Past A - part 2 Flashcards
What is required for the determination of the nutrients’ digestibility by a total collection method?
Registration of the feed intake and collection of the faeces are required
Source of phytic acid:
hulls of nuts, seeds and grains
Which vitamin cooperates with CoA?
Panthotenic acid
How should growth promoters act? (way of absorption)
It increases bodyweight gain and feed intake and decrease body fat content
Bulky feeds have:
Low Dry Matter content related to the whole volume e.g. Roughages
Which species is the Swann report for?
Protein over-eating causes :
worse nidation
They can be used as silage additives:
Which biogenic amine can cause food/feed allergy with skin syndromes?
The most significant risk of drug-induced nutrient deficiencies occurs in old dogs with:
Marginal nutrient intake and chronic disease
Green chops:
A. are more digestible than hay
B. are less digestible than hay
C. has the same values as hay
D.are not used
Are more digestible than hay
The slimming diet of dog and cat may contain higher level of:
Low degradable starch
Vitamin A.
Trivalent (Organic) Chromium
In case of congestive heart failure, one has to choose feeds which are:
Low in Sodium
Meaning of Substitution Number:
Decrement of forage DM intake (kg) when 1kg DM of concentrate is fed
It has high buffering capacity:
Alfalfa silage
The Protein : Energy (P:E) ratio of feedstuff means:
P:E - The amount of protein in gram related to 1 MJ of energy
Meaning of Discount Factor:
Decrement of nutrient’s digestibility when the feeding level is enhanced by 1 unit
Peroxide number in good feedstuff:
Which acid does rapeseed contain?
Euruvic acid
Humidity in air dried feed:
20 – 25%
Unipolar absorption: A.Iron,potassium B.Iron,sodium C.Potassium, sodium D.Iron,cu
Iron, Sodium
which acid does streptococcus bovis produce?
Lactic acid
In this cow, the cation – anion balance of feed can be advantageous:
Dry cow
Abortion can be caused by:
B.F2 toxin
The limiting essential amino acid in extracted soybean meal is:
Does not occur when feed is given in an unrecognizable form:
Feed inversion
What occurs is feed allergy, feed intolerance, and feed interaction
What is most important for micro-organisms reproduction in the rumen?
The alkali state of nutrition says: ‘The more acidic material that is produced by the body…’
‘…the more basic material must be taken via food.
The idiopathic hyper-calcemia is common in:
Total absence of Zn absorption may cause death, because of:
Lack of SuperOxidase Dimutase (SOD) activity
The hair analysis is a good indicator of:
Zn, Cu, Mn, Se
Very important in the immune response and cancer prevention:
D. Se,Fe
Zn, Se
Clinical signs of its toxicosis may be similar to the swine Mouth and Food Disease (MFD):
What is metabiosis?
Relationship between 2 species, where one is depending on the products of the other.
Which barrier is built up by the epithelial cells in the immune system of the GI tract?
B. anatomical
Pirrolo-QuinoloQuinon (PQQ), the recent discovered vitamin can be found in:
PQQ-rich foods include green tea, parsley, green peppers, kiwi fruit, papaya and tofu
Metabolizable Protein means:
UDP content of feed + Microbial proteins in small intestine
It improves (allows, facilitates) the effect of vitamin D:
vit C
Its deficiency in egg may cause typical embryonal mortality in the chicken:
Taurine is a vitamin-like substance only for: