Nutrition and supporting sciences Flashcards
mg/atomic wt X valence
AW & Valence of Na, K, Ca
Na 23, 1
K 39, 1
Ca 40, 2
Extracellular electrolytes
Na+, Ca++, Cl-, HCO3- (bicarbonate)
Intracellular electrolytes
K+, Mg++, P
NaCl is ___% Na
How many grams of NaCl are in 1 tsp salt?
6 grams NaCl
What does hyperkalemia cause?
cardiac irregularities
Normal range of sodium and potassium
Na+- 136-145 mEq/L
K+- 3.5-5 mEq/L
Difference between osmosis and diffusion?
Osmosis- fluid moves from LESS–> MORE concentrated side of membrane
Diffusion- fluid moves from MORE–>LESS concentrated side
Low serum protein leads to…
edema and ascites
- Extreme, generalized edema and widespread swelling of skin due to effusion of fluid into extracellular space
- Associated with heart, liver, renal failure and extreme pro/kcal malnutrition
What is the BEST assessment parameter for fluid status?
Serum sodium
Hypernatremia is associated with ____.
Hyponatremia is associated with _____.
Acid-base balance is the regulation of ____.
hydrogen concentration
Acid releases/takes up H+?
Base releases/takes up H+?
Acid releases
Base takes up
A buffer is a mix of acid and base to protect against strong acid or base.
A major buffer is made up of:
carbonic acid (H2CO2) sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
What controls the supply of carbonic acid?
Bicarbonate (base)?
Lungs- carbonic acid
- hypoventilation- retention of acid, hyper- loss of acid
Kidneys- bicarbonate
- regulate H+ secretion and HCO3 reabsorption
Lungs and kidneys try to keep pH balance of ___. How do they do this and why?
A change in one side of the buffer brings about a compensatory change in the other side to maintain balance; maintain pH of 7.4. Balanced pH is important for many reactions in the body
CO2 retention in lungs leads to kidneys inc. absorption of base
Respiratory acidosis (retention of acid– need more base to balance pH)
- hypoventilation (breath slower)
- emphysema
Loss of CO2,H2O in lungs leads to kidneys excrete base
Respiratory alkalosis (loss of carbonic acids leads to higher levels of base in lungs so kidneys excrete base to balance out)
- hyperventilation
- anxiety, sever exercise (inc breathing)
Kidneys excrete excess base (uremia, diarrhea)
-uncontrolled DM, starvation, high fat or low CHO diet
Metabolic acidosis (too much acid in kidneys) Need to breath more to get carbonic acid out to balance pH (respiration increases to expel CO2- hyperventilation)
Abnormal retention of base in kidneys
- vomiting
- loss of acid
- diuretics
- loss of chloride
Metabolic alkalosis (too much base) -need to retain carbonic acid in lungs; hypoventilation- respiration decreases
3 step process to evaluate acid-base balance
- Check pH
- Check pCO2 (blood gas)- measures CO2 (lungs)
- check HCOs- measures base (kidney fn)
Normal range for pH, HCO3, pCO2
pH- 7.4 (acidosis 7.4)
HCO3- 24-28 (kidneys)
pCO3- 35-45 (lungs)