Nutrient and energy needs throughout the Lifespan Flashcards
How much weight should a pregnant woman gain for normal wt, underwt, overwt and obese?
normal- 25-35lbs underweight- 28-40lbs overweight- 15-25lbs obese- 11-20lbs *goal- at least lower limit
Who should strive to achieve upper end to reduce risk?
black women and very young women
Proper weight gain during pregnancy:
Who is at risk?
1 lb/month X first 3 months
1lb/week therafter
At risk- failure to gain 4lbs (1.8kg)/month in last half of pregnancy; =35 years; 12 months between pregnancies
A pregnant adolescent is at high risk and needs extra…(3 nutrients)
Fe, Ca, Zn
How much DHA does the 2002 DRIs recommend for pregnancy and lactation? What is DHA needed for?
Pregnancy- 1.4g/day DHA
Lactation- 1.3g/day
Omega-3’s are needed for development of fetal nervous system (brain development)
Birth weight:
Normal BW= 2500-4000 grams (5.5-8.8lb)
Low BW= < 5.5lbs)
Very Low BW= < 3.3lbs)
Extremely Low BW= < 2.2lb)
Calorie, protein and water/unit wt needs
0-6 months
7-12 months
0-6 mo: ~550 kcal, 9.1g pro, 125-155ml/kg
7-12 mo- ~700 kcal, 11g pro, 1.5ml/kcal
*min of 30g fat/day for both
Maternal hormones from pituitary:
- stimulates milk production
- moves milk through ducts
- prolactin
2. oxytocin
Yellowish transparent fluid secreted from the breast during first few days;
- meets infants needs during first week
- more pro, less fat & CHO than mature milk
- antibodies
Exclusive BF is recommended for the first __-__ months, then supplemented by weaning foods for AT LEAST up to ___ months.
4-6 mo
up to 12 months
What do BF infants need in addition?
400IU Vitamin D
0.25mg fluoride/day after months of age if water contains inadequate fluoride (formula fed infants only need Fl supp after 6 mo)
Milk supply is adequate if…
infant gains wt and lgth
frequent stools
6-8 wet diapers/day
When can solids be introduced?
At 4-6 months, when sitting posture can be sustained and extrusion reflex diminishes
- cereal
- veggies or fruit
Those who can not tolerate cow’s milk-based or soy products, use ______.
casein hydrosylate (Pregestimil)
Growth chart that detects short term changes in nutritional status and used to distinguish between stunting and wasting.
Weight for length/height
Growth chart that reflects long term nutritional status; determines extent of stunting. It is affected by long term nutritional stress or chronic illness.
Length/Height for age
This growth parameter is not very useful and not used to classify under/over weight; short term marker of growth and affected by acute nutritional status or illness. CANNOT distinguish between stunting and wasting because it does not include height. Further eval if 95th.
Weight for age
Overweight and obese are defined by…
Overweight- 85th-95th%ile BMI/age
Obese- >95th%ile BMI/age or BMI >30
Head circumference should be measured until age __. Supine length (lying down) should be measured until age ___.
3; 2
4th-5th month, BW should be_____.
By one year, BW should be _____.
and length should increase ___%.
By year 2, BW should be ___ and length up __%.
tripled, 50%
quadrupled, 75%
Symptoms of lead poisoning
irritability lethargy anorexia vomiting diarrhea
RDA for protein adults >=19 (M/F)
Males- 56 grams
Females- 46 grams
Macronutrient Distribution Ranges
CHO: 45-65%
FAT: 20-35%
PRO: 10-35%
The elderly often lack _____ and ____ due to…
Calcium and iron; due to decreased absorption 2/2 decreased HCL
Want to encourage elderly to consume ____-rich foods and possibly supplements of ___ and ___.
folate-rich foods
B6 and B12
How much water do athletes need during physical activity?
16oz water for every 1 lb body weight lost
At rest and during normal activity, ___ are the primary energy source.
Fats (80-90%)
CHO (5-18%)
Pro (2-5%)
During prolonged exercise, reliance on CHO to provide ______ for continued lipid oxidation.