vitamins Flashcards
what are the fat soluble vitamins?
Carotinoids and A,D,E,K
what are the physiological function of beta carotene?
- Protect biomembrane
- Synthesis of progesterone (cattle, deer)
- Immune stimulant
- Anti cancer
What are the daily requirments of beta carotene of dairy cows?
Dairy cow: 300-600 mg/day
Which deficiency do you get if you lack beta carotene?
Troubles of the ovulation/ovarial function (low LH) – cattle only
Where is beta carotene found?
Lutein (grass, alfalfa) Zeaxanthin (corn) Apocarotine (orange) Canthaxanthin (chanterelle) Capsantin (paprika) Violaxanthin (crab) Licopin (tomato) Echinenone (sea star)
control of supply of beta carotene:
Feed analysis
Color of serum: 5,6 mmol/l
Physiological functions of vitamin A:
- Maintenance of normal epithelial cell proliferation
- Mucous formation (glycoproteins)
- Chondroitin sulphate synthesis
- Increase number of receptors of growth factors on cells
- Steroid synthesis
- Increase lymphocytes
- Antioxidant effect
- Role in nigh vision
Deficiency of vitamin A causes:
Papilloedema, bindness – caused by increased CSF pressure – calf
Blindness – night blindness – rhodopsin
Malformation with hydrocephalus, hernia menisci – piglet
Keratomalacia: keratinization of oesophageal mucosa, accumulation of dead cells around gland duct, increased risk of infections – chicken
Visceral gout with urate crystals
Deficiency in turtles
Where do you find vitamin A?
Liver, egg, cod liver oil – retiny ester
Carrot, turnip, alfalfa – beta carotene
Physiological function of vitamin D:
- Ca-P metabolism
- Increase transcription of calcium binding protein (CaBP)
- Increase in mineralization of bones in younger animals
- Demineralization of bone in older animal – PTH like activity
Daily requirements of vit D:
Cow: 500-1000 IU/day
Monogastric: 1000-3000 IU/day
Deficiency of vit D cause:
Rachitis – young – rickets
Osteomalatia – adult
Milk fever – cow
Poor egg formation
Overdose of vit D cause:
Where do you find Vit D:
Plant origin, alfalfa – ergocalciferol
Egg, milk - cholecalciferol
Control of supply of vit D:
Ca-P of feed Alkaline phosphatase of blood plasma: - increase if deficiency - decrease if overdose or normal level Ratio of active/inactive D3 in serum: show good or poor supply
Physiological function of vit E
- Antioxidant
- Avoid myodegeneration
- Immunostimulant
Daily requirments of vit E
Cow: 150-300 mg/day
Monogastric: 10-40 mg/kg feed
Deficiency of vit E cause :
Encephalomalacia – crazy chicken disease
- (cerebellum hyperplasia and edema)
Exudative diasthesis
VESD: vitamin E selenium deficiency syndrome
- (multberry heart disease) – swine
PSE – pale soft exudative
White muscle disease: zenker necrosis/ myodegeneration
- (hind quarter muscles)
Cardiomyopathy – Calf
Yellow fat disease – pansteatitis – cat, mink
Where is vit e found?
Plant origin: wheat germ oil
Animal origin: egg, butter, milk, meat
Control of supply, vit E:
Concentration in blood
Activity of SOD (automatic antioxidant)
Remove toxic O2
-High SOD = low vitamin E
Physological function of vit K:
- Anti- haemorrhagic
2. Blood clotting factor
Daily requirments of vit K:
Daily supply is necessary!!
2-10 mg/kg feed
Deficiency of vit K:
Haemorrhage – petechia formation
Bleeding of the placenta in pregnant and lactating rabbits
Antivitamins of vit K
Dicoumarol poisoning – mellilotus officinalis (mouldy)
Coumarin /Warfarin – rat poison
Where do you find vit K?
Green forages and microbes
- K1: phylloquinone (plant): alfalfa, chesnut leaves
- K2: microbial source
Control of supply, vit K:
Blood clotting time
What are the water soluble vitamins?
What are the name of B1?
Physiological function of B1:
- Aids in the function of the heart, cardiovascular system, brain and nervous system(production of nerve impulses and acetylcholine from AcCoA)
- Co-factor enzymes
Daily requirments of vit B1?
Monogastric: 1-3 mg/kg feed
Calf: 1-4 mg/kg feed
Cow: can synthesize on their own
Deficiency of B1 cause:
CCN: cerebrocortical necrosis, polyneuritis, opsthotonos
- Calves, lambs
General weakness, cyanosis, polyneuritis – chicken
Polyneuritis: tail in equines/horse
Chasteks paralysis – feeding raw fish in fox, mink
Beri-beri disease: two types
- Wet: edema, cardiac damage, bradycardia
- Dry: neuromuscular damage, weakness
Where do you find vit B1?
Brand, germ of cereal
Yeast, egg yolk, milk, meat
What is the name of B2?
physiological function of B2:
Cofactor of enzymes – FAD, FMN
- Respiratory chain
- Glutathione reductase
- Fat synthesis
Daily requirments of B2?
4-10 mg/kg feed
Rumen microbes can synthesize
Deficiency of vit B2:
Curled toe disease: broiler chickens
- Degeneration of the myelin sheath on peripheral nerves
High embryo mortality – in clubbed down conditions
Dry, desquamative dermatitis on whole body of pig
Slow growth