nutrition 1 past quetsions Flashcards
Carotene in the blood can be measured in the case of
a) cow
b) cow and sheep
c) cow, goat and sheep
d) cow, goat sheep and pig
a) cow?
sheep, goat and pig have no colour change in serum
Which vitamins function is to help protein synthesis
vitamine B6
pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine
Which vitamins function is to carry CO2…
biotin (i følge google er det en cofactor i syntheser som flytter på co2)
Synthetic antioxidants
BHA - butylated hydroxianysole
BHT - butylated hydroxitoulene
EMQ - etoxy methylquinolin
What are prebiotics?
non digestible, beneficially affect host by selectively stimulating the growth or activity of bacteria (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli) in the colon "food for bacteria" - inulin -FOS, GOS, MOS -soybean germ oligosaccharides -izomalto-oligosaccharides -xylo oligosaccharides - lactulose
Descending dermatitis?
Zn (vet ikke helt om\ dette stemmer men den gir og dermatitis så mybee)
B5 - pantothenic acid
Ascending dermatitis?
biotin (ascending ulcerative dermatitis)
Which vitamin can be measured by glutathione peroyixdase activity (something like that)
B2 riboflavin
The formula for apparent metabolizability
The formula for biological value of a protein.
BV=retained N/ absorbed N
The percentages of bacteria in the rumen and the kinds of bacteria in the rumen and gut of a Ru.
main flora >90%
satelite flora <1%
residual flora <0,1%
(good bacteria should be 90-99%, called Eubiosis when good bacteria are found in this proportion.
When they are below this percentage it’s called dysbiosis.)
Know the barriers of the gut of a ruminant..
first line of defence: mucous layer - physiological barrier -secreting antimicrobial peptides in respose to pathogens in gut lumen second line: epithelial cells + class of innate lymphoid cells
(anatomical barrier (the enterocytes make it up).. then the
microbiological barrier (good bacteria of the gut prevent the baddies from being absorbed), Immunoligcal
barrier… and humoral barrier..)
Which mineral or vit is needed for cartilage SYNTHESIS-
vitamin C
The mineral whose deficiency causes bad coat problems…
copper, sulphur (iodine?)
zinc, manganese, selenium? can test in hair
which Vitmin is slipping of the calcaneous tendon in turkey?