Vet Medicine Flashcards
How many types of medicine are there for an animal?
6 types
POM-V POM-VPS NFA-VPS AVM-GSL Exceptions from the Veterinary Medicines Regulations Unauthorised veterinary medicine
list facts about POM-V
It can only be prescribed by a VET surgeon
Can only be supplied by a veterinary surgeon or a pharmacist, with a written prescription
Facts about POM-VPS
Can be prescribed and supplied by a veterinary surgeon, a pharmacist or a suitably qualified person
A written prescription is only required if the supplier is NOT the prescriber
Facts about NFA- VPS
Non food animals
A category of medicine for non-food animals that can be supplied by a veterinary surgeon, a pharmacist or a suitably qualified person.
No written prescription required
An Authorised Veterinary Medicine that is available on general sale is known as?
facts about Exceptions from the Veterinary Medicines Regulations
Certain medicines for small pet animals are exempt from the marketing authorisation requirements of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) under Schedule 6.
State the authorized route of administration for an exemption from the vet medicine regulation drugs
Topical or oral administration routes only
List Medicines that are included in the exemption
Narcotic or psychotropic substances (certain sedatives may be permitted for use with fish)
Those intended for treatments or pathological processes that require a precise diagnosis by a vet or the use of which may cause effects that impede or interfere with subsequent diagnostic or therapeutic measures
Facts about UnAuthourised Vet medicines
Must be under the cascade
Only prescribed by a veterinary surgeon
It is unlawful to sell or supply unauthorised veterinary medicines (medicines not licensed as veterinary medicines true or false?
facts about sales of unauthorized medicine
It is unlawful to sell or supply unauthorised veterinary medicines (medicines not licensed as veterinary medicines)
Including human medicines such as GSL and P medicines, for an animal unless it takes place under the veterinary Cascade.
This applies even if a veterinary surgeon asks the animal owner verbally to purchase an over-the counter human product from a pharmacy.
A horse is considered as a food-producing animal unless signed out of his passport true or false?
State the general prescription requirements for a vet medicine
Name, address, telephone number, qualification (MRCVS or FRCVS) and signature of the prescriber
Name and address of the owner
Identification (name or stock number) and species of the animal and its address (if different from the owner’s address).
6 months (Unless stated)
Warning and withdrawal period
Name, quantity, dose and administration instructions of the required medicine
The VMD advises that ‘as directed’ is not an acceptable administration instruction.
Number of repeats (within 6 months)
State the prescription requirement for a VET CD schedule 2 and 3
Where Schedule 2 or 3 CDs have been prescribed, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) registration number of the prescriber must also be included
How long should a CD schedule 2-4 be prescribed for?
State the additional CD prescription requirement that must be seen on a VET prescription
the item has been prescribed for an animal or herd under the care of the veterinarian’
Should a Vet CD be prescribed on FP10CD?
Not on an FP10PCD
Vet CD prescription should be kept for 2years true/false?
Rx retained for 5 years and NOT sent to NHSBSA
All other CD prescription requirement applies true/false?
What does veterinary cascade mean?
The Cascade is an exemption within the Veterinary Medicines Regulations and specifies that where a licensed veterinary product is not available.
A 5 step process
veterinary medicine with a GB or UK marketing authorisation must be supplied where one exists
facts about Step 1 of the Vet cascade
supply a vet medicine with a GB or UK-wide marketing authorization for the species AND the condition indicated
Step 2 of the vet cascade
A vet medicine with a Northern Ireland marketing authorization for the species and condition indicated can be supplied
Step 3 of Vet cascade
A GB, NI, or UK-wide veterinary medicine licensed for another species or different condition can be considered
Step 4a of vet cascade
A GB, NI or UK- wide licensed human medicine can be supplied
Step 4b of vet cascade
A vet medicine authorised outside the UK can be considered
Step 5 of the vet cascade
An extemporaneous or a specially manufactured medicine can be considered
State facts about labelling under the vet cascade
If the medicine is under the cascade then there are a comprehensive set of abelling requirements, that must be on the label under on the packaging and NOT obscured.
labeling for medicines not prescribed under the cascade
If the medicine is not prescribed under the Cascade, the Veterinary Medicines Regulations do not specify that a dispensing label is required.
However, the RPS advises that it would be appropriate to generate a dispensing label for all veterinary medicines, particularly for individual animals (pets).
Vet private prescription requirements
Batch number
Only supply date
Can be electronic
Keep for 5 years
Disposal of medicated feedingstuffs is dealt with by
Disposal of medicated feedingstuffs is dealt with by the Environmental Agency.
Define a withdrawal period
A withdrawal period is the length of time that must lapse between the final administration of the medicine and the point the animal can be slaughtered to enter the food chain or when produce is taken
A veterinary surgeon prescribing or administering a veterinary medicinal product to a food-producing animal under the cascade must specify an appropriate withdrawal. True/false?
A horse that has not been signed out of the food chain in its passport must be treated as a food-producing animal under the cascade. true or false?
State the withdrawal period for honey
As there is no minimum withdrawal period set for honey, you must set a suitable withdrawal period that will ensure no risk to consumer health.
What is the withdrawal period for milk and eggs
7 days for eggs and milk
state the withdrawal period for meat
28 days for meat, including fat and offal from poultry and mammals
State the withdrawal periods for fish meat
500 degree days for fish meat
How to calculate withdrawal periods in Fish
withdrawal period is calculated by dividing 500 by the mean temperature of the water in degrees Celsius