nutrition questions revised Flashcards
Concentration of which element is unipolar through absorption:
Fe (Excretion only through bleeding ?)
in addition, Na is unipolar, regulated at the level of excretion. Zn, Cu, etc, are bipolar.
This amino acid form has a characteristic role in nutrition:
Alpah - L-optic form (exception: Methionine)
The alkalic state of nutrition says “the more acidic material that is produced in the body the…”
“…more basic material must be taken via the food”
The majority of protozoa are not able to digest cellulose?
They mainly digest starch and sugar
What will happen if you give a lot of by-pass (protected) protein to the dairy cows
Time between parturition and new AI will increase ( + more milk yield, more fat mobilization)
Hemicellulose (Neutral detergent fiber – Acid detergent fiber)
(ADF-ADL = Cellulose)
Vitamin A relative? (Probably which element is needed for vitamin A synthesis)
Zn and P are needed for carotene – Vitamin A transformation
What is ‘k’?
NE/ME*100 (Net energy / Metabolizable energy * 100)
What is the protein content of cereals (corn, wheat, barley, oat, rye)?
10-15%, low
What is ‘q’?
ME/GE*100 (Metabolizable energy/Gross energy * 100)
Measurement of body composition via density measurement is done by?
Archimedes principle – The apparent weigh loss of a body immersed in a fluid equal to the weight of the displaced fluid
What are indicator bacteria?
In Wendee analysis, what is the part that does not contain Nitrogen
The NFE (Nitrogen Free Extract) is a calculated value which is determined by subtracting from the DM the crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat and crude ash (DM – (CP + CF + EE + Ash) = NFE)
What is an important element for females?
P, Mn – Cause alimentary infertility. Selenium deficiency causes general fertility problems, placenta retention.
What can cause secondary Cu deficiency?
S+Mo: they reduce copper absorption!
What happens when lignin content increases?
Digestibility decreases and feed intake decreases
What is the effect of induced mutation?
There is an increase in essential aminoacid production
What is the vitamin K antivitamin?
Dicumarol (Melilotus), Cumarin/warfarin (rat poison
What improves the immune state of a cow right after parturition?
Instead of Carbon this ground substance can be built into organic matters and in humans it decreases the danger for arteriosclerosis:
Br or S
Deficiency of these substances causes alimentary infertility:
Mn and P
Energy density = ?
Cow - NE/UE
Chicken - ME/UE
What is a silo?
A building for the storage of silage, a place for herbal fermentation. Can be horizontal, tower (upright) or plastic bag.
Deficiency of this substance gives dry dermatitis over the whole body:
Dry + generalized dermatitis 🡪 B2 (riboflavin) deficiency