sUAS Operation Flashcards
Weight and Balance
Weight and balance compliance is critical to safety of the sUAS.
sUAS out of balance can be dangerous.
Who should you consult for weight and balance specs?
The manufacturer. Maybe the POH?
Will the weight and balance effect performance?
Yes, will impact fuel/battery burn.
What is Center of Gravity?
The center of gravity is the point at which the sUAS would balance if suspended.
What are two types of COG?
Forward and Aft. Each have different characteristics.
What are the operating characteristics of an aircraft with a forward COG?
Gives us a higher stall speed.
⁃ Slower cruise speed
⁃ Inherently more stable
What are operating characteristics of an aircraft with aft COG?
Lower stall speed
⁃ Faster cruise speed
⁃ Less stable
What is the importance of density altitude?
It is the altitude that the sUAS FEELS it is at, even if it isn’t. Many factors affect the altitude density.
What are the factors that affect density altitude?
High Elevations High Air Temperatures High Humidity Runway/Launch Area Length Surface Slope Surface Wind Presence of Obstacles
What contributes to a high/bad density altitude?
A high elevation, high temperature, and high humidity would be bad.
When does density altitude go up?
• There is an increase in altitude
• There is an increase in temperature
• There is an increase in humidity
When density altitude goes up, what goes down?
The sUAS performance.
What performance declines are there when weight is added?
- Reduced Rate of Climb
- Lower Maximum Altitude
- Shorter Endurance
- Reduced Maneuverability
Load Factor
Load we are imposing on our actual aircraft
What kind of maneuvering reduces sUAS performance?
Performance decreases in maneuvers outside of straight and level flight.
Where can you find the load factor?
The manufacturer will have a load factor chart to tell you how many Gs it is rated to.
What does a 60 degree load factor mean?
Doubles the Gs on the aircraft.
Increased load factor leads to what?
Increased potential for a stall, impact on structural integrity.
What causes a stall?
It is when the sUAS reaches a critical angle of attack.
Critical Angle of Attack
The angle at which lift is no longer generated by the propeller.