Airport/Field Operations Flashcards
What is a NOTAM?
It is a notice to airman. MUST be part of the pre-flight checklist!
What could a NOTAM include?
GPS outages, unlit towers, etc., Temporary Flight Restrictions, etc.
How would you find a NOTAM?
Figure out the Lat and Longitude of the flight location, then check at FAA.
What specifically should you look for?
GPS Outages can be a concern.
What is a TFR?
A TFR is a temporary flight restriction. Must be found via NOTAMs, etc.
Can a sUAS operate within a TFR?
Must the remote PIC check for a TFR before a flight?
Yes, this is a mandatory pre-flight step.
Where would you find a list of obstacles in your planned mission control and flight area?
On a VFR Sectional chart.
What does a tower symbol indicate?
Either a tower or a building.
What should one check, the AGL or MSL?
The AGL is the most important. Both are there. Joke: The top is where you think you are, the bottom is how far you fall.
What does UC mean?
Under Construction. Refers to an obstacle currently being built.
How are runways numbered?
In reference to magnetic north. For example, 9 would be East. Heading in towards the East. 27 is West. Heading in towards the west.
What would a runway numbered 9 indicate?
It would be landing to the East. 90 degrees.
What geometric pattern do aircraft fly?
A rectangular pattern.
What are the legs of a flight pattern?
There are four, plus final approach. The first is the upwind leg (takeoff). The second 90 degree turn is the crosswind leg (left turn normally). The third is the downwind leg, turning to parallel the airport 180 degrees from takeoff. The fourth is the base leg, a 90 degree crosswind turn, and the final approach is the next 90 degree turn to align with the runway.
What does upslope mean?
This means into the wind. Pilots always prefer to land INTO the wind. Same with taking off. This generates more lift.
What does downslope mean?
With the wind. Downwind. Pilots try not to land downwind, since their speed needs to be faster to compensate for wind speed.
How many frequencies do sUAS use?
Two. One to control the FPV camera and transmit images. The other to control the sUAS. The FPV camera is normally on 2.4 GHz (same as wifi), while the controller is on 5.4 gHZ. (Confirm numbers)
Are they licensed?
No, they are unlicensed and controlled by the FCC. You must obtain permission to use a licensed band.
What other frequency should you check?
Coms frequency. Your RF radio, to communicate with ATC, other aircraft.
What agency should you consult regarding issues of privacy?
The NTIA, Remote PICS are encouraged to review DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Best Practices that address privacy, transparency and accountability issues related to private and commercial use of sUAS.
What other laws should be consulted for privacy?
All state and local laws.
This is the frequency that broadcasts the weather. You would get the METAR information from this frequency.