfer
Pediatric ALOC (71)
O BC Glucose? Narcan? *Initial medical care 1. 100% O2 2. BGL check 3. Cardiac monitor Glucose <60: 4. Oral glucose or D25/12.5 Improved=transport Still ALOC= go to 'Inadequate respiratory effort Glucose>60 Inadequate Respiratory Effort: 4. Consider Narcan at .1mg/kg IN if RR<12 -single dose 2mg, max 6mg -for suspected acute narcotic exposure
Pediatric D25 and D12.5
D25: 2ml/kg
-to make: dilute D50 with NS 1:1
D12.5 (<2months): 4ml/kg
-to make: dilute D25 with NS 1:1
Pediatric Toxic Exposure/Ingestion (72)
- Initial medical care
1. 100% O2
2. Cardiac monitor
3. IV
4. Initial interventions per med control as indicated for identified exposure
5. Think narcotics, BGL, and be prepared for seizure
Pediatric Heat Emergencies (73)
- Initial medical care
1. 100% O2
2. Cardiac monitor
Normal LOC and Diaphoresis: -SBP>100= cool liquids PO Hypoperfusion or N/V: 3. Fluids IV 20ml/kg -repeat if no improvement, max of 60ml/kg 4. Initiate cooling 5. Transport
Decreased Consciousness, Dry skin:
- Fluids IV 20ml/kg
- repeat if no improvement, max of 60ml/kg - Initiate cooling
- Transport
* Secure airway if indicated
Pediatric Cold Emergencies (74)
- Move to warm area
- Tx skin like burn (light sterile dressing)
- Transport
Systemic Hypothermia:
- 100% O2
- Rewarm
- Hot packs in towels and placed on axilla, groin, neck, thorax - Transport
Severe Hypothermia:
- Handle with extreme care and transport
- 100% O2
Pediatric Drowning (75)
- Assess CABs
- Assess for hypothermia
Adequate Respiratory Effort: - 100% O2
- Spinal precautions
- Rewarm/remove clothes
- IV
- Cardiac monitor
- Transport
Inadequate Respiratory Effort:
- Ventilate with BVM and 100% O2 (20-30 breaths per minute) and transport
- Obstructed airway= Ped Respiratory Arrest Protocol (67) or Ped Cardiac Arrest Protocol (62)