Vitamins/Minerals Flashcards
Vitamin A
Cartene– precursor, provitamin
Toxic Level: 10,000 U
Sources: yellow/orange fruits, green leafy veggies (cantaloupe, fish liver, carrots, fortified skim milk, apricots, sweet potato)
Vitamin A Deficiency
- Nyctalopia (night blindness)- reversible; detected using dark adaptation test
- Xeropthalmia- corneal damage, NOT reversible
- Hyperkeratosis- dry scaly skin
Vitamin D
Cholesterol is precursor, UV light
7-Dehydrocholesterol–> D3 cholecalciferol–> D2 ergocalciferol
Sources: Sunlight, egg yolk, fortified milk
Vitamin D Deficiency
Rickets (soft bones)
Osteomalacia (adult rickets)
Vitamin E
Known as tocopherol, functions as antioxidant
*One of the least toxic vits
UL 1000mgs
Sources: veg oils, whole grains, green veggies, almonds
Vitamin E Deficiency
Hemolytic anemia
Vitamin K
Synthesized by bacteria in lower GI tract
No toxicity symptoms
Aids in blood clotting (forms prothrombin in liver)
Given pre-surgery
Ca metabolism
Vitamin K Sources & Deficiency
Sources: spinach, kale, broccoli, green leafy veg
Def: Hemorrhage (slow clotting)
*affected by mineral oil, antibiotics, anticoagulants
Blood thinners- consistent vit K intake
Vitamin B1
Thiamin water soluble *Lost in cooking as temp or pH rises *Heat stable in acid *better maintained in meat when cooked/roasted at low end temp
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Function & Sources
- Oxidation of CHO (inc. CHO, inc. need for B1)
- Metabolism of pyruvate
- Grains, wheat germ, *pork, liver
Thiamin (B1) Deficiency
Beriberi, muscle weakness, foot drop, memory loss, tachycardia
- Elevated plasma pyruvate level indicates Thiamin def.
Vitamin B2
Lost in UV light (milk sold in opaque container)
Energy release from PROTEIN
RBC production
*Liver, kidney, meat, milk (animal protein)
Riboflavin (B2) Deficiency
Growth failure
*Cheilosis- cracked lips
*Angular stomatitis- mouth corner cracks
Magenta tongue
Precursor: TYPTOPHAN
Metabolism of CHO, PRO & FAT
*protein, peanuts, cereal, chicken, rice, yeast, milk
Niacin Deficiency
*Dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia (3 Ds)
Bright, red tongue
Symmetrical, pigmented rash in sunlight
*Coenzyme for DNA synthesis
Forms RBC in bone marrow
Prevents neural tube defects
*fortified cereal, liver, kidney, leafy greens, citrus fruits, lentils, beans
Folate Deficiency
Megaloblastic, Macrocytic anemia
Diarrhea, fatigue
Vitamin B6
Coenzyme in amino acid metabolism (deamination/transamination- digestion & absorption)
Increase PRO= Increased pyridoxine
*meat, wheat, corn, yeast, pork, liver, cereals
Pyridoxine (B6) Deficiency
Seizures, anemia, dermatitis, glossitis, peripheral neuropathy
Vitamin B12
Cyanocobalamin (contains cobalt)
Bound by intrinsic factor in gastric juice
Coenzyme in PRO synthesis, Forms RBC
*animal proteins (liver, meat, milk, eggs, fish, cheese)
Cyanocobalamin (B12) Deficiency
Macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia
Pernicious anemia- after gastrectomy or removal of ileum–Due to lack of IF
*Deficiency rare
Pantothenic acid
Functions as Coenzyme A- in energy release Synthesis of fatty acid (by intestinal bacteria) Rare deficiency (paresthesia in feet)
Vitamin C- Ascorbic acid
Most easily destroyed vit, structure like glucose
Needs acid pH
Destroyed by heat, alkaline pH, oxidation
Vitamin C- Ascorbic acid
Changes proline into hydroxyproline into collagen, which strengthens intercellular substances
- wound healing
- aids iron absorption
- citrus fruits, potatoes, papaya, dark greens, yellow veggies
Vitamin C- Ascorbic acid
poor wound healing
bleeding gums
Synthesized by intestinal bacteria, inactivated by avidin (protein in raw egg white)
*Coenzyme in FA synthesis, converts pyruvate to oxaloacetate in gluconeogenesis
*liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast
Deficiency: muscle pain, dermatitis, glossitis
Most abundant mineral in body
Regulated by parathyroid hormone
Calcitonin lowers serum Ca by inhibiting bone reabsorption
Blood clotting, cardiac fn, nerve transmission, smooth muscle contractility
Dairy, leafy veggies, legumes
Def- hypcalcemia leads to tetany (irregular muscles contractions)
Part of DNA molecule, RNA, ATP, *2nd most abundant mineral Phospolipids transport fat through lymph and blood *bone/teeth *best source: animal proteins Def rare
Trace mineral Part of hemoglobin Food iron: ferric *MOST absorbable form: FERROUS Stored: ferritin (best assessment parameter for iron status) *Oxygen transport
Iron Sources
Heme iron: animal foods, meat, fish poultry (MFP factor)
Non-heme: cereals, vegetables, poorly absorbed; absorption aided by gastric juice, vit C.
*Ca helps if oxalates are present (oxalates bind iron, Ca binds oxalates)
Does NOT aid absorption: eggs, tea, milk, cheese
Iron Deficiency
Pale tongue, fatigue, anemia, *spoon-shaped nails
Part of chlorophyll 50% in bone, 50% in cells *PRO and FA synthesis Stabilizes structure of ATP High PRO, Ca, Vit D increases need *most foods, milk, bread Def rare- tremors
Trace mineral
- excess leads to copper or iron deficiency
- increased taste acuity
- enhances insulin action
- animal proteins
Zinc deficiency
reduced immune fn
poor wound healing
Trace mineral
Part of thyroxine
*seafoods, iodized salt
Def- goiter
Trace mineral
teeth, bones
Source: soil, water
Def- dental caries
Trace mineral
Attacher to protein- ceruplasmin
Hemoglobin synthesis
Aids in absorption
Source: liver, kidney, shellfish
Def- rare- microcytic anemia, neutropenia
*Wilson’s disease: low serum copper, genetic absence of liver enzyme
Cooperates with Vit E
Tissue respiration
*soil, grains, meat, fish, poultry, dairy
Def- myalgia, cardiac myopathy
whole grains, legumes, nuts
Def unlikely
Absorption enhanced by Vit C, niacin
Aids insulin action and required for glucose metabolism (Cr & Zn)
*yeast, oysters, potatoes, liver
Def- insulin resistance
Exists with B12
Stored in liver
Maturation of RBC
Related to B12 def
Occurs as 3 AAs
Component of organic molecules
*Animal protein sources ar best
Component of lecithin
Transports lipids as acetylcholine
*Fat in eggs, milk, liver, soybeans