Past A - part 3 Flashcards
Why are the growth promoters such as CuSO4 not always successful?
Due to genetic environment interaction
How can the bacteria in the rumen be influenced?
Via temperature, pH, and antibiotics
What is PER (Protein Efficacy Ratio)?
Weight gain per weight of protein eaten PER = Weight gain / Crude Protein intake
Buffer capacity?
Amino acids have a buffer capacity due to their amphoteric nature
What does protein overdose damage?
Change of uteral fluid (pH, composition) Causes a possible delay of conception in cattle
The new protein calculating system (protein digestibility system) pays attention to:
Protein degraded in the rumen which are metabolized into microbial protein
(in addition to the Bypass/UDP protein)
Respiratory Quotient. Used in calculations of the basal metabolic rate. For carbohydrates it is 1, fats 0.7, protein 0.8-0.9
CO2 eliminated / CO2 consumed
In Hungary, protein requirement is given in DCP (Digestible Crude Protein) for which animals?
Horse, Pig, Rabbit
What is the rumen buffer?
Mostly NaHCO3 also MgO
What does eubiosis mean?
Gut flora is in equilibrium - main flora is >90% of total flora
What do you have to use when calculating DE?
Feed intake
Gross energy of feed intake
Faecal output
Gross energy of faecal output
What is INQ?
Index of Nutritional Quality-Nutrient allowance / Energy allowance related to the requirements
What is the term for by-pass proteins used in calculations?
UDP Un-Digested Proteins
How much an animal will eat is regulated by:
Short term control (Homeostatic control) and Long term control (Homeorhetic control)
Heat treatment – Ammonia = ?
Ammonia is liberated, along with H2S, from the decomposition of Cys and Ser
Time of the first fertile ovulation is mainly determined by:
Growth and body composition
What is the Kellner System?
Starch Equivalent Unit, Net system for body fat production, Fat producing power of pure nutrients relative to the fat producing power of starch (248g fat / 1kg fat)
Computerized feed calculations also give:
Which feedstuff should be combined
What information should be given in case of computerized feed calculation?
Name of feedstuff, combination, requirement, minimum and maximum values
What are depository (storage) fungae?
Storage Fungi - Aspergillus, Penicillum, Mucor, Fusarium
Field Fungi - fusarium, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Stachybotritis, Ergosterum
What does Energy Density mean?
Energy Density - the amount of net energy in a feedstuff related to its food unit
Expression of energy requirements of Beef Cattle:
NEM and NEg
What is caused by reactions of proteins?
Liberation of NH3 during processes of feed shows that there are:
Reactions between protein molecules
What is IgY?
An antibody in egg yolk with an activity similar to IgA. Protects the mucous membrane in newborns
Formula for corrected DE?
DE*(1 - 2DF)
ME = ?
ME = DE – gaseous and urinary loss
What is the pH of the rumen?
6.2 – 6.8
For nutrition in ruminants, we divide the energy into 3 groups. What are they?
What is the meaning of PER?
Protein Efficiency Requirement ! weight gain of a test subject divided by its intake of a particular food protein during the test period
In Hungary, protein requirement is given in CP for which animals?
CP - Birds
CP or DCP-Dogs, Cats
How is MP value calculated?
When do we need zero N retention?
Adult bird - N intake = N output - 0 N retention Young/Growing bird- N intake > N output - + N balance
Is N positive or negative in young animals?
Adult bird - N intake = N output- 0 N retention Young/Growing bird - N intake > N output-+ N balance
What are pro-biotics made of?
Bacteria (mostly Lactobacilli), Fungi (yeast culutres)
What are repartitioning compounds?
β2-agonists- Increase proteins, decrease fat
What does Energy Density express?
How much energy there is in a feedstuff, related to its food unit.
What mechanisms are responsible for short-term regulation of body composition?
The short-term regulation of feed intake (qualitative) is Homeostatic. Is controlled by chemical factors such as blood glucose, feed, temperature, and physical factors such as stomach capacity and food bulkiness.
What is NSP?
Non-Starch Polysaccharides - e.g. Peas, beans. Roughage, dietary fibre.
Fermented in the caecum with gas productions
How would you determine Nutrient Digestibility by a total collection method?
Amount of feed intake during a 24-hour period + Collection of faeces
(Intake – Output) / Intake
Organic matter = ?
DM – Ash
Name an indicator in faeces:
Mn, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, Lignin (indigestible substances)
What is the combustion energy of uric acid?
34.4 KJ/g
What can one calculate with the content of urine?
ME = GE – Faecal – Urine – Gas NE = GE – Faecal – Urine – Gas – Heat loss
Why is it forbidden to use STH as a growth factor?
Long-term fat mobilization
What is the buffer capacity in milk, egg shell, and bone?
Egg shell and bone have the same buffer capacity. Milk has none.
What is disbisois?
Disbiosis-A condition where the typical distribution of microbes in the body is disturbed- Microbial imbalance
How can energy metabolism be measured?
Direct calorimeter (bio-calorimeter) Indirect calorimeter
What is the acid number?
Acid Number - The mass of KOH (in mg) required to neutralize 1g of chemical substance. It is a measure of rancidity of fat.
What is the peroxide value?
Peroxide Value - Of an oil or fat. Measure of fat rancidity
It is the amount of peroxide oxygen per 1kg of fat. The peroxide can be titrated with Na- thiosulfate.
With which method do you measure body composition and water compartments?
Dilution method
What is meant by water vegetation?
Water Vegetation-The amount of water in food
How can you measure CF?
Boil sample in H2SO4, neutralize with distilled water, boil again in NaOH, filter, wash, dry, and measure CF
Hence acid AND base used!
Which of the following statements regarding aging is true?
Aging is associated with increased susceptibility and decreased capacity to resist or repair injury
In the short term, weighing patients frequently is most useful in evaluating the status of:
The protein requirements of old dogs:
Must be individualized
Tables created according to the New Protein Evaluation System for Ruminants express the protein content of the feeds in the form of:
Both of them
The optimum Nitrogen : Sulfur ratio in Dairy Cow diets is:
They are storage Fungi:
Aspergillus genus
Body Condition Score (BCS) is:
An estimation of the fat cover of the body and an indicator of body energy reserves or the lack of them
The Energy Density expresses how many:
Net Energy is in the feedstuff related to 1 Fulfillment Unit (NE/UE)
It is chemically determined according to its nitrogen content:
Crude protein
They belong to the group of neutroceuticals:
Organic acids
Ration of Beef Cattle can be supplemented by urea when:
Both of them (A+B)
The UFP is positive. The rumen protein balance is negative.
PSE muscle by VESD in living animal is present in:
Growing-Fattening pig
Put in increasing order according to the energy level of cat’s, dog’s and cow’s milk:
Cow, Cat, Dog
The maintenance energy requirement of dog could be calculated by using the:
Metabolic Body Weight (W 0.75)
The acidification of the cat’s urine helps to prevent the formation of:
Struvite stone
Forced and quick weight reduction program in obese cats may cause:
Hepatic hyper-lipidosis
When using the method of direct calorimetry, this parameter will also be measured:
Neither of them
Neither O2 consumption nor CO2 production
For determination of Digestible Energy by experimental way, we calculate with the:
Gross energy content of the feed and that of the faeces
The most important factor influencing the onset of the first fertile oestrus in Dairy Heifers: