Viral infections: RNA viruses Flashcards
- rhinovirus (some coronaviruses)
The common cold (coryza): acute, self-limiting
-rhinovirus likes cooler temperature (confined to upper aw)
-spread via infected secretions (indoor crowding)
-infects nasal respiratory epithelial cell (bradykinin)–> inc mucus and edema
-can lead to secondary inf: otitis media and bacterial sinusitis
Clinically: rhinorrhea, pharyngitis, cough, low-grade-fever
What are 5 RNA viruses (and the dz that they cause) that affect the respiratory tract?
- Rhino virus - common cold
- influenza virus A/B/C - influenza (flu)
- Parainfluenza virus - croup
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - bronchiolitis, pna
- Severe Acute Respiratory Sd assoc coronavirus (SAR-CoV)
- influenza virus
influenza: have vaccines, 75% effective bc viral ag’s change
-A is most common, infects upper and lower aw’s
-spread vis infected resp droplets, secretions
-has hemagglutinin (H) and neuramindase. H fuses with epithelial cells (via sialic acid residues) –> destroy mucociliary blanket –> lymphocytic inflmm infiltrate
-predisposes to bacterial pna (esp staph and strep)
-Clinically: rapid fever and chills, pharyngitis, nonproductive cough.
upper resp sx: tracheitis, bronchitis, pna
kills elderly, and ppl with cardiovascular probs
- parainfluenza virus
parainfluenza virus: acute upper and lower aw’s
- **esp kids bronchiolitis and pneumonitis –> croup
- SX: subglottis swelling, aw compression, resp distress, fever, hoarness, cough, CROUP (LARYNGOTRACHEOBRONCHITIS)
cause bronchiolitis and pna in infants
-common day care centers, spread by resp secretions
-lymphocytic infiltrate, sometimes see multinucleated syncytial cells
-SX: wheezing, cough, resp distress, fever.
high mortality in sick kids.
- SARs-CoV
potential to reemerge
-host: bats
-incubation period: 2-7days
LUNGS - DIFFUSE ALV DAMAGE (multinucleated syn cells w/o viral inclusions
SX: fever, headache, then cough and SOB, diarrhea common, coryza rare
LABS: lymphopenia, inc aminotransferase, ARDS, mortality inc in elderly and resp pts, no tx (use glucocorticoids)
3 viral exanthems (dz and virus)
- measles = rubeola, sspe (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)
- rubella
- mumps
- measles: have vaccines
rubeola = measles = highly contagious
-SX: upper resp sx, cough, fever, RASH (from T-cells on virally-inf vascular epithelium, VASCULITIS), conjunctivitis. may have secondary infections (otitis media, pna, cna invasion)
1. warthink-finkelday giant cells - 100s nuclei with intracellular and intranuclear inclusion
2. mucosal and skin lesions such as KOPLIK spots (clustered white spots in buccal area (mouth))
measles - SSPE
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
- happens years after measles infection
- slow chronic neurodegenerative disorder
rubella - have vaccine
infection in utero before 20weeks = congenital anomalies (death, premies, deafness, cateracts, glaucoma, heart defects, MR, eye, brain)
-spread via respiratory route, mild, self limiting systemic dz,
-infections resp epi –> LN–> blood –> RASH
SX: acute febrile, mild rhinorrhea, conjunctivitis, post auricular lymphadenopath.
path: causes mononuclear infiltrates (lymphocyte, macrophages, plasma cells)
Mumps - have vaccine
self limiting acute systemic illness
PATHOGNOMONIC: parotid swelling (salivary glands, from Tcell infiltrates and necrotic epithelium) + meingoencephalitis
-highly contagious via resp. can go to cns, pancreas, testes (epididymoorchitis)
-SX: fever, malaise, painful salivary gland swelling, if cna involved –> headache, vomiting, stiff neck, inc serum amylase (pancreas)
-also cause mononuclear infiltrates
prior to vaccine, most common cause of viral meningits and encephalitis in the US
2 intestinal viral infections
- rotavirus
2. Norwalk virus and other viral diarrheas
- rotavirus
rotavirus = DIARRHEA (could lead to dehydration and death)
most common cause of severe diarrhea worldwide, get from cruises.
DSRNA. INFECTS ENTEROCYTES of upper SI (Duodenum, jejunum). cant absorb –> inc osmotic load –> loose fluid –> diarrhea and dehydration
-spread by fecal-oral route (food, h20, surfaces).
-SX: vomiting (2-3d), fever, abd pain, watery diarrhea (5-8d)
- Norwalk virus
Norwalk = DIARRHEA
nonenveloped RNA virus that infects upper SI cells
- self limiting vomiting and diarrhea
- 1/3 of all diarrhea cases
- causes gastroenteritis in children and adults
Viral hemorrhagic fevers (3)
- yellow fever = black vomit
- ebola hemorrhage fever
- West Nile virus