Visions of order and change Flashcards
What was the most successful ideology of 19th century Europe?
Liberal ideals
Freedom of press, free speech, freedom of religion, constitutionalism, concerned about protection of the individual, expansion of franchise but not universal, free markets
Radical ideals
Universal male franchise, Direct action, need social trasnformation, people work towards the same goals, duties rather than rights, lack of violence
Conservative ideals
Continuity,hierarchy a natural thing, opposed to social contract
Quote - Paquette: Iberian Romantic Liberalism
Genuine liberty consisted in the absence of dependence: on formal rules, on foreign fashions, imitation in general, and the tyranny of artistic ‘schools’
Distinction between romantic liberalism and other forms
Romantic liberalism was less concerned with economic freedom than most forms of liberalism. It felt that it had a shallow historical and social imagination
When was the most liberal French state
The second empire
Year universal male sufferage passed in France
Quote: Voting in French second empire - Hazareesingh
Millions of people not only acquired the habit of voting regularly during these years but also came to express their political preferences in an increasingly independent manner
General supporters of liberal politics
The middle class
The original meaning of liberalism
The laudable attributes of a member of the elite
Meaning of liberalism in France 1795
It meant defending the republican government, supporting rule of law, civil equality and rights like freedom of the press and religion
Constant’s view of religion
It was a central moralising force, issue was not with religion but its association with power, church and state should be seperate
Quote from a liberal pamphlet
A political idea was liberal when it was “directed toward the advantage of all, toward the public good and not toward the particular good of an individual or a class
Economic beliefs held by liberals and why
Economic liberalisation would remedy all social ills. Economic progress was ultimate public good. Laissez faire economic system