VFR Sectional/Terminal Chart Flashcards
Above Ground Level. Only applies to class E air space, otherwise is MSL.
Mean Sea Level. What the altimeter says. All but class E airspace are based on MSL.
Indicates a tower or building. Look at AGL to determine threat.
Tower with lightning
Towers that are illuminated.
Aircraft routes
These are indicated as blue lines.
This is a VFR reporting point. Also good to note as a reference when talking to ATC.
Blue hash marks
This indicates restricted space. Permission must be obtained. P is prohibited.
A C indicates what?
At an airport, this is the common frequency. Ex: 123.0 is the C is the common traffic advisory frequency
What do solid lines with dots inside indicate?
A wildlife refuge
What is CT?
Means Control Tower.
What is an anchor?
A sea plane base.
What are grey lines?
military training routes
What are grey lines with VR?
Usually 1500 feet and below, flight is VR, visual.
What are grey lines with IR?
It’s an instrument route, 1500 ft and above.
Airport elevation is given in AGL or MSL?
Always in MSL.
What does a circle with an R represent?
A private airport.
What does latitude refer to?
Degrees and minutes north or south of the equator. The further North or South, the larger the number
What does longitude represent?
Degrees and minutes from the Prime Meridian, which is in Greenwich, UK. The further west, the higher the number.
Where is Latitude on the VFR sectional chart?
It is at the top.
What information can an airport number tell you?
The direction that the aircraft takes off and lands.
Change .9 into degrees.
Multiple by point six. So for example, 46.9 degrees would be 46 degrees and 6 x9 which is 54 minutes.
What is used to determine the height of flight restrictions? MSL or AGL?
What is used to determine height of obstacles?
What is standard temperature?
15 degrees celsius.
What is standard pressure?
What is nimbus refer to?
Refers to cloud that generates rain.
What is AFD?
It is an Airport Facilities Directory. Obsolete. Replaced by US Charts Supplement.
Where is the most comprehensive information about an airport located?
In the US Charts Supplement, which used to be called the AFD.
Is Class D airspace always Class D?
No. Outside of hours of operation, it is Class E airspace.
How can you tell if an airport has a control tower?
It will be marked CT.
Can you operate inside of a controlled airspace?
Yes, with permission. All information will be included on your waiver.