Visual-motor Integration Flashcards
Visual-motor integration
- Visual and proprioceptive information are integrated in the brain
- Integration of information allows for motor judgments to be made
- Tracing something, driving
Visual motor functions:
- Expressive function: output / production of a movement
o includes non-verbal communication - Receptive function: intake of information
o Receiving environmental cues
§ Visual information: spatial relationships, closure, tracking
o Combining sensory and proprioceptive cues
Observing visual-motor integration
Provides information about the child’s:
- Fine and gross motor skills
- Intactness of sensory and motor modalities
- Possible neurological deficits / impairments
o Cerebral palsy (CP)
o Traumatic brain injury (TBI) - ⅓ of children will show deficits in visual motor integration and skills
o Learning disabilities (SLD)
How the child carries out the test can be critical
Child’s style of responding:
* Dealing with frustration
* Correcting of errors
* Concentration and attention
* Planning and organization
* Motivation
* Encouragement
* Time to complete… perfectionism?
Fine motor skill:
* How the child holds the pencil
* Handedness
* Signs of tremor / holding pencil tightly
* Shifting posture / arm position
Visual integration:
* Traces designs with finger before drawing them
* Reorients paper or card so design is on a tilt
* Difficulty with the parts of designs
* What part of the design does the child draw first?
* Are parts integrated into the whole?
* Does the child spot differences between his drawing and the example?
How does the brain
integrate information?
Brain networks share information with one another constantly
Several brain networks are involved in everyday function
- Default mode network (DMN)
o Maintenance of the self
–Most active when you are not engaged in task- task-negative network
–Autobiographical, integrate sensory to add to self awareness - Sensory-motor network
o Processing of sensations and movements
—Sensory info and motor responses - make interpretations about sensations in our environment
—Develops much earlier than higher-order networks - Salience network
o Monitors the environment for important information
–Alarm system of the brain
–When info is detected - help redirect our attention - Central Executive Network
o Involved in decision-making and planning
–Higher order executive functioning skills
—Near the end develops
Disruptions (due to injury, psychological distress, illness) can cause
poor information integration within a network and between networks
- Can result in deficits in information integration à visuomotor
dysfunctions can ensue
Visual-perceptual / Visual-motor Tasks
- Visual perception with motor response
- Visual perception without motor response
How does the brain integrate information?
White matter
Axon bundles - highways that connect one brain region to another
Visual-perceptual / Visual-motor Tasks
1. Visual perception with motor response
Visual perception with motor response:
1. The Bender-Gestalt Test
2. Beery Visual-Motor Integration
* Pencil and paper copying tests
* Untimed
3. NEPSY II > NEuroPSYchological test for children
o Route finding subtest
Visual Perceptual Tests
without motor response
Visual perception without motor response
1. NEPSY II (Arrows subtest – which arrow will hit the bullseye?)
* Identification of poor visuospatial skills: judging line orientation, direction,
angularity, and estimating distance
–Test whether a child can judge line orientation visually - which arrow points directly to the target
- Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
* Gestalt Closure subtest - what shape is this?
Tests of Motor Skills
Motor skills impaired due to:
* Motor planning
* Physical dexterity
* … Or combination of both
* Ability to perform motor tasks quickly decreases corresponding to the severity of closed head injury
* Common effect = reduced fine motor skills – particularly timed motor tasks
To assess:
* Use tests that do not have a visual-perceptual component so that poor visualperceptual skills do not confound the findings (e.g. Halstead-Reitan Finger Oscillation
Interpreting performance
Visual-motor tests require fine motor skills, perceptual discrimination
ability, and ability to integrate perceptual and motor processes
Poor performance may reflect:
* Misperception
* Poor fine motor control
* Integrative processing difficulties
* Impulsivity / poor planning
(executive function)
Poor performance can be associated with:
* Maturational delay
* Limited intellectual stimulation
* Unfamiliarity with testing situations
* Neurological impairment
The Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test
- Most widely used neuropsychological test
- Popular test of the visual-motor function
- Developed in 1938 by Lauretta Bender for use as a visual-motor test with adult clinical populations and as a developmental test with children
- Individually administered, paper-and-pencil test
- 9 geometric figures
- Serves as a good icebreaker with which to begin the test session
o Task is innocuous, non-threatening, interesting, and appealing to children
Bender-Gestalt outcomes and interpretations:
* Child must copy pencil drawings
* Scored based on errors
* Koppitz (1975) generated a scoring method
Koppitz Method
Four category system used to classify errors
1. Distortion of shape
2. Rotation
3. Integration difficulties
4. Preservation
* 1 point per error
* Points are summed to obtain a total error score which is compared to aged normative data. Percentile norms are available for children aged 5 through
11-11 years.
Koppitz Method
Four category system used to classify errors
- Distortion of Shape
* Destruction of the Gestalt
* Misshapen figures
* Disproportions between sizes of the component parts
* Substituted shapes (e.g. circles or dashes for dots, substitution of angles,
curves, or total lack of curves where they should exist)
* Extra angles or missing angles - Rotation
* Rotation of figure or any part by 45 degrees or more
* Rotation of the card (even if the child’s drawing is copied correctly) - Integration
* Failure to connect parts of figure
o (> 1/8 inch between parts or overlap)
* Failure to cross lines or crossing incorrectly
* Omission or addition - Preservation
* Increase, continuation, or prolongation of the number of units in the design
Compensatory mechanisms
Even in the absence of errors, clinicians can observe deficits by noticing a number of compensatory mechanisms
- More time needed for completion
- “Anchoring” designs by placing finger on them while drawing
- Constant checking of original
- Child rotates page
- Drawing rushed, then painstakingly corrected