Vitals Flashcards
Elevated BP
Systolic Between 120-129 and diastolic less than 80 mmHg
Normal Blood Pressure
Elevated Blood Pressure
Systolic 120-129mmHg AND Diastolic <80mmHg
Stage 1 Blood Pressure
Systolic:130-139 mmHg OR diastolic 80-89mmHg
Stage 2 Blood Pressure
Systolic >140mmHg OR Diastolic >90mmHg
Diagnosis of Hypertension
Based on 2+ readings obtained on 2+ occasions
Urgency Hypertension
> 180/>120mmHg WITHOUT evidence of organ damage
-No evidence of headache, dizziness, chest pain, confusion
Emergency Hypertension
> 180/>120mmHg WITH evidence of organ damage
-Evidence of headache, dizziness, chest pain, confusion
Normal Temperature
98.6 *F
Normal Range for Temperature
97.5-98.9 *F
Factors that can influence accuracy of Temperature readings
Eating, Drinking, Chewing gum, smoking 15 minutes prior, talking and/or breathing during reading
Pyrexia (Fever)
Infection, heat exhaustion, malignancy, medications
-Extreme fever (106.7*F +)
-Bleeding in the brain, infections, sepsis, immune disorders
Hypothermia (low temperature)
Exposure to cold, paralysis, excess alcohol, starvation, hypothyroidism, hypoglycaemia
Normal range for heart rate